

我正在写一个大文档,其中大部分内容都是在reledmac- 和reledpar- 环境中编写的。在跨越多页的双面部分中,的参数\ledsidenote以及行号都上移了一行。同时,这意味着\edtext第一行的内容不会打印在设备中,而\edtext第二页第一行的 - 内容有时会打印在前一页的设备中(在我的样本中不是这样,因为它不够大)。

在我的示例中,行列从行号 2 开始,的参数\ledsidenote打印在前一行(在文本中,您将在相应的行上标数字)。

样本非常大,因为我需要包含大量\Afootnotes 和\Bfootnotes 的文本,并且长度超过一页,所以我复制并简化了问题首次出现的原始文本。我不能使用虚拟文本,但最终我删除了所有嘈杂的命令。如果没有 s \Bfootnote( \Xnonote[B]) 和 not on opposite pages,文本打印得非常好。更改和的参数\Xmaxhnotes没有\setgoalfraction帮助——至少,到目前为止我还没有找到正确的参数。

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\Xlemmaseparator[B]{\quad }
% \AtBeginDocument{%
%   \Xmaxhnotes[A,B]{.97\textheight}}

      % \setlinenum{1}
      \pstart% [\subsection% [\emph{finis speciosus
      %       % (76.8--78.8)}]
      %     {\textnormal{\emph{finis speciosus
      %       (76.8--78.8)}}}
      % \subsubsection% [\emph{faenerator gloriosus
      %       % (76.8--77.7)}]
      %     {\textnormal{\emph{faenerator gloriosus
      %       (76.8--77.7)}}}\sectionmark{faenerator gloriosus
      %       (76.8--77.7)}]
      [Trimalchio de fortuna sua dicit]
      \edtext{quicquid}{\Afootnote[nosep]{Mü., Schm.:
          quidquid Öb.}} tangebam, crescebat tamquam
      \edtext{favus}{\lemma{favus, -i}\Bfootnote{A honeycomb
            (OLD~1a\textsuperscript{*})}}. \ledsidenote{9}\textsuperscript{9}post\-quam
      coepi plus habere quam tota patria mea habet,
      \edtext{manum de tabula}{\lemma{manum de
            tabula}\Bfootnote[nosep]{scil.\ sustuli}}: sustuli
      me de
          f.}\Bfootnote{Business, trade; a commercial
            transaction (OLD~1a\textsuperscript{*});
          ">operatives Geschäft"<}} et coepi
      \edtext{<per>}{\Afootnote[nosep]{add.~Heinsius (Mü.,
            Öb., Schm.)}} libertos
      \edtext{faenerare}{\Bfootnote{to lend money to, finance
            (OLD~2b\textsuperscript{*})}}. \ledsidenote{10}\t{10}et
            (Mü., Öb., Schm): nolente H}} me negotium meum agere
            (Mü., Öb., Schm.): exoravit H}
              for deponent"<, % \cite{
              Schmeling:Commentary% }
        \Bfootnote{An astrologer
            (OLD~2\textsuperscript{*}); s.~Horaz
            carm.\ 1.11.2\,f.}}, qui venerat
      forte in coloniam nostram,
          -onis}\Bfootnote{A worthless or silly Greek
            (OLD\textsuperscript{*}, hapax)}},
      Serapa nomine,
          -oris}\Bfootnote{An advisor, counsellor; sharer in the
          counsels (of) (OLD\textsuperscript{*})}}
      deorum. \ledsidenote{11}\textsuperscript{11}hic mihi dixit etiam
      ea quae oblitus eram; ab
      \edtext{acia}{\Bfootnote{A thread or yarn; (phr.)\ ab
          \textasciitilde a et acu, in great detail (see
          acvs\textsuperscript{1})}} et 
          -us f.}\Bfootnote{1a~A needle or pin. b~(phrs.)\
          \textasciitilde u tangere, to be exactly right, hit the nail
          on the head; ab acia et \textasciitilde u, in great
            detail (OLD~1b\textsuperscript{*})}} mi omnia
      \edtext{exposuit}{\Afootnote[nosep]{Scheffer (Mü., Öb.,
            Schm.): exposcit H}
          -osui}\Bfootnote{To set forth in words, relate, describe,
          explain (OLD~6a)}}; 
          -ae}\Bfootnote{colloq[uial] form of intestinum
        \lemma{intesti num, -i}\Bfootnote{(pl.)\ The intestines, guts
          (OLD~2)}} meas noverat; tantum quod
            (Mü., Öb.)}} non dixerat quid
      \edtext{pridie}{\lemma{pridie adv.}%
