我正在使用 RedHat 8,并且安装了一个名为 TinyTeX 的精简版 LaTeX。
我正在尝试安装 tcolorbox,因为它需要将 Jupyter Notebooks 渲染为 PDF。但是,每当我尝试使用安装 tcolorbox 时,tlmgr
tlmgr install tcolorbox
TeX Live 2019 is frozen forever and will no
longer be updated. This happens in preparation for a new release.
If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
pretests are available), please read https://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
tlmgr: package repository http://mirrors.concertpass.com/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (not verified: valid signature with expired key)
[1/1, ??:??/??:??] install: tcolorbox [224k]
TLUtils::check_file: checksums differ for /tmp/I7g2FeBJNj/eqYkcsuSPH/tcolorbox.tar.xz:
TLUtils::check_file: tlchecksum=071faa7ef1440eff776bc19ff6f7fc01250f3c2c7dd8ac916a408560e09fe5b4b2905d4502f0283c367c7a4fe4f503992adf99efe4a627afbc313ab4a9824d64, arg=59935197103e279b68a54dbe1b33936035b3073f1ce70ed70af8e405096d36df5d00a4b0bd583428211df3497b779e4b473359004c0d6aefbcdb4a398517a38b
TLUtils::check_file: removing /tmp/I7g2FeBJNj/eqYkcsuSPH/tcolorbox.tar.xz, but saving copy in tlcheckfile_jzB1RZ3
TLPDB::_install_package: downloading did not succeed (check_file_and_remove failed)
tlmgr: package log updated: /opt/latex/.TinyTeX/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
我也尝试使用 zip 文件安装 tcolorbox,但是,我无法让 tlmgr(或者 Python/Jupyter)识别出已从压缩文件中安装的 tcolorbox。
tlmgr install abc
TeX Live 2019 is frozen forever and will no
longer be updated. This happens in preparation for a new release.
If you're interested in helping to pretest the new release (when
pretests are available), please read https://tug.org/texlive/pretest.html.
Otherwise, just wait, and the new release will be ready in due time.
tlmgr: package repository http://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/systems/texlive/tlnet (not verified: valid signature with expired key)
[1/1, ??:??/??:??] install: abc [3k]
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.
tlmgr: package log updated: /opt/latex/.TinyTeX/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
我也尝试过手动指定不同的存储库,tlmgr install --repository
我也运行了tlmgr update --self --all
(冻结在 2019 年,因为如果您设置默认值,它将转到版本 2020,而我现在没有)。然后我尝试安装了很多东西,并且成功了,包括tcolorbox