\graphicspath{{ozclo images/}}
\newif\ifinsidefloatingenv %set boolean for
\insidefloatingenvfalse %not necessary but to be sure its false
{\ifinner \center \insidefloatingenvtrue \else \oldtable[#1] \fi}
{\ifinsidefloatingenv \endcenter \insidefloatingenvfalse \else \endoldtable \fi}
\textbf{Problem 2}
\textbf{Ancient} & \textbf{Early} & \textbf{Late}\\
chegar & praino & plátano\\
chão & prancha & plebe\\
cheio& &\\
\textbf{Problem 4}
mtu - person, mbuzi - goat, jito - large, mgeni - guest, jitu - giant, kibuzi - little goat
我不知道该怎么做。顺便问一下,我该如何正确地将代码包含在我的帖子中?我看到有人将他们的代码包含在下面的输出中,并“自动”显示。代码也在它自己的单独“窗口”中,带有上下左右滚动条。抱歉,我知道我的代码看起来真的很乱。我可以在 meta 上找到这方面的教程吗?
\graphicspath{{ozclo images/}}
\newif\ifinsidefloatingenv %set boolean for
\insidefloatingenvfalse %not necessary but to be sure its false
{\ifinner \center \insidefloatingenvtrue \else \oldtable[#1] \fi}
{\ifinsidefloatingenv \endcenter \insidefloatingenvfalse \else \endoldtable \fi}
\textbf{Problem 2}
%\begin{table}[htp] %% <-- you don't really need table
\textbf{Ancient} & \textbf{Early} & \textbf{Late}\\
chegar & praino & plátano\\
chão & prancha & plebe\\
cheio& &\\
%\end{table} %% <-- you don't really need table
\textbf{Problem 4}
mtu - person, mbuzi - goat, jito - large, mgeni - guest, jitu - giant, kibuzi - little goat
% \end{questions} %% <-- this line caused trouble
% \hskip-1cm\includegraphics[scale=0.75]{P4} % commented off
% \includegraphics[scale=0.75]{P4a} % commented off