tikzpicture 环境中的 \hdashline

tikzpicture 环境中的 \hdashline

这段代码让我有点困惑。我想要一个 \hdashline,但 Overleaf 却报错,为什么?




\subsection{Ancora su Sarrus}

\tikzset{Barr/.style = {opacity=.4,line width=4 mm,line cap=round,color=#1},
         Sigp/.style = {circle,  fill=blue, fill opacity=0.4, text opacity=1,
                        minimum size=4mm, left, inner sep=0pt,
                        node contents={$+$}},
         Sigm/.style = {Sigp,fill=red, node contents={\vphantom{+}$-$}},
         Prod/.style = {rounded corners=5pt,
                        fill=#1,  fill opacity=0.4, text opacity=1, inner sep=2pt, right},
% the matrices
\matrix (A) [matrix of math nodes,
             column sep=1ex,
             row sep=1ex
{ a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}  \\
  a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}  \\
  a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}  \\ \hline %I'd like a \hdashline, but Overleaf gives me an error, why?
  a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}  \\
  a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}  \\
\draw[semithick]    (A-1-1.north west) -- (A-3-1.south west)
                    (A-1-3.north east) -- (A-3-3.south east);
\draw [Barr=blue] (A-1-1.north west) node[Sigp] to (A-3-3.south east) node[Prod=blue]{$a_{11}\cdot a_{22}\cdot a_{33}$}
                  (A-2-1.north west) node[Sigp] to (A-4-3.south east) node[Prod=blue]{$a_{21}\cdot a_{32}\cdot a_{13}$}
                  (A-3-1.north west) node[Sigp] to (A-5-3.south east) node[Prod=blue]{$a_{31}\cdot a_{12}\cdot a_{23}$};

\draw [Barr=red]  (A-3-1.south west) node[Sigm] to (A-1-3.north east) node[Prod=red]{$a_{31}\cdot a_{22}\cdot a_{13}$}
                  (A-4-1.south west) node[Sigm] to (A-2-3.north east) node[Prod=red]{$a_{11}\cdot a_{32}\cdot a_{23}$}
                  (A-5-1.south west) node[Sigm] to (A-3-3.north east) node[Prod=red]{$a_{21}\cdot a_{12}\cdot a_{33}$};




节点矩阵是一张 tikz 图片,您可以在节点之间绘制任何 tikz 路径,我在您表示想要虚线的地方添加了一条绿色虚线。


%%% default \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
%%% xcolor \usepackage{color}
%%% mathtools \usepackage{amsmath}
%%% stix2 (mostly) \usepackage{stmaryrd}


\subsection{Ancora su Sarrus}

\tikzset{Barr/.style = {opacity=.4,line width=4 mm,line cap=round,color=#1},
         Sigp/.style = {circle,  fill=blue, fill opacity=0.4, text opacity=1,
                        minimum size=4mm, left, inner sep=0pt,
                        node contents={$+$}},
         Sigm/.style = {Sigp,fill=red, node contents={\vphantom{+}$-$}},
         Prod/.style = {rounded corners=5pt,
                        fill=#1,  fill opacity=0.4, text opacity=1, inner sep=2pt, right},
% the matrices
\matrix (A) [matrix of math nodes,
             column sep=1ex,
             row sep=1ex
{ a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}  \\
  a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}  \\
  a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}  \\ %\hline %I'd like a \hdashline, but Overleaf gives me an error, why?
  a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}  \\
  a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}  \\
\draw[semithick]    (A-1-1.north west) -- (A-3-1.south west)
                    (A-1-3.north east) -- (A-3-3.south east);
\draw [Barr=blue] (A-1-1.north west) node[Sigp] to (A-3-3.south east) node[Prod=blue]{$a_{11}\cdot a_{22}\cdot a_{33}$}
                  (A-2-1.north west) node[Sigp] to (A-4-3.south east) node[Prod=blue]{$a_{21}\cdot a_{32}\cdot a_{13}$}
                  (A-3-1.north west) node[Sigp] to (A-5-3.south east) node[Prod=blue]{$a_{31}\cdot a_{12}\cdot a_{23}$};

\draw [Barr=red]  (A-3-1.south west) node[Sigm] to (A-1-3.north east) node[Prod=red]{$a_{31}\cdot a_{22}\cdot a_{13}$}
                  (A-4-1.south west) node[Sigm] to (A-2-3.north east) node[Prod=red]{$a_{11}\cdot a_{32}\cdot a_{23}$}
                  (A-5-1.south west) node[Sigm] to (A-3-3.north east) node[Prod=red]{$a_{21}\cdot a_{12}\cdot a_{33}$};
\draw [color=green, dashed] (A-3-1.south west) to  (A-3-3.south east);

