是否可以列出 pandoc 或 latexmk 正在运行的命令?或者它是否已经告诉我足够的信息来解决问题?

是否可以列出 pandoc 或 latexmk 正在运行的命令?或者它是否已经告诉我足够的信息来解决问题?

我对 LaTeX 还很陌生,而且我有一个相当荒谬的过程,但它一直在发挥作用。我只是不知道当问题出现时如何调试它们。

我正在运行的 pandoc 命令是:

pandoc -f markdown --data-dir=./tex-junk -t latex --pdf-engine=latexmk --pdf-engine-opt=-outdir=./tex-junk \
   --resource-path=.:figures:scripts:non-roam-markdown:tex-stuff --number-sections --variable secnumdepth=3 \
   --toc --toc-depth=5 --filter pandoc-numbering --filter pandoc-crossref --filter pandoc-citeproc \
   --bibliography ./tex-stuff/ClinicalCodeSetManagement.bib --lua-filter scripts/pandoc-gls.lua \
   -M codeBlockCaptions=true -o ./tex-junk/paper.pdf ./non-roam-markdown/top.md \
   ./ready-for-pandoc/cscw-paper-intro.md ./ready-for-pandoc/cscw-related-work.md \
   ./ready-for-pandoc/cscw-methods.md ./ready-for-pandoc/cscw-results.md \
   ./ready-for-pandoc/cscw-discussion-findings.md ./non-roam-markdown/cscw-app-survey.md \


Latexmk: Run number 1 of rule 'pdflatex'
Latexmk: Summary of warnings from last run of (pdf)latex:
  Latex failed to resolve 4 reference(s)
Collected error summary (may duplicate other messages):
  pdflatex: Command for 'pdflatex' gave return code 1
      Refer to 'tex-junk/input.log' for details
Latexmk: Use the -f option to force complete processing,
 unless error was exceeding maximum runs, or warnings treated as errors.
Error producing PDF.
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again>
l.2314 \Glspl{cqm}

我想如果我能看到选项latexmk发送到的内容pdflatex,我就可以摆弄我的词汇表文件和pandoc生成的 tex 文件,也许可以弄清楚发生了什么。我以为那会是我能从中得到的东西--verbose,或者我可以传递的其他选项,但显然不是。


input.log 的相关部分似乎是圆圈部分在这里:

Package longtable Warning: Column widths have changed
(longtable)                in table 2 on input line 2217.

| Package glossaries Warning: Empty glossary for \printnoidxglossary[type={part}]  |
| . Rerun may be required (or you may have forgotten to use commands like \gls) o  |
| n input line 2219.                                                               |
! Missing \endcsname inserted.
<to be read again> 
l.2314 | \Glspl{cqm} |
                   are standardized algorithms (each including multiple 
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
 25816 strings out of 480471

input.tex它不喜欢的第 2219 行是这样的:




{name={clinical quality measure},
description={These are things that...}}

