如何更改 cals 表中的规则颜色

如何更改 cals 表中的规则颜色

我使用 cals 包制作了一个表格,我想使用 colwidths 修改表格的宽度,当我重写此代码中的值时:\colwidths{{\dimexpr(\columnwidth)/34*4\relax},表格向右加宽,我该如何让它向左和向右加宽?如果我想将规则颜色更改为 RGB:221, 216, 195,我该如何修改代码?这是我的代码

\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, UTF8]{ctexrep}
\usepackage{cals, caption}
\definecolor{st_table_blue}{RGB}{87, 142, 210}
\definecolor{gridcolor}{RGB}{221, 216, 195}

\let\nc=\nullcell                                                  % Shortcuts


\caption{A table\label{tabelTable}}


% Defining columns relative to each other and relative to the margins
% The tabular fills the text area if sum of all columns is 6

% Set up the tabular
\def\cals@framers@width{0.2pt}    % Outside frame rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@AtBeginCell{\vfil}             % Ensure that all cells is vertically centred

\def\lblue{\ifx\cals@bgcolor\empty     % "Switch" to turn on and off colour
\else \def\cals@bgcolor{} \fi}

% R1H1
    \nc{rtb}\alignC\sc{Heading spanning three columns}
    %\cell{\bfseries\textcolor{white}{Subheading is long and that wraps}}
    \cell{Subheading that wraps}
    \alignC\cell{Wrapping text}

    %\cell{Horiz. and vertic. centred}
    \alignC\cell{阿法替尼*,达克替尼*, 奥西替尼*,吉非替尼*,埃克替尼*,厄洛替尼*,阿美替尼*}


结果如图在此处输入图片描述 我想要这样的图片在此处输入图片描述



\documentclass[a4paper, 11pt, UTF8]{ctexrep}
\usepackage{cals, caption}
\definecolor{st_table_blue}{RGB}{87, 142, 210}
\definecolor{gridcolor}{RGB}{221, 216, 195}

\let\nc=\nullcell                                                  % Shortcuts

\ifx \relax#1%
  \textcolor{\cals@color}{\vrule depth0pt width#1 }%
  \hskip -#1\relax
 \cals@halfWidthToDimen0 \cals@width %
 \hskip -\dimen0 %
 \color{white}\vrule depth0pt width\cals@width\relax
 \hskip -\dimen0 %
\ifx \relax#1\else \hskip#1 \fi

\ifdim 0pt=\cals@rs@sofar@width\relax
  \advance\dimen4 by \dimen0\relax \advance\dimen4 by \dimen2\relax
 \color{white}\vrule height\dimen6 depth\dimen6 width\dimen4\relax

\caption{A table\label{tabelTable}}


% Defining columns relative to each other and relative to the margins
% The tabular fills the text area if sum of all columns is 6

% Set up the tabular
\def\cals@framers@width{0.2pt}    % Outside frame rules, reduce if the rule is too heavy
\def\cals@AtBeginCell{\vfil}             % Ensure that all cells is vertically centred

\def\lblue{\ifx\cals@bgcolor\empty     % "Switch" to turn on and off colour
\else \def\cals@bgcolor{} \fi}

% R1H1
    \nc{rtb}\alignC\sc{Heading spanning three columns}
    %\cell{\bfseries\textcolor{white}{Subheading is long and that wraps}}
    \cell{Subheading that wraps}
    \alignC\cell{Wrapping text}

    %\cell{Horiz. and vertic. centred}
    \alignC\cell{????*,????*, ????*,????*,????*,????*,????*}



