如何禁用 CV 的 Latex Curve 中节标题的重复延续

如何禁用 CV 的 Latex Curve 中节标题的重复延续

我正在使用 Curve 制作简历,每当某个部分超过一页时,其标题就会在下一页重复。有人能告诉我如何禁用此“功能”吗?我参考了此问答并可以让“continued”一词消失,但无法弄清楚如何让整个重复标题消失。可以查看使用相同曲线包的示例 PDF这里。谢谢你的帮助<3

Latex Curve CV 中令人厌烦的重复节标题


% This CV example/template is based on my own
% CV which I (lamely attempted) to clean up, so that
% it's less of an eyesore and easier for others to use.
% LianTze Lim ([email protected])
% 16 September, 2016

% Uncomment to enable Chinese; needs XeLaTeX
% \usepackage{ctex}


% Change the fonts if you want
\ifxetexorluatex % If you're using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
  %% Warning: EB Garamond contains no bold!! Substituting for Junicode Bold, but *may not look nice nor consistent*!!
%   \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps,LetterSpace=5},BoldFont=Junicode Bold]{EB Garamond}
  %% Charis SIL's rather nice, actually.
  \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps,LetterSpace=5}]{Charis SIL}
\else % If you're using pdfLaTeX or latex
  \useosf  %% Comment out if you prefer lining figures rather than old style figures

%% Only needed if you want a Publication List

%% Specify your last name and first name (as given in the .bib) to automatically bold your own name in the publications list. One caveat: You need to write \bibnamedelima where there's a space in your name for this to work properly for now...
% \myname{Lim}{Lian\bibnamedelima Tze}

% Change the page margins if you want
% \geometry{left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1.5cm,bottom=1.5cm}

% Change the colours if you want
% \definecolor{SwishLineColour}{HTML}{00FFFF}
% \definecolor{MarkerColour}{HTML}{0000CC}

% Change the item prefix marker if you want
% \prefixmarker{$\diamond$}

%% Photo is only shown if "fullonly" is included
% \excludecomment{fullonly}


  {\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Arif Yulianto, S.Kom.}

  \makefield{\faCircleO}{\url{Bandung, 2 July 1994}}

  \makefield{\faEnvelopeO}{\texttt{[email protected]}}




\title{Curriculum Vitae}





% \input{referee-full}



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% bring back this line if want to show sub-number inside circle for bib items % \AtBeginBibliography{\setcounter{bibitem}{1}} % \AtEveryBibitem{\makebox[2.5em][l]{\circled{\thebibitem}\stepcounter{bibitem}}}

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\headerscale{1} %\setlength{\headerspace}{6pt} \rubricfont{\Large\bfseries\sffamily} \setlength{\rubricspace}{2pt} %\setlength{\rubricafterspace}{-9pt} \setlength{\rubricafterspace}{-3pt} \setlength{\subrubricspace}{3pt} \setlength{\subrubricbeforespace}{4pt} \def\@@rubrichead#1{%   \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline]%\   \shade[left color=SwishLineColour!60!white, right color=white] rectangle (\@almosttextwidth,2.5pt);   \node[font={\@rubricfont},inner sep=0pt,text ragged,anchor=south west,text depth=.5ex,text height=1.5ex] at (1pt,2pt) {#1};   \end{tikzpicture}%   \vspace\rubricspace% }

\subrubricfont{\large\bfseries\sffamily} \subrubricalignment{l}


\keyalignment{r} \rubricalignment{l} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} \urlstyle{tt}

\newcommand{\prefixmarker}[1]{\def\@prefixmarker{#1}} \def\@prefixmarker{\relscale{.9}\faBookmark}

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\defbibfilter{booksandchapters}{% ( type=book or type=incollection ) }

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\renewcommand*{\mkbibnamegiven}[1]{%   \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifdefstrequal{\namepartfamily}{\@mylastname}}
               test {\ifdefstrequal{\namepartgiven}{\@myfirstname}}}
    {#1}% }







****** Add from here <<<<<<<<<<<<< 在和之间添加代码

********** TO HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<你的序言。




% This CV example/template is based on my own
% CV which I (lamely attempted) to clean up, so that
% it's less of an eyesore and easier for others to use.
% LianTze Lim ([email protected])
% 16 September, 2016

% Uncomment to enable Chinese; needs XeLaTeX
% \usepackage{ctex}

%% ********************************  Add from here  <<<<<<<<<<<<<
%%% *****************************************  TO HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<


