我想在块内插入一个方波而不是 X
% Definition of blocks:
block/.style = {draw, thick, rectangle,
rounded corners,align=center},
sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 2cm}, % Adder
input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input
output/.style = {coordinate} % Output
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, thick, node distance=2cm, >=triangle 45]
% Drawing the blocks of first filter :
node at (0,0)[input, name=input1,right=-1cm]{}
node [block,right of=input1, minimum height = 3.5em,
minimum width = 4.5em, text width=4.5em, node distance=2.5cm](block1) {X};
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, backgrounds, calc, fit, positioning}
% Definition of blocks:
do path picture/.style={%
path picture={%
\pgfpointdiff{\pgfpointanchor{path picture bounding box}{south west}}%
{\pgfpointanchor{path picture bounding box}{north east}}%
block/.style = {draw, thick, rectangle,
rounded corners,align=center},
sum/.style = {draw, circle, node distance = 2cm}, % Adder
input/.style = {coordinate}, % Input
output/.style = {coordinate}, % Output
sin wave/.style={do path picture= {
\draw[very thin]
(-0.8,-0.3) -- ++ (0.4,0)-- ++ (0,0.8)--++(0.8,0)--++(0,-0.8) -- ++ (0.4,0);
\node [block,
minimum height = 3.5em,
minimum width = 4.5em,
draw,rounded corners=0pt,
sin wave]
at (0, 0) {};