我正在写论文,刚开始使用 latex,我无法将表格放在与章节标题页相同的页面上。我的一个附录只包含表格而没有文本,但表格出现在包含图块页面的下一页上,尽管表格上方和下方有足够的空间。希望附图能帮助您更好地理解这个问题。
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\chapter{Rock Mass Parameter selection guidelines}
\caption{Field estimate of Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS).}
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\textbf{Grade*}& \textbf{Term}& \textbf{Uniaxial Comp. Strength (MPa)}& \textbf{Point Load Index (MPa)}& \textbf{Field estimate of strength}& \textbf{Examples}\\
R6& Extremely Strong& $>$250& $>$10& Specimen can only be chipped with a geological hammer& Fresh basalt, chert,diabase, gneiss, granite, quartzite\\
R5& Very Strong& 100--250& 4--10& Specimen requires many blows of a geological hammer to fracture it& Amphiobolite, sandstone, basalt, gabbro, gneiss, granodiorite, limestone, marble, rhyolite, tuff\\
R4& Strong& 50--100& 2--4& Specimen requires more than one blow of a geological hammer to fracture it& Limestone, marble, phyllite, sandstone, schist, shale\\
R3& Medium Strong& 25--50& 1--2& Cannot be scraped or peeled with a pocket knife, specimen can be fractured with a single blow from a geological hammer& Claystone, coal, concrete, schist, shale, siltstone\\
R2& Weak& 5--25& **& Can be peeled with a pocket knife with difficulty, shallow indentation made by firm blow with a point of geological hammer& Chalk, rocksalt, potash\\
R1& Very Weak& 1--5& **& Crumble under firm blows with point of a geological hammer, can be peeled by a pocket knife& Highly weathered or altered rock\\
R0& Extremely Weak& 0.21--1& **& Indented by thumbnail& Stiff fault gouge\\
* Grade according to Brown (1981)\\
** Point load tests on rocks with a UCS below 25 MPa are likely to yield highly ambiguous results.
PS:由于我原来的文档中有很多东西需要放在这里,所以在创建这个 MWE 时我可能遗漏了一些包。
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顺便说一句,您的 MWE 丢失了\usepackage{titlesec}