



  1. 如果第一个是另一个枚举或逐项环境,则会导致不必要的和不希望的额外换行符。嵌套环境的第一个第一项不会进入第一行
  2. 如果第一行恰好位于页面底部,那么定理的标题和定理的主体就会跨页拆分,即使寡妇惩罚和俱乐部惩罚是无限的。




% Solely to format the MWE on TeX.SX:



% This theorem style is mostly equivalent to the plain style.
% Only the optional heading (##3) has been moved out of the argument to item
% in order to enable line breaks.
% I need a better solution for this, see test examples below.
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ ##2]%
  \item[\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont ##1\ ##2]%



This is a trivial theorem using the default plain style.

This is a trivial theorem using the custom plain style.
There is a little bit more horizontal space between the header and the
But this is acceptable and does not to be fixed.

\begin{theorem}[Short Caption]
This is a theorem with a short caption using the default plain style.

\begin{mytheorem}[Short Caption]
This is a theorem with a short caption using the custom plain style.

\begin{theorem}[A Very Long and Elaborate Caption]
This is a theorem with a long caption using the default plain style.
\textbf{\emph{Error:} The caption must be broken across lines}

\begin{mytheorem}[A Very Long and Elaborate Caption]
This is a theorem with a long caption using the custom plain style.
Even a long caption poses is no problem.

\begin{theorem}[With Enum]
 \item The first item
 \item The second item
The first item runs into the same line as the header.
This is OK.
But the vertical spacing between the second item and the remaining text is

\begin{mytheorem}[With Enum]
 \item The first item
 \item The second item
The enumeration starts on a new line.
\textbf{\emph{Error:} This is intelligible, because the caption is outside
the item, but it needs a fix.}



\begin{theorem}[Page Break]
 \item Club and widow penalties are effective
The header of the theorem and the first line are kept together.



\begin{mytheorem}[Page Break] 
 \item Club and widow penalties show no effect
The header of the theorem and the first line are broken across pages.
\textbf{\emph{Error:} This needs a fix.}



问题最多的页面 #1 第 4 页和第 5 页有不想要的分页符


这一问题是 固有的ntheorem



% Solely to format the MWE on TeX.SX:






This is a trivial theorem using the default plain style.

This is a trivial theorem using the custom plain style.
There is a little bit more horizontal space between the header and the
But this is acceptable and does not to be fixed.

\begin{theorem}[Short Caption]
This is a theorem with a short caption using the default plain style.

\begin{mytheorem}[Short Caption]
This is a theorem with a short caption using the custom plain style.

\begin{theorem}[A Very Long and Elaborate Caption]
This is a theorem with a long caption using the default plain style.
\textbf{\emph{Error:} The caption must be broken across lines}

\begin{mytheorem}[A Very Long and Elaborate Caption]
This is a theorem with a long caption using the custom plain style.
Even a long caption poses is no problem.

\begin{theorem}[With Enum]
 \item The first item
 \item The second item
The first item runs into the same line as the header.
This is OK.
But the vertical spacing between the second item and the remaining text is

\begin{mytheorem}[With Enum]
 \item The first item
 \item The second item
The enumeration starts on a new line.
\textbf{\emph{Error:} This is intelligible, because the caption is outside
the item, but it needs a fix.}



\begin{theorem}[Page Break]
 \item Club and widow penalties are effective
The header of the theorem and the first line are kept together.



\begin{mytheorem}[Page Break] 
 \item Club and widow penalties show no effect
The header of the theorem and the first line are broken across pages.
\textbf{\emph{Error:} This needs a fix.}


