关于 Precision

关于 Precision

解决 x+x^2=0 的牛顿法只需四步,因为迭代次数计算不准确。

fpu 库可以大大提高精度,但我不知道如何使用。

有人能告诉我如何创建一个向量/数组以便保留迭代以供稍后在 tikz 中绘图吗?

\usetikzlibrary {fpu}

    \pgfmathfloatsetextprecision{3} %maximum precision
    \xdef\Nit{9}  % no of iterations
    \def\x{0.5}  % x current, initialized, determining xnew
    %\pgfmathfloattoextentedprecision{\x}  %not allowed
    \foreach \i in {1,...,\Nit} {

          % \pgfmathfloatadd, \pgfmathfloatdiv here instead, for each operation??
          \pgfmathsetmacro\xn{\x - (\x + \x^2)/(1 + 2*\x)}  % new x
          Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E \\
          \xdef\x{\xn}  %update x




  it: #1 Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E \par
\pgfmathfloatsetextprecision{3} %maximum precision
\xdef\Nit{7}  % no of iterations
\def\x{0.5}  % x current, initialized, determining xnew
\foreach \i in {1,...,\Nit} {
  \def\xn{\fpeval{\x -(\x + \x^2)/(1 + 2*\x)}}
  \xdef\x{\xn}  %update x

关于 Precision

默认数学引擎使用 TeX 固定数字。

fpu 库使用具有可变精度的浮点数(以 10 为基数,尾数在约 5 位到约 8 位之间)。

xfp 库使用具有固定精度的浮点数(尾数在十进制中约为 16 位数字)。

对于每个库,以下文档计算(10 ** i-1) - (10 ** i)增加 i 的值直到得到 0。


\textbf{pfg default math engine (\TeX)}\par
\foreach \i in {1,...,4}{
  \i : $\num{\xdiff} = (10^{\i}+1)-(10^{\i})$ \par
  \ifnum 0 = \correct\relax
5: \emph{dimension too large!}\par
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=sci}
\foreach \myprecision in {0,...,3}{
  \textbf{fpu with precision \myprecision}\par
  \foreach \i in {1,...,30}{
    \i : $\num{\xdiff} = (10^{\i}+1)-(10^{\i})$ \par
    \ifnum 0 = \correct\relax
\foreach \i in {1,...,30}{
  \i : $\num{\xdiff} = (10^{\i}+1)-(10^{\i})$ \par
  \ifnum 0 = \correct\relax




\textbf{pfg default math engine (\TeX)}\par
\foreach \i in {10,...,13}{
  \i : $\num{\xdiff} = (2^{\i})-(2^{\i}-1)$ \par
  \ifnum 0 = \correct\relax
14: \emph{! Dimension too large}\par
\pgfkeys{/pgf/fpu,/pgf/fpu/output format=sci}
\foreach \myprecision in {0,...,3}{
  \textbf{fpu with precision \myprecision}\par
  \foreach \i in {12,...,30}{
    \i : $\num{\xdiff} = (2^{\i})-(2^{\i}-1)$ \par
    \ifnum 0 = \correct\relax
\foreach \i in {10,...,58}{
  \i : $\num{\xdiff} = (2^{\i})-(2^{\i}-1)$ \par
  \ifnum 0 = \correct\relax

下面的结果表明xfp使用 53 位尾数(+1 为符号)。








    Turn on fpu so \cs\pgfmathsetmacro/ and \cs\pgfmathparse/
    automatically convert the numbers to fpu notation.

    Maximum precision, three more decimal digits, or ten more binary digits.

    \xdef\Nit{9} Number of iterations = \Nit

    \def\x{0.5} Initial \cs\x/ = \x

    It is not necessary to turn \cs\x/ into fpu notation.
    But we can do it anyway.
    New \cs\x/ = \x.

    Define a useful \cs\pgfkeys/ handler
    \def\pgfkeysgloballet#1#2{\global\expandafter\let\csname pgfk@#1\endcsname#2}


    Start the iteration

    \foreach \i in {1,...,\Nit} {
        \pgfmathsetmacro\xi{\x - (\x + \x^4)/(1 + 4*\x^3)}  % new x
        \i th iteration: Flags: \F; Mantissa \M; Exponent \E.
        \xdef\x{\xi} % update \xi
        Put \cs\x/ in array.
        \tikzset{/bluesky/Newton result/\i/.let=\xi}


    PS. \cs\tikzset/ allows almost arbitrary string as path name.
    By using numbers in the path, you are creating an array.

\subsection{Using array}

    Now check the array
    \tikzset{/Newton result/3/.get=\thirdvalue}
    Third value is \thirdvalue.

    Now try to recall the whole array

    \foreach \i in {1,...,\Nit} {
        \tikzset{/bluesky/Newton result/\i/.get=\xi}
        \i th iteration: \cs\xi/ = \xi.


    Close the fpu engine because \texttt{tikzpicture} dislikes it.

    Now a tikz picture to illustrate how they cooperate.

        \foreach\i in{1,...,\Nit}{
            % we want to extract the number
            \tikzset{/bluesky/Newton result/\i/.get=\xi}
            % \xi is an fpu number, take log

    Now the real picture

        \foreach\i in{1,...,\Nit}{
            % we want to extract the number
            \tikzset{/bluesky/Newton result/\i/.get=\xi}
            % check if nan
                % wow, nan, cannot plot

    See the documentation of \cs\pgfmathfloatifflags/
    to know how to test nan properly.


    You can also turn on and off fpu before \texttt{tikzpicture}
    so that you can do log of floating number with \cs\pgfmathparse/.

    The following is the equivalent of python's map

    \foreach \i in {1,...,\Nit} {
        \tikzset{/bluesky/Newton result/\i/.get=\xi}
        \tikzset{/bluesky/Newton result/logged/\i/.let=\mlogxi}

        \draw(0,0)node(prev point){};
        \foreach\i in{1,...,\Nit}{
            % extract the number
            \tikzset{/bluesky/Newton result/logged/\i/.get=\mlogxi}
                % is positive
                % is probably nan
            \draw(\i,\yvalue)node(this point){\GorB};
            \draw[>->](prev point)--(this point);
            \pgfnodealias{prev point}{this point}

