

我正在写论文,并将文档分为\frontmatter\mainmatter\backmatter。对于页眉,我使用 fancyhd 并重新定义,\pagestyle{plain}因此第一章页面为空白(页脚中没有页码),但我想重新定义前言页面的页眉,以便章节的第一页和下一页在页眉上没有行(因此没有 fancyhd)和罗马数字页码,而主要章节的第一页保持空白,其他页面有章节名称、页码和下面的行。





我尝试\if@mainmatter按照另一篇文章中的建议在定义 pagestyle{plain} 时添加,但无法编译。



\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{memoir}
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %fancy header and footer
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black]{hyperref}
\usepackage{afterpage} % page break without beeing counted

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Layout
\chapterstyle{article} %chapter title in bold, lefrangged, no flourish

%Header and foot
\fancypagestyle{plain}{%header chapter first page
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %no header
\fancyfoot{} %no foot

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% newcommand

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin doc

    \chapter*{}%%% abstract
Fisrt chapter page (frontmatter) - should have a roman page number on the right corner of the header, with no line beneath
Secong page (frontmatter) - I'm trying to get rid of the line from fancyhd, but not the page number 

First chapter page (mainmatter) - should remain as it is
Second page - likewise



该类memoir提供了自己的方法来定义标题。请参阅手册中的第 7 章“分页和标题”。下面是您的 MWE,只是我memoir在序言末尾添加了标题的代码。

%chapmempageprob.tex  SE 612428

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{memoir}
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %fancy header and footer
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black]{hyperref}
\usepackage{afterpage} % page break without beeing counted


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Layout
\chapterstyle{article} %chapter title in bold, lefrangged, no flourish

%Header and foot
\fancypagestyle{plain}{%header chapter first page
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %no header
\fancyfoot{} %no foot

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% newcommand

%%%%%% initial memoir's header code
\makepagestyle{frontm} % for the frontmatter (and elsewhere if necessary
\makeevenhead{frontm}{\thepage}{}{} % even page number top left
\makeoddhead{frontm}{}{}{\thepage} % odd page number top right

\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{frontm} % use frontm as the page style for chapters

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin doc


    \chapter*{}%%% abstract
Fisrt chapter page (frontmatter) - should have a roman page number on the right corner of the header, with no line beneath
Secong page (frontmatter) - I'm trying to get rid of the line from fancyhd, but not the page number 

First chapter page (mainmatter) - should remain as it is
Second page - likewise






% chapmempageprob.tex  SE 612428

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{memoir}
\usepackage{fancyhdr} %fancy header and footer
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, linkcolor=black]{hyperref}
\usepackage{afterpage} % page break without beeing counted

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Layout
\chapterstyle{article} %chapter title in bold, lefrangged, no flourish

%Header and foot
\fancypagestyle{plain}{%header chapter first page
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %no header
\fancyfoot{} %no foot

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% newcommand

%%%%%%memoir's header code
\makepagestyle{frontm} % for the frontmatter (and elsewhere if necessary
\makeevenhead{frontm}{\thepage}{}{} % even page number top left
\makeoddhead{frontm}{}{}{\thepage} % odd page number top right

\makepagestyle{mainm} % for the mainmatter (and elsewhere if necessary}


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% begin doc

\pagestyle{frontm} % use frontm page style for all non-chapter pages
\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{frontm} % use frontm as the page style for chapters

    \chapter*{}%%% abstract
Fisrt chapter page (frontmatter) - should have a roman page number on the right corner of the header, with no line beneath
Secong page (frontmatter) - I'm trying to get rid of the line from fancyhd, but not the page number.

\pagestyle{mainm} % use mainm pagestyle for all pages, except
\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{empty} % use empty as the page style for chapters

First chapter page (mainmatter) - should remain as it is
Second page - likewise