% Change the fonts if you want
\ifxetexorluatex % If you're using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
  %% Warning: EB Garamond contains no bold!! Substituting for Junicode Bold, but *may not look nice nor consistent*!!
%   \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps,LetterSpace=5},BoldFont=Junicode Bold]{EB Garamond}
  %% Charis SIL's rather nice, actually.
  \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps,LetterSpace=5}]{Charis SIL}
\else % If you're using pdfLaTeX or latex
  \useosf  %% Comment out if you prefer lining figures rather than old style figures

%% Only needed if you want a Publication List

%% Specify your last name and first name (as given in the .bib) to automatically bold your own name in the publications list. One caveat: You need to write \bibnamedelima where there's a space in your name for this to work properly for now...
\myname{Lim}{Lian\bibnamedelima Tze}
% \myname{d'Andrimont}{Raphaël}

% Change the page margins if you want
% \geometry{left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1.5cm,bottom=1.5cm}

% Change the colours if you want
% \definecolor{SwishLineColour}{HTML}{00FFFF}
% \definecolor{MarkerColour}{HTML}{0000CC}

% Change the item prefix marker if you want
% \prefixmarker{$\diamond$}

%% Photo is only shown if "fullonly" is included
% \excludecomment{fullonly}


  {\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Lim Lian Tze, Ph.D.}

  \makefield{\faEnvelopeO}{\texttt{[email protected]}}




\title{Curriculum Vitae}



% If you're not a researcher nor an academic, you probably don't have any publications; delete this line.
%% Sometimes when a section can't be nicely modelled with the \entry[]... mechanism; hack our own and use \input NOT \makerubric


% \input{referee-full}



%%%%  file profex.tex

\begin{rubric}{Profesional Experiences}
\subrubric{Awards and Achievements}
\entry*[2020] \textbf{Merit Award}, 25-day Standard Course SC450, Outward Bound School, Lumut, Malaysia.
\entry*[2018] \textbf{Department Prize for Outstanding Student Performance}, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.

\entry*[2017--present] \textbf{\textsc{Triz} Level 1 Practitioner}. Awarded by MyTRIZ Innovation Association, Malaysia.
\entry*[2006] \textbf{Certified IT Professional for \textsc{fitpe}} (Fundamental IT Professional Examination).  Awarded by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.

\entry*[2018--present] \textbf{Merit Award}, 25-day Standard Course SC450, Outward Bound School, Lumut, Malaysia.
\entry*[2017--2017] \textbf{Department Prize for Outstanding Student Performance}, Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.

\entry*[2017--2016] \textbf{\textsc{Triz} Level 1 Practitioner}. Awarded by MyTRIZ Innovation Association, Malaysia.

\entry*[2016--2014] \textbf{Certified IT Professional for \textsc{fitpe}} (Fundamental IT Professional Examination).  Awarded by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.


curVe (1)从 CTAN 下载软件包https://ctan.org/pkg/curve?lang=en并安装它。



Add from HERE<<<(3)对于原始的 cv 模板,必须在其前言中添加 到之间 的代码 TO HERE <<<<<<<。请参阅简化版本。

除此之外,您还需要编写自己的单独 .tex 文件,文件名为 employment.tex education.tex.etc profex.tex,所有文件都与 photo.jpg 放在同一目录中,settings.sty如下所示:

(每个人都 \makerubric{<filename>}希望找到 filename.tex以 开头\begin{rubic}{<title>})和以 结尾的\end{rubic}




%% ********************************  Add from HERE  <<<<<<<<<<<<<
%%% *****************************************  TO HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<


% Change the fonts if you want
\ifxetexorluatex % If you're using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
  \setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX,SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=SmallCaps,LetterSpace=5}]{Charis SIL}
\else % If you're using pdfLaTeX or latex
  \useosf  %% Comment out if you prefer lining figures rather than old style figures

\myname{Lim}{Lian\bibnamedelima Tze}



  {\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Lim Lian Tze, Ph.D.}

  \makefield{\faEnvelopeO}{\texttt{[email protected]}}



\photo[r]{photo} %

\title{Curriculum Vitae}


\makerubric{employment} % uses file employment.tex
\makerubric{education}  % uses file education.tex

\makerubric{profex} % needs file profex.tex <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\makerubric{referee}% uses file referee.tex

