我使用答案包将问题放在文本中,将提示和解决方案放在文档末尾。现在我喜欢使用 Tufte 书籍风格,将小练习放在页边距中,同时在文档末尾保留提示和解决方案。我尝试将练习放在页边距中,但不起作用。下面的 MWE 详细解释了这一点。
With the answer package we can put hints and answers at the end of the doc, see below.
What is $2+2$?
Why is this the same as $1+1+1+1$?
现在我喜欢使用 Tufte 书籍风格,将练习的编号和文本放在页边空白处,将提示和答案放在文档末尾,就像上面的 $2+2$ 示例一样。例如:
Let us practice with division. \sidenote{\textbf{Ex. 2} What is $21/7$?}`. More text, blah blah blah blah blah \sidenote{\textbf{Ex. 3} what is $48/6$?}.
但是,这不适用于答案包,因为使用它需要将提示和解决方案放在练习环境中。 而 marginpar 不支持这一点。 换句话说,这不起作用:
What is $2+2$?
那么,还有其他方法可以获得我的练习 2 和 3 所演示的功能吗?任何帮助都非常感谢。
% we'll use a description list for the hints:
\textbf{\GetExerciseProperty{counter}} %
\IfExercisePropertySetT{subtitle}{(\GetExerciseProperty{subtitle}) }%
exercise/template = margin ,
solution/template = enumerate ,
exercise/the-counter = \arabic{exercise}.
% set hint through option:
\begin{exercise}[subtitle=Pythagoras,hint=This is a hint to the first problem.]
This is the first problem.
This is the solution to the first problem.
\begin{exercise}[subtitle=Another Problem]
This is the second problem.
This is the solution to the second problem.
% set hint with custom command:
This is the third problem.
\hint{This is a hint to the third problem.}
This is the solution to the third problem.
你可以试试这个老把戏。我在 stack exchange 中整理了这段代码。
\question this is question 1
\item item a
solution of item a
\item item b
solution of item b
\item item c
solution of item c
\item item d
~solution of item d
\question this is question 2
\question this is question 3
\item item a
solution of item a
\item item b
solution of item b
\item item c
solution of item c
\item item d
solution of item d
\question this is question 4
this is a long long long long long long long long long long long long long solution for question 4
{\Huge \textsc{Answer Key}}
\marginpar{{\cref{ex:1} What is $2+2$?}
Why is this the same as $1+1$?