



正如你所知,1.2.1 小节2.2.1 小节2.2.3 小节太紧了。我想稍微增加一下 vspace,这样空间就几乎与子部分项之间的间隔相同了。由于我正在\begin{spacing}减少原始间隔,如果可能的话,我不希望这个新变化影响其他空间。请帮助我。提前谢谢,祝你有美好的一天!

这是我的 MWE:

\usepackage[a4paper, inner=4cm, outer=3cm, top=4cm, bottom=3cm]{geometry}
\setcitestyle{notesep={:},round,aysep={, },citesep={;}}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5   BAD BOXES   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\setlist[ColEnum,1]{label = \arabic*), left = 0pt, nosep, 
    before= {\begin{minipage}[t]{\hsize}\RaggedRight},
        after = {\end{minipage}}}

\setlist[tabitem]{label=\textbullet, noitemsep,leftmargin=*,topsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt, nosep, before=\begin{minipage}[t]{\hsize}, after=\end{minipage}}







    \vspace{\@tempskipa}%<<<<<< REMOVE THE * AFTER \vspace
    \ifcase#5 \global\@afterindentfalse\fi
    \ttl@finmarks  % Outside the box!

\newcommand{\listappendixname}{Appendix List}

    \section*{\theappendix\space #1}%

    \subsection*{\thesubappendix\space #1}%


\frontmatter %



\chapter{Suzukake Nanchara} \section{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi} \section{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi}
\subsection{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi No Hohoemi O Yume Ni Miru To}
\subsection{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi No Hohoemi O}
\subsection{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi}
 \section{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi}
\chapter{Suzukake Nanchara}
\section{Section Section Section} \section{Section Section Section}
\subsection{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi No Hohoemi O Yume Ni Miru To}
\subsection{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi No Hohoemi O}
\subsection{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi No Hohoemi O Yume Ni Miru To Itteshimattara}
\subsection{Suzukake no ki no michi de kimi no hohoemi o yume ni miru to}
\chapter{Suzukake Nanchara}
\section{Suzukake No Ki No Michi De Kimi}




