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%\textbf{\large Supplemental Materials}
\caption {\label{tab:table1} Characteristics of Sample}
\begin{tabular}{llllll}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{ Incarcerated Parent} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Caregiver} \\
\cline{2-3} \cline{5-6}& Males & Females && Males & Females \\ \hline
Sample numbers & 28 & 10 &&2 &25 \\
Demographics \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Age & 33 & 34 &&57 &36 \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Black & 54\% & 40\% && 0\% &46\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}White & 29\% & 60\% && 100\% & 50\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Single or never married & 82\% & 70\% && All Divorced & 72\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Family involved with CPS before 18 & 21\% & 22\% \\
Reported having problems in primary school: \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Reading & 25\% & 40\% && 0\% & 8\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Writing & 25\% & 20\% && 0\% & 4\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Math & 4\% & 30\% && 0\% & 12\% \\
Family life \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Number of children & 2.9 & 2.7 \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Number of children under 18 & 2.4 & 2.3 \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Number of children under 18 living together & 1.1 & 1.0 \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Number of children financially supporting & 2.3 & 1.9 \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Living with children under 18 before incarceration & 79\% & 80\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Household numbers living together & 3.5 & 4.3 && 4 & 3.8 \\
Child support \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Required to pay child support & 57\% & 20\% \\
\hspace{5.0mm}But did not pay & 25\% & 50\% \\
\hspace{5.0mm}And I paid such amount per month & \$291 & \$208 \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Whether someone else required to pay & 0\% & 30\% \\
Employment back to 6 months before incarceration \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Financial support sources: \\
\hspace{5.0mm}Jobs & 89\% & 60\% && 50\% &80\% \\
\hspace{5.0mm}Family & 21\% & 30\% && 0\% &12\% \\
\hspace{5.0mm}Friends & 4\% & 20\% && 0\% &8\%\\
\hspace{5.0mm}Government programs & 7\% & 40\% && 50\% &28\% \\
\hspace{5.0mm}Illegal income & 21\% & 30\% && 0\% &0\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Employed & 89\% & 40\% && 50\% &80\% \\
\hspace{5.0mm}Total work hours per week & 49.6 & 43.8 && 50.0 & 40.7 \\
\hspace{5.0mm}At least some income which came from illegal activity & 28\% & 25\% && 0\% & 0\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Full time & 75\% & 29\% && 50\% &80\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Formal pay & 68\% & 86\% && 50\% &80\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Regular Schedule & 75\% & 86\% && 50\% &83\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Monthly Income of last job & \$2,794 & \$1,665 &&\$2,000 &\$2,914 \\
Annual household income below \$25,000 & 39\% & 70\% &&50\% &30\% \\
Crime and justice involvement \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Ever arrested before 18 & 79\% & 50\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Ever spend time in any juvenile institution before 18 & 68\% & 50\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}This is not first time being incarcerated & 100\% & 75\% \\
\hspace{2.5mm}Have adult family members even been incarcerated & 71\% & 63\% \\
Days per week participating in an activity with children & 5.2 & 5.9 \\
与 @Mico 的回答类似,但使用了标准\hline
且略有修改的列类型。与 MWE 相比,代码中的注释表明了变化:
\documentclass[preprint,floatfix] {revtex4}
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\def\hs{\hspace{2.5mm}} % shortness for horizontal spaces in table
\begin{longtable}% replace table and tabular
{l @{\qquad} p{5em}p{3.4em} c p{6em}p{4em}} % modified column types
\caption {Characteristics of Sample}
\label{tab:table1} \\
%\begin{ruledtabular} % not used
%\begin{tabular}{llllll} % replaced by longtable
& \mcc[2]{Incarcerated Parent}
&& \mcc[2]{Caregiver} \\
\cline{2-3} \cline{5-6}
& Males & Females && Males & Females \\
\caption[]{Characteristics of Sample (cont.)} \\
& \mcc[2]{Incarcerated Parent}
&& \mcc[2]{Caregiver} \\
\cline{2-3} \cline{5-6}
& Males & Females && Males & Females \\
\mcc[4]{\scriptsize (continue on the next page)} \\
% table body
Sample numbers & 28 & 10 && 2 & 25 \\
Demographics &&&&& \\
\hs Age & 33 & 34 && 57 & 36 \\
\hs Black & 54\% & 40\% && 0\% & 46\% \\
\hs White & 29\% & 60\% && 100\% & 50\% \\
\hs Single or never married
& 82\% & 70\% && All Divorced
& 72\% \\
\hs Family involved with CPS before 18
& 21\% & 22\% && & \\
Reported having problems in primary school: &&&&& \\
