我需要将我的技能以图像形式放入 Overleaf 简历模板中,但它出现错误。我得到了模板来自 Overleaf。它编译得很好,但当我尝试将我的技能集成到图像形式时,我收到了错误。此外,我在(你知道我该如何像这样绘制简历中的技能吗?)。
% This CV example/template is based on my own
% CV which I (lamely attempted) to clean up, so that
% it's less of an eyesore and easier for others to use.
% LianTze Lim ([email protected])
% 13 May, 2020
% Uncomment to enable Chinese; needs XeLaTeX
% \usepackage{ctex}
% Change the fonts if you want
\ifxetexorluatex % If you're using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
%% You can use \setmainfont etc; I'm just using these font packages here because they provide OpenType fonts for use by XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX anyway
\else % If you're using pdfLaTeX or latex
%% Only needed if you want a Publication List
%% Specify your last name and first name (as given in the .bib) to automatically bold your own name in the publications list. One caveat: You need to write \bibnamedelima where there's a space in your name for this to work properly for now...
\myname{Lim}{Lian\bibnamedelima Tze}
% \myname{d'Andrimont}{Raphaël}
% Change the page margins if you want
% \geometry{left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1.5cm,bottom=1.5cm}
% Change the colours if you want
% \definecolor{SwishLineColour}{HTML}{00FFFF}
% \definecolor{MarkerColour}{HTML}{0000CC}
% Change the item prefix marker if you want
% \prefixmarker{$\diamond$}
%% Photo is only shown if "fullonly" is included
% \excludecomment{fullonly}
{\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Your Name Here, Ph.D.}
\makefield{\faEnvelope[regular]}{\texttt{[email protected]}}
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
% If you're not a researcher nor an academic, you probably don't have any publications; delete this line.
%% Sometimes when a section can't be nicely modelled with the \entry[]... mechanism; hack our own and use \input NOT \makerubric
% If you're not a researcher nor an academic, you probably don't need biblatex; delete this line.
%% Added 17 Jan 2018 from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/140641/226 and https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/46879/226
\node[shape=circle,text=white,fill=MarkerColour!80!black,font=\sffamily\scriptsize\bfseries,inner sep=1pt,text height=1.35ex,minimum width=1.5em,text centered] (char) {#1};}}
% \renewcommand{\bibfont}{\small}
\shade[left color=SwishLineColour!60!white, right color=white] rectangle (\@almosttextwidth,2.5pt);
\node[font={\@rubricfont},inner sep=0pt,text ragged,anchor=south west,text depth=.5ex,text height=1.5ex] at (1pt,2pt) {#1};
\newcommand{\makefield}[2]{\makebox[1.5em]{\color{MarkerColour!80!black}#1} #2\hspace{2em}}
( type=book or type=incollection )
\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifdefstrequal{\namepartfamily}{\@mylastname}}
test {\ifdefstrequal{\namepartgiven}{\@myfirstname}}}
\ifboolexpr{ test {\ifdefstrequal{\namepartfamily}{\@mylastname}}
test {\ifdefstrequal{\namepartgiven}{\@myfirstname}}}
%!TEX encoding = UTF8
%!TEX root =cv-llt.tex
\noentry{2014 -- 2015}
Strong reading, writing and speaking competencies for English, Mandarin Chinese, Bahasa Malaysia.
Java, \smallcaps{PHP}, Python, R, \smallcaps{SQL, XML/XSL}, \LaTeX, \ldots
My\smallcaps{SQL}, Postgre\smallcaps{SQL}, \smallcaps{HSQL}, \smallcaps{SQL}ite, LotusNotes.
\entry*[Web Dev]
\textsc{Html, css}, JavaScript, Apache Web Server, Tomcat Web Server.
Academic research, teaching, training, consultation, \LaTeX\ typesetting and publishing.
\usepackage{siunitx}% only to force percentages to be integers
\let\realItem\item% save for later use
\node[minimum width=4em] at (0,0) {\num[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{#1}\%};
\draw[thick,line width=1.5mm,Blue](90:5mm)
arc [radius=5mm, start angle=90, delta angle=-#1*3.6];
\draw[thick,line width=1.5mm,LightSteelBlue](90-#1*3.6:5mm)
arc [radius=5mm, start angle=90-#1*3.6, end angle=-270];
before=\let\item\percentageItem,%make \item = \percentageItem
\item[57]\textbf{Personality}\\Leadership, innovation
% That code the skills in image form.tex
详细代码可以参见(https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/a-customised-curve-cv/mvmbhkwsnmwv) 和 (你知道我该如何像这样绘制简历中的技能吗?)。
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< before \usepackage{settings}
\usepackage{siunitx}% only to force percentages to be integers
\let\realItem\item% save for later use
\node[minimum width=4em] at (0,0) {\num[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{#1}\%};
\draw[thick,line width=1.5mm,Blue](90:5mm)
arc [radius=5mm, start angle=90, delta angle=-#1*3.6];
\draw[thick,line width=1.5mm,LightSteelBlue](90-#1*3.6:5mm)
arc [radius=5mm, start angle=90-#1*3.6, end angle=-270];
before=\let\item\percentageItem,%make \item = \percentageItem
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % after \usepackage{settings} <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
% Change the fonts if you want
\ifxetexorluatex % If you're using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
%% You can use \setmainfont etc; I'm just using these font packages here because they provide OpenType fonts for use by XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX anyway
\else % If you're using pdfLaTeX or latex
%% Only needed if you want a Publication List
\myname{Lim}{Lian\bibnamedelima Tze}
{\LARGE\bfseries\sffamily Your Name Here, Ph.D.}
\makefield{\faEnvelope[regular]}{\texttt{[email protected]}}
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\item[57]\textbf{Personality}\\Leadership, innovation