

我想使用 LaTeX 绘制下图中的图形,我希望它形状更好。1.) 边缘标签的位置我想将其置于边缘中间或下方,如图所示,并且不与其他标签冲突。


\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1.5cm, y=1cm]
%\tikzstyle{every node}=[draw,shape=circle];
    %\node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,line width=1.5pt] (v0) at (0,0) {$\textbf{0}$}; 
\path (0:0cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v0) {$a1$};
\path (20:2cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v1) {$a2$};
\path (60:2cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v2) {$a3$};
\path (120:2cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v5) {$a4$};
\path (160:2cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v6) {$a5$};
\path (70:4cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v11) {$a6$};
\path (50:4cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v12) {$a7$};
\path (110:4cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v13) {$a8$};
\path (130:4cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v14) {$a9$};
%\path (90:1.9cm) node[draw=none,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (a10) ;
\path (-80:2cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v16) {$a11$};
\path (-120:2cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v17) {$a12$};
\path (-110:4cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v18){$a13$};
\path (-130:4cm) node[draw,shape=circle, scale=0.7,thick] (v19) {$a14$};
\path [thick](v0) edge[black] node[below] {\color{black}  $a15$} (v1);
\path [thick](v1) edge[black] node[above,right] {\color{black} \small $n1$} (v2);
\path [thick](v2) edge[black] node[left] {\color{black} \small $n2$} (v0);
\path [thick](v0) edge[black] node[left] {\color{black} \small $n3$} (v5);
\path [thick](v5) edge[black] node[left] {\color{black} {\small $n4$}} (v6);
\path [thick](v6) edge[black] node[below] {\color{black} \small $n5$} (v0);
\path [thick](v2) edge[black] node[left] {\color{black} \small $n6$} (v11);
\path [thick](v2) edge[black] node[below] {\color{black} {\small $n7$}} (v12);
\path [thick](v11) edge[black] node[below left] {\color{black} \small  $n8$} (v12);
%(v11) -- (v12) node[pos=.5,above=1mm right=1mm] {$n9$}
\path [thick](v5) edge[black] node[right] {\color{black} \small $n10$} (v13);
\path [thick](v5) edge[black] node[below left] {\color{black} \small $n11$} (v14);
\path [thick](v13) edge[black] node[above left] {\color{black} \small $n12$} (v14);
\path [thick](v0) edge[black] node[right] {\color{black} \small $n13$} (v16);
\path [thick](v0) edge[black] node[left] {\color{black} \small $x$} (v17);
\path [thick](v16) edge[black] node[below] {\color{black} \small $y$} (v17);
\path [thick](v17) edge[black] node[right] {\color{black} \small $z$} (v18);
\path [thick](v17) edge[black] node[left] {\color{black} \small $w$} (v19);
\path [thick](v18) edge[black] node[below] {\color{black} \small $f$} (v19);

    %   \end{figure}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.7cm, y=1cm]
    %First place the vertices. Note the names correspond to the labels.
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,thick] (v0) at (0,0) {$0g$}; 
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,thick] (v8) at (42:3) {$t$};
        \node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,thick] (v9) at (105:2.8) {$y$} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,thick] (v11) at (155:3) {$tt$} ;
\node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,thick] (v6) at (205:3) {$e$} ;
\node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,thick] (v2) at (227:4) {$w$} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, scale=0.7,thick] (v5) at (262:2) {$q$} ;

    \foreach \x/\y/\lab in {0/8/left,0/7/below,0/9/right,0/11/below left,0/5/right,0/6/above left,5/2/below right,6/2/left,9/11/above left,7/8/above right}
    \draw[thick] (v\x)--node[above, \lab] {\pgfmathparse{int(abs(\x-\y))}{{\pgfmathresult}}} (v\y);
    %\draw[thick] (v\x)--node[above, \lab, text=blue] {\pgfmathparse{int(abs(\x-\y))}{\pgfmathresult}} (v\y);  






        \tikzset{vnode/.style={draw,thick,circle,minimum width=1cm,inner sep=0pt}};
        % Nodes
        \begin{scope}[every node/.style={vnode}]
            \node (a1) {$a_1$};
            \foreach \i [count=\ang from 2] in {2,3,11,10,9,6}
                \path (a1) --++ (60*\ang:\dist) node (a\i) {$a_{\i}$};
            \foreach \i [count=\ang] in {5,4}
                \path (a2) --++ (30+60*\ang:\dist) node (a\i) {$a_{\i}$};
            \foreach \i [count=\ang from 0] in {8,7}
                \path (a6) --++ (30+60*\ang:\dist) node (a\i) {$a_{\i}$};
            \foreach \i [count=\ang from 0] in {12,13}
                \path (a11) --++ (210+60*\ang:\dist) node (a\i) {$a_{\i}$};
        % Paths
        \path%[every node/.style={sloped}]
            (a1)    edge node[left] {N6} (a2)
                    edge node[above] {N5} (a3)
                    edge node[left] {N7} (a11)
                    edge node[right] {N12} (a10)
                    edge node[above] {N13} (a9)
                    edge node[right] {N14} (a6)
            (a2)    edge node[right] {N3} (a5)
                    edge node[below left] {N2} (a4)
            (a4)    edge node[above left] {N1} (a5)
            % To be continued...




请记住,这只是一种让您从中学习的直接方法。现在就做好自己的事,尽自己的一份力量 ;)