\hs Reading & 25\% & 40\% && 0\% & 8\% \\
\hs Writing & 25\% & 20\% && 0\% & 4\% \\
\hs Math & 4\% & 30\% && 0\% & 12\% \\
Family life &&&&& \\
\hs Number of children
& 2.9 & 2.7 && & \\
\hs Number of children under 18
& 2.4 & 2.3 && & \\
\hs Number of children under 18 living together
& 1.1 & 1.0 && & \\
\hs Number of children financially supporting
& 2.3 & 1.9 && & \\
\hs Living with children under 18 before incarceration
& 79\% & 80\% && & \\
\hs Household numbers living together
& 3.5 & 4.3 && 4 & 3.8 \\
Child support &&&&& \\
\hs Required to pay child support
& 57\% & 20\% && & \\
\hs\hs But did not pay
& 25\% & 50\% && & \\
\hs\hs And I paid such amount per month
& \$291 & \$208 && & \\
\hs Whether someone else required to pay
& 0\% & 30\% && & \\
Employment back to 6 months before incarceration&&&&& \\
\hs Financial support sources: &&&&& \\
\hs\hs Jobs & 89\% & 60\% && 50\% & 80\% \\
\hs\hs Family & 21\% & 30\% && 0\% & 12\% \\
\hs\hs Friends & 4\% & 20\% && 0\% & 8\% \\
\hs\hs Government programs
& 7\% & 40\% && 50\% & 28\% \\
\hs\hs Illegal income
& 21\% & 30\% && 0\% & 0\% \\
\hs Employed & 89\% & 40\% && 50\% & 80\% \\
\hs\hs Total work hours per week
& 49.6 & 43.8 && 50.0 & 40.7 \\
\hs\hs At least some income which came from illegal activity
& 28\% & 25\% && 0\% & 0\% \\
\hs Full time & 75\% & 29\% && 50\% & 80\% \\
\hs Formal pay & 68\% & 86\% && 50\% & 80\% \\
\hs Regular Schedule
& 75\% & 86\% && 50\% & 83\% \\
\hs Monthly Income of last job
& \$2,794 & \$1,665 &&\$2,000 & \$2,914 \\
Annual household income below \$25,000
& 39\% & 70\% && 50\% & 30\% \\
Crime and justice involvement \\
\hs Ever arrested before 18
& 79\% & 50\% && & \\
\hs Ever spend time in any juvenile institution before 18
& 68\% & 50\% && & \\
\hs This is not first time being incarcerated
& 100\% & 75\% && & \\
\hs Have adult family members even been incarcerated
& 71\% & 63\% && & \\
Days per week participating in an activity with children
& 5.2 & 5.9 && & \\
环境对。LaTeX 知道如何分页环境longtable
%% Activate booktabs parameters (see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/222700/5001):
\caption{Characteristics of Sample} \label{tab:table1} \\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Incarcerated Parent}
& \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Caregiver} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
& Males & Females & Males & Females \\
\multicolumn{5}{@{}l}{Table \ref{tab:table1}, cont'd from previous page}\\
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Incarcerated Parent}
& \multicolumn{2}{c@{}}{Caregiver} \\
\cmidrule(lr){2-3} \cmidrule(l){4-5}
& Males & Females & Males & Females \\
\multicolumn{5}{r@{}}{\footnotesize\em Cont'd on next page}
Sample numbers & 28 & 10 & 2 &25 \\
Demographics \\
\quad Age & 33 & 34 & 57 &36 \\
\quad Black & 54\% & 40\% & 0\% &46\% \\
\quad White & 29\% & 60\% & 100\% & 50\%\\
\quad Single or never married & 82\% & 70\% & All Div. & 72\% \\
\quad Family involved with CPS before 18 & 21\% & 22\% \\
Reported having problems in primary school \\
\quad Reading & 25\% & 40\% & 0\% & 8\% \\
\quad Writing & 25\% & 20\% & 0\% & 4\% \\
\quad Math & 4\% & 30\% & 0\% & 12\% \\
Family life \\
\quad Number of children & 2.9 & 2.7\\
\quad Number of children under 18 & 2.4 & 2.3\\
\quad Number of children under 18 living together & 1.1 & 1.0 \\
\quad Number of children financially supporting & 2.3 & 1.9 \\
\quad Living with children under 18 before incarceration & 79\% & 80\% \\
\quad Household numbers living together & 3.5 & 4.3\\
Child support \\
\quad Required to pay child support & 57\% & 20\% \\
\qquad But did not pay & 25\% & 50\% \\
\qquad And I paid such amount per month & \$291 & \$208 \\
\quad Whether someone else required to pay & 0\% & 30\% \\
Employment back to 6 months before incarceration \\
\quad Financial support sources: \\
\qquad Jobs & 89\% & 60\% & 50\% &80\% \\
\qquad Family & 21\% & 30\% & 0\% &12\% \\
\qquad Friends & 4\% & 20\% & 0\% &8\%\\
\qquad Government programs & 7\% & 40\% & 50\% &28\% \\
\qquad Illegal income & 21\% & 30\% & 0\% &0\% \\
\quad Employed & 89\% & 40\% & 50\% &80\% \\
\qquad Total work hours per week & 49.6 & 43.8 & 50.0 & 40.7 \\
\qquad At least some income which came from illegal activity & 28\% & 25\% & 0\% & 0\% \\
\quad Full time & 75\% & 29\% & 50\% &80\% \\
\quad Formal pay & 68\% & 86\% & 50\% &80\% \\
\quad Regular Schedule & 75\% & 86\% & 50\% &83\% \\
\quad Monthly Income of last job & \$2,794 & \$1,665 & \$2,000 &\$2,914 \\
Annual household income below \$25,000 & 39\% & 70\% & 50\% &30\% \\
Crime and justice involvement \\
\quad Ever arrested before 18 & 79\% & 50\% \\
\quad Ever spend time in any juvenile institution before 18 & 68\% & 50\% \\
\quad This is not first time being incarcerated & 100\% & 75\% \\
\quad Have adult family members even been incarcerated & 71\% & 63\% \\
Days per week participating in an activity with children & 5.2 & 5.9 \\