我使用 Hfill 来处理小文本,但如果英文文本很长,我该怎么做
\documentclass[a4paper,xelatex,ja=standard, enablejfam=true, jbase=8pt, nomag]{book}
\setsansfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=0.8, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Amiri}
\setsansfont[Script=Latin,Scale=0.8, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Arial}
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.2, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Amiri}
\textbf{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على} \hfill\LR{- content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take }
\textbf{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على} \hfill\LR{- content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take }
\textbf{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على} \hfill\LR{- content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take }
\textbf{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على} \hfill\LR{- content oneself with; accede to }
\textbf{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على} \hfill\LR{- content oneself with; accede to }
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.2, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Amiri}
قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على &
- content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take\\
قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على &
- content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take\\
قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على &
- content oneself with; accede to\\
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.2, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Amiri}
\advance\arabboxwd by 2ex%
\advance\tempwd by -\arabboxwd%
\noindent\hbox to 0pt{\hskip\tempwd\hskip2ex\textarabic{\box\arabbox}\hss}%
{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على}
{- content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take}
{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على}
{- content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text}
{قَبِلَ بِـ ( فعل ): - وافَقَ على}
{- content oneself with; accede to}
这是基于 Overleaf 词典模板的示例。我只是复制了\newcommand{\entry}[4]
对于西方读者来说,这种顺序可能有点不常见。不知道您是否会以这种方式在阿拉伯语-英语词典中呈现它。如果您想要 4 个组(由变量 #1 .. #4 表示)的不同顺序,请在定义中更改它们的顺序\newcommand
。如果您想要更少的顺序,比如 3,请将选项设置为[3]
\documentclass[a4paper,xelatex,ja=standard, enablejfam=true, jbase=8pt, nomag]{book}
\setsansfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=0.8, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Amiri}
\setsansfont[Script=Latin,Scale=0.8, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Arial}
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Scale=1.2, Mapping=arabicdigits]{Amiri}
% --- adapted from Overleaf template ----------------
\newcommand{\entry}[4]{\markboth{#1}{#1}\textbf{#1}\ \hfill\LR{(#2)}\ \hfill\LR{\textit{#3}}\ $\bullet$\ \hfill\LR{#4}}
% --- one example ---------------
\entry{ - وافَقَ على}{how to hyphenate this word or phrase}{type of word}{content oneself with; accede to; accept to; agree to; approve of; assent to; consent to; settle for; subscribe to; admit; confirm; endorse; ratify; sanction; take }