我正在使用 reledpar 和 reledmac 转录两列拉丁文本,其中有 4 级脚注。脚注排列在页面左下方(如 MWE 中所示)。有没有办法将它们设置在相关列下方?
\usepackage[top=2.8cm, bottom=2.8cm, left=1.9cm, right=1.9cm]{geometry}
%to remove lines above footnotes
\renewcommand{\notesname}{{\normalsize Notes}}
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=Maroon, urlcolor=gray, hyperfootnotes=true]{hyperref}
% to not put line numbering on the right side
Text text text\footnote{Comment about the manuscript.} text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
\vskip 10mm
{\small London: Library MS. xyz f. 1}
\vskip 5mm
\textbf{OPENING TEXT} \\
text text text text\footnoteA{Spelling variant} text text\footnoteA{Spelling variant} text text text \\
text text text text text text text text text text text text\footnoteA{Another spelling variant} \\
\ldots \\
text text text text text text\footnoteA{Spelling variant} text text \\
text text text text text text text text text\footnoteB{Reference to biblical source.}
text text text text text\footnoteC{Grammar} text text text text \\
text text text text text text text\footnoteA{Spelling variant} \\
text text text text text text text\footnoteA{Spelling variant} text text text text \\
\ldots \\
text text text text text text text text\footnoteB{Reference to literary source.} \\
text text text\footnoteC{Grammar} text text text text text
{\small London: Library MS. xyz f. 1v}
\vskip 5mm
\textbf{OPENING TEXT} \\
text text text text\footnoteA{Spelling variant} text text text text text \\
text text text text text text text text text text text text\footnoteA{Another spelling variant} \\
\ldots \\
text text text text text text\footnoteC{Grammar} text text \\
text text text text text text text\footnoteC{Grammar} text text
text text text text text text text text text\footnoteB{Reference to biblical source.} \\
text text text text text text text\footnoteA{Unusual spelling variant} \\
text text text text text text text\footnoteA{Spelling variant} text text text text \\
\ldots \\
text text text text text text text text\footnoteB{Reference to literary source.} \\
text text text\footnoteC{Grammar} text text text text text