如何查询文件是否已更改( \IfFileHasChanged 条件)?

如何查询文件是否已更改( \IfFileHasChanged 条件)?




  • 如果有的myfile.txtThis is my file.应该写在第一个(带filecontents)。

  • 如果我改了myfile.txtNow this is my file...它应该是新写的。

  • 否则:不写新的。


This is my file.

\IfFileExists{myfile.txt}{\input{myfile.txt}}{Does not exist!}



正如 Ulrike 所说,检查文件是否已更改需要将其与文件的先前状态进行比较。

这里有一个实现,使用与 Rmano 的答案大致相同的方法,将文件的 MD5 总和存储在文件中.aux,并且还将每个文件一个 MD5 存储在属性列表中,以便您可以拥有多个文件。

\IfFileChangedTF通过查询文件的 MD5 并将其与先前已知的值进行比较,检查文件相对于先前已知的状态是否已发生更改,并相应地返回<false><true>。第一次检查文件时,不知道 MD5,因此条件也会返回<true>

但是,条件语句有副作用。当<true>执行分支时,属性列表将使用新的 MD5 和更新,这意味着两次连续运行该命令可能会产生不同的结果。第一次运行尤其如此:第一次执行时\IfFileChangedTF{some-file},命令不知道some-file,因此它会存储 MD5 和并返回<true>。但是,下次运行时\IfFileChangedTF{some-file},文件已经已知,因此如果它没有更改,条件语句将返回<false>


运行示例文档一次将生成(一个“ Didn't change”):


再次运行它会产生(两个“ Didn't change”):


This is my file.

\prop_new:N \g__cis_file_mdfive_prop
\tl_new:N \l__cis_tmpa_str
\tl_new:N \l__cis_tmpb_str
\NewDocumentCommand \IfFileChangedTF { m +m +m }
  { \cis_file_if_changed:nTF {#1} {#2} {#3} }
\prg_new_protected_conditional:Npnn \cis_file_if_changed:n #1 { T, F, TF }
    \file_if_exist:nTF {#1}
        \file_get_mdfive_hash:nN {#1} \l__cis_tmpb_str
        \prop_get:NnNTF \g__cis_file_mdfive_prop {#1} \l__cis_tmpa_str
            \str_if_eq:NNTF \l__cis_tmpa_str \l__cis_tmpb_str
              { \prg_return_false: }
                \__cis_mdfive_update:nN {#1} \l__cis_tmpb_str
            \__cis_mdfive_update:nN {#1} \l__cis_tmpb_str
      { \msg_error:nnn { cis } { file-not-found } {#1} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \cis@mdfive@update #1 #2
  { \prop_gput:Nnx \g__cis_file_mdfive_prop {#1} {#2} }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \cis@mdfive@save #1 #2
  { \iow_now:Nx \@auxout { \exp_not:N \cis@mdfive@update {#1} {#2} } }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__cis_mdfive_update:nN #1 #2
  { \cis@mdfive@update {#1} {#2} }
    \prop_map_inline:Nn \g__cis_file_mdfive_prop
      { \cis@mdfive@save {#1} {#2} }
\msg_new:nnn { cis } { file-not-found }
  { File~'#1'~not~found. }

\IfFileExists{myfile.txt}{\input{myfile.txt}}{Does not exist!}

\IfFileChangedTF{myfile.txt}{\input{myfile.txt}}{Didn't change!}

\IfFileChangedTF{myfile.txt}{\input{myfile.txt}}{Didn't change!}


我假设情况如下。我们有一个 LaTeX 文件,称为filechanged.tex,使用 运行pdflatex filechanged。在同一目录中,我还有另一个文件myfile.txt

当我运行时pdflatex filechanged,我想根据myfile.txt上次运行后是否发生变化来执行不同的处理。


  1. 它基于@Skillmon 建议在这里@egreg 代码在这里

  2. 它将在.aux文件(在运行开始时自动读取)上写入文件的 MD5 校验和的值myfile.txt

  3. 它将检查自上次运行以来是否发生了变化,如果是或否,则执行不同的操作;

  4. 它需要一个相当新的 LaTeX 发行版(不知道什么时候\file_get_mdfive_hash:nN推出的)

  5. 这是我的第一个 LaTeX3 程序,所以它可能充满错误。


something here


    \cs_new:Npn \dobold #1
    \str_new:N \g_myfile_name
    \str_gset:Nn \g_myfile_name {myfile.txt}
    \str_new:N \g_myfile_old_mdfive
    \str_new:N \l_myfile_mdfive
    \cs_new:Npn \getmdfive
        \file_get_mdfive_hash:nN {\str_use:N \g_myfile_name} \l_myfile_mdfive
        \str_use:N \l_myfile_mdfive
    \cs_new:Npn \getoldmdfive
        \str_use:N \g_myfile_old_mdfive
    \cs_new:Npn \IfMyfileChanged #1 #2
        \str_if_eq:NNTF \g_myfile_old_mdfive \l_myfile_mdfive {#2} {#1}
        \iow_now:cx { @auxout }
            \token_to_str:N \ExplSyntaxOn
            \str_gset:Nn \token_to_str:N \g_myfile_old_mdfive {\str_use:N \l_myfile_mdfive}
            \token_to_str:N \ExplSyntaxOff


MD5 was \getoldmdfive

MD5 is now \getmdfive

Changed? \IfMyfileChanged{Yes, it has changed}{No, it's the same as before}



我可以提供一个DifferentFileContents具有与 -environment 相同语法的环境filecontents*




内部filecontents*使用 -environment 来实现这一点。

如果在调用“-environment ”时存在可选参数,DifferentFileContents则将其交给“ filecontents*-environment”。

