无法在 Red Hat 8 上的 tcolorbox 上安装(校验和不同错误)

无法在 Red Hat 8 上的 tcolorbox 上安装(校验和不同错误)

我正在使用 RedHat 8,并且安装了一个名为 TinyTeX 的精简版 LaTeX。

我正在尝试安装 tcolorbox,因为它需要将 Jupyter Notebooks 渲染为 PDF。但是,每当我尝试使用安装 tcolorbox 时,tlmgr都会收到以下错误:

tlmgr install tcolorbox
TeX Live 2019 is frozen forever and will no
longer be updated.  This happens in preparation for a new release.

If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
pretests are available), please read https://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.

tlmgr: package repository http://mirrors.concertpass.com/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (not verified: valid signature with expired key)

[1/1, ??:??/??:??] install: tcolorbox [224k]
TLUtils::check_file: checksums differ for /tmp/I7g2FeBJNj/eqYkcsuSPH/tcolorbox.tar.xz:
TLUtils::check_file:   tlchecksum=071faa7ef1440eff776bc19ff6f7fc01250f3c2c7dd8ac916a408560e09fe5b4b2905d4502f0283c367c7a4fe4f503992adf99efe4a627afbc313ab4a9824d64, arg=59935197103e279b68a54dbe1b33936035b3073f1ce70ed70af8e405096d36df5d00a4b0bd583428211df3497b779e4b473359004c0d6aefbcdb4a398517a38b
TLUtils::check_file:   removing /tmp/I7g2FeBJNj/eqYkcsuSPH/tcolorbox.tar.xz, but saving copy in tlcheckfile_jzB1RZ3
TLPDB::_install_package: downloading did not succeed (check_file_and_remove failed)
tlmgr: package log updated: /opt/latex/.TinyTeX/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log

我也尝试使用 zip 文件安装 tcolorbox,但是,我无法让 tlmgr(或者 Python/Jupyter)识别出已从压缩文件中安装的 tcolorbox。



tlmgr install abc

TeX Live 2019 is frozen forever and will no
longer be updated.  This happens in preparation for a new release.

If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
pretests are available), please read https://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.

tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (not verified: valid signature with expired key)

[1/1, ??:??/??:??] install: abc [3k]
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.
tlmgr: package log updated: /opt/latex/.TinyTeX/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log

我也尝试过手动指定不同的存储库,tlmgr install --repository但是我在美国尝试过的所有存储库都没有起作用。

我也运行了tlmgr update --self --all,然后尝试再次安装,但也没有用。


我遇到了同样的问题,经过一番搜索后,我尝试将默认存储库更改为ftp://tug.org/historic/systems/texlive/2019/tlnet-final(冻结在 2019 年,因为如果您设置默认值,它将转到版本 2020,而我现在没有)。然后我尝试安装了很多东西,并且成功了,包括tcolorbox
