如何用微软 Smartart 制作楼梯流程图并且在每个楼梯下方放置文本框?
% Double Arrows a la Chef
% Author: Dominik Haumann
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.markings}
% for double arrows a la chef
% adapt line thickness and line width, if needed
\tikzstyle{vecArrow} = [thick, decoration={markings,mark=at position
1 with {\arrow[semithick]{open triangle 60}}},
double distance=1.4pt, shorten >= 5.5pt,
preaction = {decorate},
postaction = {draw,line width=1.4pt, white,shorten >= 4.5pt}]
\tikzstyle{innerWhite} = [semithick, white,line width=1.4pt, shorten >= 4.5pt]
\node[draw,rectangle] (a) {A};
\node[inner sep=0,minimum size=0,right of=a] (k) {}; % invisible node
\node[draw,rectangle,right of=k] (b) {b};
\node[draw,rectangle,below of=b] (c) {C};
\node[draw,rectangle,right of=c] (d) {D};
% 1st pass: draw arrows
\draw[vecArrow] (a) to (b);
\draw[vecArrow] (b) to (c);
\draw[vecArrow] (c) to (d);
% 2nd pass: copy all from 1st pass, and replace vecArrow with innerWhite
\draw[innerWhite] (a) to (b);
\draw[innerWhite] (k) |- (c);
% Note: If you have no branches, the 2nd pass is not needed
一种可能的方法是使用 将粗线添加到节点定义中append after command
append after command={
([xshift=-1ex,yshift=0.5ex]\tikzlastnode.north west)
edge[mblue,line width=0.8ex,line cap=rect]
edge[mblue,line width=0.8ex]
([xshift=2ex,yshift=0.5ex]\tikzlastnode.north east)
}},pics/trian/.style={code={\fill (-2ex,-2ex) -- (0,0) |-cycle;}}]%
\path node[pft] (zero) {step\\ zero}
foreach \X in {one,two,three}
{node[right=1.8em of tmp.east,anchor=south west,pft](\X) {step\\ \X}
([xshift=-2.2ex,yshift=0.9ex]\X.north west) pic[mblue]{trian}};
step has triangle/.is if=TikZStepBoxTriangle,
step has triangle/.default=true,step has triangle=true,
append after command={
([xshift=-1ex,yshift=0.5ex]\tikzlastnode.north west)
edge[mblue,line width=0.8ex,line cap=rect]
edge[mblue,line width=0.8ex]
([xshift=2ex,yshift=0.5ex]\tikzlastnode.north east)
([xshift=-2.2ex,yshift=0.9ex]\tikzlastnode.north west) pic[mblue]{trian}
}},pics/trian/.style={code={\fill (-2ex,-2ex) -- (0,0) |-cycle;}}]%
\path node[pft,step has triangle=false] (zero) {step\\ zero};
\path node[right=1.8em of zero.east,anchor=south west,pft](one) {step\\ one};
\path node[right=1.8em of one.east,anchor=south west,pft](two) {step\\ two};
\path node[right=1.8em of two.east,anchor=south west,pft](three) {step\\ three};