如果filecontents*-environment(LaTeX 2ε-release v1.3c,2019/09/11 及更新版本)确实处理可选参数,那么一切应该没问题。

如果filecontents*-environment(LaTeX 2ε 版本 v1.3c 之前,2019/09/11)不处理可选参数,则[可选参数的左方括号将被视为要创建的文件的名称,并尝试创建此类文件。可选参数的其余部分和非可选的文件名参数将导致各种错误消息。


如果您使用的 LaTeX 2ε-release 中的filecontents*-environment 处理可选参数(LaTeX 2ε-release v1.3c,2019/09/11 及更新版本),那么 -environmentDifferentFileContents也可以处理可选参数。

如果您使用的 LaTeX 2ε 版本中的filecontents*-environment 不处理可选参数(LaTeX 2ε 版本早于 v1.3c,2019/09/11),那么 -environmentDifferentFileContents也无法处理可选参数。



编译日志文件后,终端将包含消息,通知用户环境内容和文件内容是否相同,因此文件未重新创建 / 环境内容和文件内容是否不同,因此文件重新创建。


%% Stringify the first token of the second argument:
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  \@secondoftwo\string}\@firstoftwo\expandafter{} \@secondoftwo}%
  {\@firstoftwo\expandafter{} \@firstoftwo}%
%% Extract first inner undelimited argument:
%%  \romannumeral0\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{ABCDE\UD@SelDOm} yields  {A}
%%  \romannumeral0\UD@ExtractFirstArgLoop{{AB}CDE\UD@SelDOm} yields  {AB}
  { #1}%
  \catcode\endlinechar=12 %
  \catcode`\^^I=12 %
    LaTeX Information: %
    Seems the content of the existing file `#1'\MessageBreak
    equals the content of environment DifferentFilecontents\MessageBreak%
    on input lines #2 - \the\inputlineno.\MessageBreak
    The file will not be overwritten/will not be created anew\@gobble
    LaTeX Information: %
    Seems either the file `#1' does not exist\MessageBreak
    or its content does not equal the content of environment\MessageBreak
    DifferentFilecontents on input lines #2 - \the\inputlineno.\MessageBreak
    The file will be overwritten/created anew\@gobble%


\edef\delimitersbehind{\@backslashchar end\string{DifferentFilecontents\string}}%
\edef\filecontentsbegin{\@backslashchar begin\string{filecontents*\string}}%
\edef\filecontentsend{\@backslashchar end\string{filecontents*\string}}%
    % ##1 - input-line-number of begin of environment
    % ##2 - optional arguments
    % ##3 - file name
    % ##4 - environment body
    % #1 = \end{readenvironmentbody}
    % #2 = ^^M
    % #3 = \begin{filecontents*}
    % #4 = \end{filecontents*}%
      %\message{Environment-Body: (\detokenize{|##4|})}%
    % ##1 - remainder of environment body
    % ##2 - optional arguments
    % ##3 - file name
    % ##4 - entire environment body
    % ##5 - remainder of current line of file
    % ##6 - input-line-number of begin of environment
    % #1 = \end{readenvironmentbody}
    % #2 = ^^M
    % #3 = \begin{filecontents*}
    % #4 = \end{filecontents*}%
        \immediate\read\filecompareread to\templine%




This is my file.

This is my file.

\section{The first variant of myfile.txt}
\IfFileExists{myfile.txt}{\input{myfile.txt}}{Does not exist!}


This is my file.

This is my file.

\section{Once more the first variant of myfile.txt}
\IfFileExists{myfile.txt}{\input{myfile.txt}}{Does not exist!}


This is my file - second variant.

This is my file - second variant.

\section{myfile.txt -- the second variant}
\IfFileExists{myfile.txt}{\input{myfile.txt}}{Does not exist!}



$ pdflatex test.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (TeX Live 2019/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex).
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2018-12-01>
Document Class: article 2018/09/03 v1.4i Standard LaTeX document class

LaTeX Information: Seems either the file `myfile.txt' does not exist
                   or its content does not equal the content of environment
                   DifferentFilecontents on input lines 250 - 254.
                   The file will be overwritten/created anew.

LaTeX Warning: Overwriting file `./myfile.txt'.


LaTeX Information: Seems the content of the existing file `myfile.txt'
                   equals the content of environment DifferentFilecontents
                   on input lines 262 - 266.
                   The file will not be overwritten/will not be created anew.


LaTeX Information: Seems either the file `myfile.txt' does not exist
                   or its content does not equal the content of environment
                   DifferentFilecontents on input lines 274 - 278.
                   The file will be overwritten/created anew.

LaTeX Warning: Overwriting file `./myfile.txt'.

(./myfile.txt) [1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}]
(./test.aux) )</usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/amsfonts/cm/cmb
Output written on test.pdf (1 page, 25863 bytes).
Transcript written on test.log.

生成的.pdf 文件的图像:


如您在控制台输出中看到的,用于编译示例的是 LaTeX 2ε-release 2018-12-01,它比 LaTeX 2ε-release v1.3c,2019/09/11 更旧。filecontents*此旧版本的 -environment 不处理可选参数。因此,在示例中,可选参数被注释掉,并且包filecontents被加载,以将filecontents*-environment 变成不仅可以在序言中使用,还可以在 -environment 中使用的东西,document并且还会覆盖现有文件。
