我使用 achemso 软件包(Texlive 2020)为美国化学学会杂志撰写了一篇文章。提交后,他们还要求我提供带有行号的 pdf 文件。我把 放在了\usepackage{lineno}
之前。一切似乎都很好,但更好的是,我看到结果显示,每个图标题的最后一行都有两个数字重叠。使用 achemso-demo.tex 文件并插入上述行号说明时也会出现此问题。有人知道怎么解决这个问题吗?谢谢。这里有一个小例子,编译后,将数字 14 和 15 重叠在了图标题的行上。\caption
\usepackage{chemformula} % Formula subscripts using \ch{}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use modern font encodings
\author{I. Ken Groupleader}
\email{[email protected]}
\phone{+123 (0)123 4445556}
\fax{+123 (0)123 4445557}
\affiliation[Unknown University]
{Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town}
\title[An \textsf{achemso} demo]
{A demonstration of the \textsf{achemso} \LaTeX\
\keywords{American Chemical Society, \LaTeX}
This is an example document for the \textsf{achemso} document
class, intended for submissions to the American Chemical Society
for publication.
This is a paragraph of text to fill the introduction of the
demonstration file.
\section{Results and discussion}
The document layout should follow the style of the journal concerned.
Where appropriate, sections and subsections should be added in the
normal way.
New float types are automatically set up by the class file. The
means graphics are included as follows (Scheme~\ref{sch:example}). As
illustrated, the float is ``here'' if possible.
Your scheme graphic would go here: \texttt{.eps} format\\
for \LaTeX\, or \texttt{.pdf} (or \texttt{.png}) for pdf\LaTeX\\
\textsc{ChemDraw} files are best saved as \texttt{.eps} files:\\
these can be scaled without loss of quality, and can be\\
converted to \texttt{.pdf} files easily using \texttt{eps2pdf}.\\
\caption{An example scheme}
As well as the standard float types \texttt{table}\\
and \texttt{figure}, the class also recognises\\
\texttt{scheme}, \texttt{chart} and \texttt{graph}.
\caption{An example figure}
Charts, figures and schemes do not necessarily have to be labelled or
captioned. However, tables should always have a title. It is
possible to include a number and label for a graphic without any
title, using an empty argument to the \texttt{\textbackslash caption}
包混乱。由于 achemso 文档类加载了 caption 包,因此可以尝试将 移动到\internallinenumbers
标题文本内部(而不是将其放在 前面\caption
\usepackage{chemformula} % Formula subscripts using \ch{}
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Use modern font encodings
\author{I. Ken Groupleader}
\email{[email protected]}
\phone{+123 (0)123 4445556}
\fax{+123 (0)123 4445557}
\affiliation[Unknown University]
{Department of Chemistry, Unknown University, Unknown Town}
\title[An \textsf{achemso} demo]
{A demonstration of the \textsf{achemso} \LaTeX\
\keywords{American Chemical Society, \LaTeX}
\captionsetup[figure]{font+=linenumbers} % use \internallinenumbers inside figure caption texts
This is an example document for the \textsf{achemso} document
class, intended for submissions to the American Chemical Society
for publication.
This is a paragraph of text to fill the introduction of the
demonstration file.
\section{Results and discussion}
The document layout should follow the style of the journal concerned.
Where appropriate, sections and subsections should be added in the
normal way.
New float types are automatically set up by the class file. The
means graphics are included as follows (Scheme~\ref{sch:example}). As
illustrated, the float is ``here'' if possible.
Your scheme graphic would go here: \texttt{.eps} format\\
for \LaTeX\, or \texttt{.pdf} (or \texttt{.png}) for pdf\LaTeX\\
\textsc{ChemDraw} files are best saved as \texttt{.eps} files:\\
these can be scaled without loss of quality, and can be\\
converted to \texttt{.pdf} files easily using \texttt{eps2pdf}.\\
\caption{An example scheme}
As well as the standard float types \texttt{table}\\
and \texttt{figure}, the class also recognises\\
\texttt{scheme}, \texttt{chart} and \texttt{graph}.
%\internallinenumbers => moved to caption font "linenumbers"
\caption{An example figure}
Charts, figures and schemes do not necessarily have to be labelled or
captioned. However, tables should always have a title. It is
possible to include a number and label for a graphic without any
title, using an empty argument to the \texttt{\textbackslash caption}