我在 Atom 中使用 latex,并尝试添加参考书目。我创建了文件biblio.bib
Author = {J. Bollen and H. Mao and X.J. Zeng},
Date-Added = {2020-04-18 14:38:26 +0300},
Date-Modified = {2020-04-18 14:38:43 +0300},
Journal = {Journal of Computational Science},
Month = {March},
Number = {1},
Pages = {1-8},
Title = {Twitter mood predicts the stock market},
Url = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1010.3003.pdf},
Volume = {2},
Year = {2011},
Eprint = {1010.3003},
Primaryclass = {cs.CE},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1010.3003.pdf}}
Date-Added = {2020-04-18 14:24:34 +0300},
Date-Modified = {2020-04-18 14:24:56 +0300},
Title = {Papers With Code},
Url = {https://paperswithcode.com/area/natural-language-processing},
Bdsk-Url-1 = {https://paperswithcode.com/area/natural-language-processing}}
当没有参考书目时,一切都编译完美。但是,当我使用以下两个命令添加它时:\bibliographystyle{utf8gost705u} \bibliography{biblio}
,我收到错误latexmk: Failure in some part of making files
并且没有生成任何 pdf 文件。有人能告诉我潜在的问题可能在哪里吗?