\documentclass[margin=5pt, tikz]{standalone}
\matrix (m) [matrix of math nodes, nodes in empty cells,
nodes={inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, anchor=center,
circle, draw, minimum size=\MinSize,
column sep=1.5em, row sep=\RowSep,
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\ % Help
1 & 1s & & \\
1 & 2s & 2p & \\
1 & 3s & 3p & 3d \\
1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\ % Help
\draw[red] (m-1-3.north east) -- (m-3-1.south west);
\draw[red] (m-1-4.north east) -- (m-4-1.south west);
1 | 2 | 3 4 | 5 6 | 7 8 9 | 10 11 12 | ...
\documentclass[11pt, border=.8cm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{calc, math}
real \a;
\a = sqrt(2)/4;
integer \N, \M;
\N = 5;
\M = 2*\N +1;
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.4, y={(0, -1)},
every node/.style={draw, red, circle, thin, font=\bfseries,
text width=4ex, align=center, scale=.8, inner sep=0pt
% horizontal elements
\path (0, \N +1.1) node[black, font=\mdseries] {0}
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \N} {-- ++(1, 0) node[black, font=\mdseries] {\i}};
% vertical elements
\path (-.75, 0) node[black, font=\mdseries] {0}
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \N} {-- ++(0, 1) node[black, font=\mdseries] {\i}};
% the string
\clip (-1, -.5) rectangle (\N +.9, \N +.75);
\draw[gray!60, very thin] (0, 0) grid ++(\N+1, \N+2);
% thicker parts of the string
\foreach \k in {0, ..., \M}{
\draw[black, ultra thick]
($(0, \k)+(135: \a)$) -- ++(-45: {2*\k*\a +2*\a});
\draw[red, thick] (-45: \a)
-- (0, 0)
-- ++(135: \a) .. controls +(-.2, .2) and +(-.2, .2) .. ++(45: \a)
-- ++($.5*(1, -1)$)
.. controls +(.2, -.2) and +(.2, -.2) .. ++(45: \a) -- ++(135: \a)
-- ++($.5*(-1, 1)$)
\foreach \k in {1, ..., \N}{
-- ++(135: \a) .. controls +(-.2, .2) and +(-.2, .2) .. ++(45: \a)
-- ++($\k*(1, -1)$)
.. controls +(.2, -.2) and +(.2, -.2) .. ++(45: \a) -- ++(135: \a)
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \k}{-- ++(-1, 1)}
-- ++(135: \a) .. controls +(-.2, .2) and +(-.2, .2) .. ++(45: \a)
-- ++(${(\k +.5)}*(1, -1)$)
.. controls +(.2, -.2) and +(.2, -.2) .. ++(45: \a) -- ++(135: \a)
-- ++(-.5, .5)
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \k}{-- ++(-1, 1)}
% nodes of the string
\foreach \s [count=\j from 0] in {a, b, c, d, e, f}{
\foreach \k in {\j, ..., 5}{
\path (\j, \k)
node[fill=white] {\s};
\documentclass[11pt, border=.8cm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{calc, math}
real \a;
\a = sqrt(2)/4;
integer \N;
\N = 5;
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.4, y={(0, -1)},
every node/.style={draw, blue, circle, fill=blue, font=\bfseries,
text=white, text width=4.5ex, scale=.8, align=center, inner sep=0pt
% horizontal elements
\path (0, \N +1.1) node[fill=white, text=blue] {0}
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \N} {
-- ++(1, 0) node[fill=white, text=blue] {\i}
% vertical elements
\path (-.75, 0) node[fill=white, text=blue] {0}
\foreach \i in {1, ..., \N} {
-- ++(0, 1) node[fill=white, text=blue] {\i}
% the string
\clip (-1, -.5) rectangle (\N +.9, \N +.75);
\draw[gray!60, very thin] (0, 0) grid ++(\N+1, \N+2);
\draw[red, thick] (-45: \a)
-- (0, 0) node {1}
-- ++(135: \a) .. controls +(-.2, .2) and +(-.2, .2) .. ++(45: \a)
-- ++($.5*(1, -1)$)
.. controls +(.2, -.2) and +(.2, -.2) .. ++(45: \a) -- ++(135: \a)
-- ++($.5*(-1, 1)$) node {2}
\foreach \k [evaluate=\k as \inj using {int(\k*(\k +1) +1)},
evaluate=\k as \ink using {int((\k +1)*(\k +1) +1)}]
in {1, ..., \N}{
-- ++(135: \a) .. controls +(-.2, .2) and +(-.2, .2) .. ++(45: \a)
-- ++($\k*(1, -1)$)
.. controls +(.2, -.2) and +(.2, -.2) .. ++(45: \a) -- ++(135: \a)
node {\inj}
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \tmp using {int(\i+\inj)}]
in {1, ..., \k}{-- ++(-1, 1) node {\tmp}}
-- ++(135: \a) .. controls +(-.2, .2) and +(-.2, .2) .. ++(45: \a)
-- ++(${(\k +.5)}*(1, -1)$)
.. controls +(.2, -.2) and +(.2, -.2) .. ++(45: \a) -- ++(135: \a)
-- ++(-.5, .5) node {\ink}
\foreach \i [evaluate=\i as \tmp using {int(\i+\ink)}]
in {1, ..., \k}{-- ++(-1, 1) node {\tmp}}