

我正在尝试使用类似“Figure”的代码交叉引用文本中的图形\ref{Fig. 1.1}。在我的文档末尾,我有以下内容:


    \textbf{\caption{Prevalence of nicotine vaping among US $10\textsuperscript{th}$- and $12\textsuperscript{th}$-grade students, by year in grades 10, and 12 from 2017-2020 (from Miech et al., 2021)}}
    \label{Fig. 1.1}
    \textbf{\caption{Trends in 30-day cannabis use prevalence in grades 8, 10, and 12 from 2015-2019 (from Miech et al., 2019: based on Table 5-5c)}}
    \label{Fig. 1.2}
    \textbf{\caption{Trends in 30-day prevalence in grades 8, 10, and 12 from 1975-2019 (from Miech et al., 2019: Figure 5-4q CIGARETTES)}}
    \label{Fig. 1.3}

文内交叉引用显示为“图 1.3”。知道为什么当我引用图 1.1 时,文内显示为“图 1.3”吗?


正如大卫卡莱尔 (David Carlisle) 在评论中所指出的,你不应该包括\caption内部\textbf{…}(在这种情况下,你很可能会引用第 1.3 节,而不是图,因为\caption组内无法定义\label该组外部的引用)。



    \bfseries \caption{Prevalence of nicotine vaping among US $10\textsuperscript{th}$- and $12\textsuperscript{th}$-grade students, by year in grades 10, and 12 from 2017-2020 (from Miech et al., 2021)}
    \label{Fig. 1.1}
    \bfseries \caption{Trends in 30-day cannabis use prevalence in grades 8, 10, and 12 from 2015-2019 (from Miech et al., 2019: based on Table 5-5c)}
    \label{Fig. 1.2}
    \bfseries \caption{Trends in 30-day prevalence in grades 8, 10, and 12 from 1975-2019 (from Miech et al., 2019: Figure 5-4q CIGARETTES)}
    \label{Fig. 1.3}





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\usepackage[font=bf]{caption} % <-- new



    \caption{Prevalence of nicotine vaping among US 10\textsuperscript{th}- and 12\textsuperscript{th}-grade students, by year in grades 10, and 12 from 2017--2020 (from Miech et al., 2021)}


    \caption{Trends in 30-day cannabis use prevalence in grades 8, 10, and 12 from 2015--2019 (from Miech et al., 2019: based on Table 5-5c)}

    \caption{Trends in 30-day prevalence in grades 8, 10, and 12 from 1975--2019 (from Miech et al., 2019: Figure 5-4q CIGARETTES)}
