
\textbf{Synthesis} &
  \textbf{Technique} &
  \textbf{Product} &
  \textbf{Temperature (°C)} &
  \textbf{properties} \\ \hline
\multirow{4}{*}{SiC powders} & Reduction of silica by carbon                    & $\beta$-SiC     & 1800               & Fine   powder           \\ \cline{2-5} 
                             & Siliconization   of carbon                         & $\beta$-SiC     & 1380   or 1200-300 & Coarse   powder         \\ \cline{2-5} 
                             & Chemical   vapor deposition (CVD)                  & $\beta$-SiC     & -                  & Fine   powder           \\ \cline{2-5} 
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}c@{}}Liquid-phase raw materials\\ and precursor method\end{tabular} &
  $\beta$-SiC &
  1600-1800°C &
  Fine   powder \\ \hline
\multirow{5}{*}{SiC in bulk} & Lely   method                                      & $\alpha$-SiC     & $\sim$2700°C       & Large   single crystals \\ \cline{2-5} 
                             & Molten   metal method                              & Polytypes & High   Temperature & Inorganic   crystals    \\ \cline{2-5} 
                             & \multirow{2}{*}{Chemical   vapor deposition (CVD)} & $\alpha$-SiC     & 2000-2300°C        & single   crystals       \\ \cline{3-5} 
                             &                                                    & $\beta$-SiC     & \textless{}2000°C  & single   crystals       \\ \cline{2-5} 
                             & Aqueous   solution method                          & SiC       & -                  & Polycrystalline   films \\ \hline
\caption{Classification of methods for SiC synthesis (powders and bulk) \cite{3}}


我建议允许在第 2、4 和 5 列自动换行。这可以通过使用环境来实现tabularx;请参阅下文了解具体实现。我还将使用悬挂缩进,以便更容易看到单元格的位置。



\settowidth\mylen{Polytypes} % measure width of column #3


\setlength\tabcolsep{3pt} % default: 6pt
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l L p{\mylen} L L @{}}
  \textbf{Synthesis} &
  \textbf{Technique} &
  \textbf{Product} &
  \textbf{Temperature} &
  \textbf{Properties} \\ 
SiC powders
  & Reduction of silica by carbon
  & $\beta$-SiC
  & 1800°C
  & Fine powder \\ 
  & Siliconization of carbon 
  & $\beta$-SiC     
  & 1380°C or \mbox{1200--1300°C}
  & Coarse powder \\ 
  & Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) 
  & $\beta$-SiC & --  & Fine powder  \\ 
  & Liquid-phase raw materials and precursor method 
  & $\beta$-SiC 
  & 1600--1800°C 
  & Fine powder \\ 
SiC in bulk
  & Lely method 
  & $\alpha$-SiC 
  & $\approx$2700°C 
  & Large single crystals \\ 
  & Molten metal method 
  & Polytypes 
  & High temperature 
  & Inorganic crystals \\ 
  & Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) 
    & $\alpha$-SiC \newline $\beta$-SiC 
    & 2000--2300°C \newline $<$\,2000°C
    & single crystals \newline single crystals \\ 
  & Aqueous solution method 
  & SiC
  & --
  & Polycrystalline films \\ 
\caption{Classification of methods for SiC synthesis (powders 
         and bulk) \cite{3}}

