如果我在 bib 文件中添加另一个引文,引文将从数字变为粗体

如果我在 bib 文件中添加另一个引文,引文将从数字变为粗体

我是 LaTex 新手,正在尝试了解如何创建引文。我有一个mybib.bib包含 1 条引文的文件。我还有一个main.tex包含以下引文包的文件:

\usepackage {hyperref}

目前我正在创建一个引用,Recent approaches \cite{author1}输出结果Recent approaches [1]正是我想要的。但是,当我向bib文件中添加另一个引用时:

title = {Reynolds averaged turbulence modelling using deep neural networks with embedded invariance},
author = {Ling, Julia and Kurzawski, Andrew and Templeton, Jeremy},
abstractNote = {There exists significant demand for improved Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) turbulence models that are informed by and can represent a richer set of turbulence physics. This paper presents a method of using deep neural networks to learn a model for the Reynolds stress anisotropy tensor from high-fidelity simulation data. A novel neural network architecture is proposed which uses a multiplicative layer with an invariant tensor basis to embed Galilean invariance into the predicted anisotropy tensor. It is demonstrated that this neural network architecture provides improved prediction accuracy compared with a generic neural network architecture that does not embed this invariance property. Furthermore, the Reynolds stress anisotropy predictions of this invariant neural network are propagated through to the velocity field for two test cases. For both test cases, significant improvement versus baseline RANS linear eddy viscosity and nonlinear eddy viscosity models is demonstrated.},
doi = {10.1017/jfm.2016.615},
journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
number = ,
volume = 807,
place = {United States},
year = {2016},
month = {10}


我不知道是否应该在这里添加我的代码,因为我有 40 多页。如果我还需要对我的问题添加其他内容,请告诉我(再次强调,我是这个社区的新手)。


如果您的参考书目有问题,您应该始终检查.blg文件。该文件包含参考书目程序 Biber 写入的日志。(在 Windows 计算机上,.blg文件可能会被错误地归类为“性能监视器”文件或类似文件,但它们是简单的文本文件,您可以使用您最喜欢的编辑器打开。)如果您的文件有问题.bib,应该在.blg文件中提及。




title = {Reynolds averaged turbulence modelling using deep neural networks with embedded invariance},
author = {Ling, Julia and Kurzawski, Andrew and Templeton, Jeremy},
doi = {10.1017/jfm.2016.615},
journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
number = ,
volume = 807,
place = {United States},
year = {2016},
month = {10}

Lorem \autocite{sigfridsson,osti_1333570}



[0] Config.pm:311> INFO - This is Biber 2.16
[0] Config.pm:314> INFO - Logfile is 'Namenlosds-46.blg'
[125] biber-MSWIN64:340> INFO - === 
[171] Biber.pm:415> INFO - Reading 'Namenlosds-46.bcf'
[303] Biber.pm:952> INFO - Found 2 citekeys in bib section 0
[323] Biber.pm:4340> INFO - Processing section 0
[335] Biber.pm:4531> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'Namenlosds-46.bib' for section 0
[406] bibtex.pm:1689> INFO - LaTeX decoding ...
[414] bibtex.pm:1494> INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'Namenlosds-46.bib'
[449] Utils.pm:411> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: C:\Users\Moritz\AppData\Local\Temp\biber_tmp_5wIq\df80c46ae0fa8bae748809bbe02c8ab5_10072.utf8, line 6, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry type, key, field, or macro name) or quoted string ({...} or "...")
[449] Biber.pm:132> INFO - ERRORS: 1

重要的消息是ERROR,它告诉您.bib文件的第 6 行有错误(请注意,错误通常只在发生后几行才报告,因此请务必检查报告行上方的几行)。第 6 行是

number = ,



  title   = {Reynolds Averaged Turbulence Modelling
             Using Deep Neural Networks With Embedded Invariance},
  author  = {Ling, Julia and Kurzawski, Andrew and Templeton, Jeremy},
  doi     = {10.1017/jfm.2016.615},
  journal = {Journal of Fluid Mechanics},
  volume  = 807,
  year    = {2016},
  month   = {10},
  pages   = {155-166},


顺便说一句,这不是 Biber 解析文件的特殊之处.bib。BibTeX 也会抱怨

You're missing a field part---line 6 of file Namenlosds-46.bib
 : number = 
 :          ,
I'm skipping whatever remains of this entry