        \Bfootnote{On the preceding day, the day before
            (OLD~a)}} cenaveram. [...]
      [dixit Serapa] et, quod vobis non dixerim, etiam
      nunc mi restare vitae annos triginta et menses quattuor et 
      dies duos. praeterea cito accipiam
          -atis}\Bfootnote{that which is inherited, the substance of
          an inheritance (OLD~2b)}}. hoc mihi dicit
      \edtext{fatus}{\lemma{fatus =\,fatum
      meus. [...] \ledsidenote{4}\textsuperscript{4}interim dum
      Mercurius vigilat, aedificavi hanc domum. ut scitis,
            \textquote{i.\,e., ut videtur, verbum pers.\ kúshk,
              turc.\ kiöshk};
            \foreigntextquote{UKenglish}{Sedgwick [...] and
              B.\,Baldwin [...] defend H's text; cf., following
              B.\,Baldwin, the Turkish for a small Summer pavilion,
              kö\c sk, from the classical Persian kosk (modern kusk);
              Hadas [...] sees Eastern origins}, % \textcite{
              Schmeling:Commentary% }
          casa editio Patavina (1664): casula Heinsius:
          casa tunc Watt: casa adhuc Corbett
            (Schm.)}}+ erat; nunc templum est. habet quattuor
      \edtext{cenationes}{\lemma{cenatio, -onis
          f.}\Bfootnote{A dining hall or dining-room
          -i}\Bfootnote{A sleeping apartment, bedroom (OLD~1a)}} viginti,
      \edtext{porticus}{\lemma{porticus, -us f.,
            (m.)}\Bfootnote{A covered walk having its roof supported
            by columns, portico, collonade (OLD~1a)}}
      \edtext{\edtext{marmoratos}{\lemma{marmoratus, -a,
            -um}\Bfootnote{Covered or encrusted with marble
        duos}{\Afootnote[nosep]{Bücheler (Mü., Öb., Schm.):
          marmoratis duos H: marmoratas duas editio
        \Bfootnote[nosep]{see svrsum (OLD)}
        \lemma{sursum adv.}\Bfootnote{(expr.\ position) Above, on high
      \edtext{cellationem}{\Afootnote[nosep]{H (seriem cellarum
            interpretatur Heinsius) (Mü., Öb., Schm.): cenationem
          Scheffer}}, cubiculum in quo ipse dormio,
      \edtext{viperae huius}{\lemma{viperae
            huius}\Bfootnote[nosep]{scil.\ optimae uxoris
        \lemma{vipera, -ae}\Bfootnote{a~A viper or similar poisonous
          snake. b~(transf.\ or in prov.\ phr., as a dangerous and
          unreliable pet; hence as a term of abuse, esp.\ w.\
          implication of malignant treachery) (OLD~a,
        \Bfootnote{A sitting-room, parlour (OLD\textsuperscript{*},
      \edtext{ostiarii}{\lemma{ostiarius}\Bfootnote{A janitor, porter
          (OLD)}} cellam 
          prefix}\Bfootnote{Before adjs.\ and advs.\ it has an
          intensive force (OLD)}};
      \edtext{hospitium}{\Bfootnote{A place in which to stay, guest
          accomodation (OLD~3a\textsuperscript{*})}} hospites
      <\edtext{C}{\Afootnote[nosep]{add.~Heinsius (Mü.,
              Öb., Schm.): M add.~Scheffer}}> capit. [...] et
      multa alia sunt, quae statim vobis
      ostendam. \ledsidenote{6}\textsuperscript{6}credite mihi: assem
      habeas, assem valeas; habes, habeberis. sic amicus vester, qui
      \edtext{rana}{\Bfootnote{\textgerman{Frosch}}}, nunc est
          [% \cite{
            Schmeling:Commentary% }
          ]play on word Malchio =
            rex, or a parasite's patron = rex}}.\pend
    \pstart[\subsection{Morgenessen (76.8--78.8)}
      \subsubsection{Kredithai (76.8--77.7)}]



