突然间,使用 Mendeley 的 Latex 中的引文停止工作,并且显示为“未定义”

突然间,使用 Mendeley 的 Latex 中的引文停止工作,并且显示为“未定义”

我以前使用由 Mendeley 生成的 Latex 中的 bibtex 文件进行引用时没有遇到任何问题。现在,突然当我想引用我之前没有引用过的参考文献时,我收到警告“第 XX 页上的引用未定义”。当我想引用我之前在文档中引用过的参考文献时,它可以正常工作...我不知道出了什么问题?我还使用 Mendeley 更新了 bibtex 文件并再次启动了 Latex,但这没有帮助。

因此我的 .bib 文件如下所示

author = {Meyer, Thomas},
doi = {10.3390/microorganisms4030025},
file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/thais/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Meyer - 2016 - Diagnostic Procedures to Detect Chlamydia trachomatis Infections.pdf:pdf},
keywords = {amplification tests,cervicitis,chlamydia trachomatis,enzyme immunoassay,line assay,lymphogranuloma,non gonococcal urethritis,pelvic inflammatory disease,rapid diagnostic test},
title = {{Diagnostic Procedures to Detect Chlamydia trachomatis Infections}},
year = {2016}


% online:
% over the course of making multiple documents, I have acquired a fairly long list of packages that I am using/loading. Probably not all of them are necessary for most documents. You can comment-out useless packages with %.
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\input{hyphenation.tex}                                 % This file should be in the same folder as your main .tex document. You can add hyphenations here in case the default is not included or wrong. Primarily useful for non-Enlish docs

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\usepackage[osf]{mathpazo} % 'o'ld 's'tyle 'f'igures are used in the manual, but you can leave this away, of course. 
\usepackage{isotope} %isotope benoemen \isotope[18]{O}
\usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath,amsmath} %for perthousand sign
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%refer to multiple figures:


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\usepackage{gensymb}                                  %om graden bolletje te kunnen doen



\input{page_layout_definition}                          % This command will load the page_layout_definition file, which defines the general layout for this document. Credits for this fi

% In the preamble, you can also define your own extra commands:
% Short version commando to introduce figures. 
%\mijnfiguur[H]{width=5cm}{bestandsnaam}{Het bijschrift bij deze figuur}{label}
\newcommand{\mijnfiguur}[5][ht]{            % Het eerste argument is standaar `ht'.
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        \caption{#4}          % Het bijschrift (argument 4) en het label (argument 5)

%% now everything is set to start writing. Let's begin the document:


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%   \include{chapter6}
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%   \include{chapter8}
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´%\begin{figure} [ht]
%   \begin{center}
%       \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{Figuren/lianen2.pdf}
%   \end{center}
%   \caption{Fitting of the \texorpdfstring{g\textsubscript{s}}{gs}-VPD data of liana leaves %with a linear (yellow), logarithmic (blue) and exponential (green) regression.}
%   \label{fig:lianen2} 


这就是我在文中引用的方式:(第 1 章)

The technique that is used for detection is determined by the type of samples that are available \citep{Sachse2009}. The methodologies and techniques that are currently used for the diagnosis of chlamydial infections will be discussed below \citep{Meyer2016}.


