我用 tabularx 创建了一个表格,其中有长文本(在单元格末尾被 latex 打断)并手动插入了 \newline。自动换行符和 \newline 之间的间距相同,因此很难区分文本是否仍属于上面的行或是否是新的“项目”。因此,我想稍微增加 \newline 后的垂直空间,以明确文本是新项目还是仍属于上一行。
PS我该如何避免Overfull \hbox (3.91661pt too wide) detected
\usepackage[format=hang, labelsep=quad, font=normal, labelfont=bf, justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false, figurewithin=none, tablewithin=none]{caption}
\caption[Comparison of relevant domains according to sepsis survivor’s perception and domains covered by SF-36 and EQ-5D]{Comparison of relevant domains according to sepsis survivor’s perception and domains covered by SF-36 and EQ-5D} \label{tab2}}
{\begin{tabularx} {\linewidth} {lXX}
Domain&SF-36 & EQ-5D \\
Physical impairment & Physical functioning \newline Role limitations due to physical problems \newline Bodily pain & Pain/discomfort \newline Mobility \\
Fatigue & Vitality & \\
Coping with daily life & Social functioning & Self-care \newline Usual activities \\
Psychological impairment & Role limitations due to emotional problems \newline General mental health & Anxiety/depression \\
Control over one’s life & & \\
Ability to walk & & \\
Return to normal living & & \\
Cognitive impairment & & \\
Family support & & \\
Delivery of health care & & \\
Self-perception & & \\
& General health perception & VAS overall health \\
\documentclass[ paper=a4,
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
\usepackage[format=hang, labelsep=quad,
font=normal, labelfont=bf,
justification=justified, singlelinecheck=false,
figurewithin=none, tablewithin=none]{caption}
\caption[Comparison of relevant domains according to sepsis survivor’s perception and domains covered by SF-36 and EQ-5D]{Comparison of relevant domains according to sepsis survivor’s perception and domains covered by SF-36 and EQ-5D}
Domain &SF-36 & EQ-5D \\
Physical impairment
& Physical functioning
& Pain/discomfort \\
& Role limitations due to physical problems
& Mobility \\
& Bodily pain & \\
& Vitality & \\
Coping with daily life
& Social functioning
& Self-care \\
& & Usual activities \\
Psychological impairment
& Role limitations due to emotional problems
& Anxiety/depression \\
& General mental health
& \\
Control over one’s life
& & \\
Ability to walk & & \\
Return to normal living & & \\
Cognitive impairment & & \\
Family support & & \\
Delivery of health care & & \\
Self-perception & & \\
& General health perception
& VAS overall health \\
aboe MWE 的编译:没有错误,没有警告,没有坏的(过满的)盒子。