看你的示例有点困难,因为代码相当笨拙。请注意简单的 平均能量损失最小工作示例)与长的输出(在许多情况下,删除\emphs 和其他文本格式有助于降低噪音)。最重要的是,确保只加载最小的集合包和设置这些都是重现问题所需要的!许多问题都是由不同软件包的冲突引起的:因此,尝试简化您的前言通常可以让您在识别问题方面取得很大进展。




我做了一个 MWE – 去除了文本中的所有噪音和序言- 重现您的主要问题并包含 3 种可能的解决方案。

我的文字较短,没有填满整个页面。这就是回答您的主要问题所需的全部内容:ledsidenotes and linenumbers are moved up第一行中的关键脚注被吞噬了。





%\firstlinenum{1} \linenumincrement{1}  % activate this to demonstrate that there's a ghost line at \pstart\pend

%\phantom{hello}    % SOLUTION 1: keep the paragraph and insert phantom text (prints a blank line)
Start of the section \textsuperscript{76.8}\ledsidenote{76.8}
\edtext{\textbf{Text with two}}%
{\Afootnote{\textbf{First Afootnote} (tends to disappear)}}
\edtext{\textbf{disappearing footnotes;}}%
{\Bfootnote{\textbf{First Bfootnote} (tends to disappear)}}
and some more text...
and some more...
\ledsidenote{9}\textsuperscript{9}and some more...
and some more...
\edtext{Another critical footnote;}%
{\Bfootnote{Second Bfootnote (in column style)}}
and some more text...
and some more...
and some more...
\ledsidenote{10}\textsuperscript{10}and some more...
and some more...
\edtext{Another critical footnote;}%
{\Bfootnote{Third Bfootnote (in column style)}}
and that's enough.
%% Your starting point: the intro text gets an extra paragraph (works with SOLUTION 1)
   \pstart[\subsection{Morgenessen (76.8--78.8)}
      \subsubsection{Kredithai (76.8--77.7)}]
%%% SOLUTION 2: cram the intro text in the "preamble" before \pstart
%    \pstart[bla \newline\indent bla
%    \subsection{Morgenessen (76.8--78.8)}
%      \subsubsection{Kredithai (76.8--77.7)}]
%      Right side numbered text
%    \pend
%%% SOLUTION 3: conflate the two paragraphs and simulate a paragraph break + skip
%    \pstart
%    bla 
%    \newline\vspace*{\baselineskip}    % simulate a par-break + skip
%    \subsection{Morgenessen (76.8--78.8)}
%      \subsubsection{Kredithai (76.8--77.7)}
%      Right side numbered text
%    \pend

明显的罪魁祸首是空段落:在没有任何文本的情况下调用的一对命令\pstart \pend(这里是第 26-28 行)引发了相关问题。

具体来说,使用这种段落似乎会产生“幽灵行”。一行存在,并且获得编号1,如以下行号所示 - 但不占用任何 vspace。此外,所有应该放在第一行的脚注实际的线被吞噬。

看看如果你打开每行的编号会发生什么(MWE 中的 l. 14):幽灵线现在已实现,一切都已就位。但你得到的是一行空白。

我不太了解 reledpar 的内部结构,无法说出为什么会这样,但这种\pstart \pend不带任何文字的使用可能根本不是故意的。


正如您在评论中所写,您之所以要保留空白\pstart \pend,是因为:您在右侧写了一个额外的段落,在右侧的关键文本开始之前,因此您需要\pstart \pend在左侧添加一个其他段落,以保持平衡。很抱歉,我在之前的回答中遗漏了这一点。



解决方案 1

您可以保留原样,但向段落添加一些幻影文本: \pstart \phantom{hello} \pend



解决方案 2 和 3


一种方法是(解决方案 2)是为了塞满介绍文字和切片命令在可选参数中\pstart[],然后是印刷于\pstart

\pstart[\indent Intro text 
\newline\indent More intro text 

其他方式 (解决方案 3) 是强制换行、垂直空格等。在段落内

\pstart Intro text

两者都是临时解决方案,也许能满足也也许不能满足您对右侧布局的所有要求,但它们确实修复了使用时出现的错误编号和脚注\pstart \pend

请注意,对于解决方案 2,简介文本不是编号文本。如果您需要在右侧显示编号,这可能会有问题。

无论哪种方式,在最后阶段,可能需要手动调整分段命令周围的行号(请参阅 reledmac 手册 5.4.3)。您想使用以下任一方式\setline{}(在段落内):



