在 Tikz 中制作四轴飞行器轴系统

在 Tikz 中制作四轴飞行器轴系统

我在 Tikz 中制作这种类型的四轴飞行器系统时遇到了困难。 在此处输入图片描述

我想生成这种类型的图片,因为我是初学者,我不知道如何在 tikz 中绘制它。我从这个代码开始飞机形状。请帮帮我。



欢迎来到 TeX.SE!!!



  pics/cylinder/.style n args={3}{% #1 = radius, #2 = height, #3 = angle
      \draw[pic actions] (135:#1) arc (135:315:#1) --++ (0,0,#2) arc (315:135:#1) -- cycle;
      \draw[pic actions] (0,0,#2) circle (#1);
      \foreach\z in {0,1}
        \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=\z*\h]
          \coordinate (-cen\z) at       (0,0);
          \coordinate (-ESE\z) at    (-#3:#1);
          \coordinate (-ENE\z) at     (#3:#1);
          \coordinate (-NNE\z) at  (90-#3:#1);
          \coordinate (-NNW\z) at  (90+#3:#1);
          \coordinate (-WNW\z) at (180-#3:#1);
          \coordinate (-WSW\z) at (180+#3:#1);
          \coordinate (-SSW\z) at (270-#3:#1);
          \coordinate (-SSE\z) at (270+#3:#1);

\begin{tikzpicture}[isometric view,line cap=round,line join=round]
% dimensions
\def\l{4}    % boom length
\def\R{1}    % body radius
\def\r{0.15} % motor radius
\def\h{0.3}  % boom and body height
% paths to situate the coordinates
\foreach[count=\i]\j in {E,N,W,S}
  \pic[draw=none] (\j) at (90*\i-90:\l) {cylinder={\r}{\h}{45}};
\pic[draw=none] (O) {cylinder={\R}{\h}{\A}};
% rotations
\foreach[count=\i]\j in {-1,1,-1,1}
  \draw[dashed] (90*\i:\l) + (0,0,-\h) --++ (0,0,-7*\h);
  \begin{scope}[shift={(180-90*\i:\l)},canvas is xy plane at z=-4*\h,x=\j cm]
    \draw[red,-latex] (.7,0) arc (0:270:0.7) node [right] {$M_\i$};
% z-axis
\draw[-latex] (0,0,\h) --++ (0,0,-2)  node [below] {$z$};
% motors
\foreach\i in {E,N,W,S}
  \pic[fill=white,shift={(0,0,-\h)}] at (\i-cen0) {cylinder={\r}{2*\h}{45}};
% boom, east
\draw[fill=white] (E-SSW1) arc (225:135:\r) -- (O-ENE1) arc (\A:-\A:\R) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (E-SSW1) -- (E-SSW0) -- (O-ESE0) -- (O-ESE1) -- cycle;
% boom, north
\draw[fill=white] (N-SSE1) arc (315:225:\r) -- (O-NNW1) arc (90+\A:90-\A:\R) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (N-SSW1) -- (N-SSW0) -- (O-NNW0) -- (O-NNW1) -- cycle;
% frame
\pic[fill=white] {cylinder={\R}{\h}{\A}};
% boom, west
\draw[fill=white] (W-NNE1) arc (45:-45:\r) -- (O-WSW1) arc (180+\A:180-\A:\R) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (W-SSE1) -- (W-SSE0) -- (O-WSW0) -- (O-WSW1) -- cycle;
% boom, south
\draw[fill=white] (S-NNW1) arc (135:45:\r) -- (O-SSE1) arc (270+\A:270-\A:\R) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=white] (S-NNW1) -- (S-NNW0) -- (O-SSW0) -- (O-SSW1) -- cycle;
% propellers
\foreach[count=\i]\j in {140,10,60,15}
  \begin{scope}[shift={(90*\i-90:\l)},rotate around z=\j,canvas is xy plane at z=\h]
    \draw[fill=gray!30] (0,0) sin  (0.5,0.1) cos  (1,0) sin  (0.5,-0.1) cos (0,0)
                              sin (-0.5,0.1) cos (-1,0) sin (-0.5,-0.1) cos (0,0);
    \fill (0,0) circle (0.05);
% forces
\foreach\i in {1,2,3,4}
  \draw[ultra thick,blue,-latex] (90*\i:\l) + (0,0,2*\h) --++ (0,0,6*\h) node [right] {$F_\i$};
% axes
\draw[-latex] (0,0,\h) --++ (1.5,0,0) node [yshift=3mm] {\strut$y$};
\draw[-latex] (0,0,\h) --++ (0,1.5,0) node [yshift=3mm] {\strut$x$};
\draw[dashed] (O-cen1) --++ (-3,-4,0) coordinate (O');
\draw[-latex] (O') --++ (0,1, 0) node [left]  {$N$};
\draw[-latex] (O') --++ (1,0, 0) node [right] {$E$};
\draw[-latex] (O') --++ (0,0,-1) node [below] {$D$};



Tikz 中的四轴飞行器轴系统马查编辑。




\tikzset{every picture/.style={line width=0.75pt}} %set default line width to 0.75pt        

%uncomment if require: \path (0,457); %set diagram left start at 0, and has height of 457

%Straight Lines [id:da9026943928168321] 
\draw  [dash pattern={on 0.84pt off 2.51pt}]  (79.99,5.52) -- (79.99,119.17) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da839234693943983] 
\draw  [dash pattern={on 0.84pt off 2.51pt}]  (559.9,33.01) -- (559.9,146.66) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da1087876075622769] 
\draw  [dash pattern={on 0.84pt off 2.51pt}]  (53.25,258.24) -- (53.25,371.89) ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp7572875309969542] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (561.25,79.92) .. controls (562.89,76.72) and (586.01,85.29) .. (612.9,99.07) .. controls (639.79,112.84) and (660.26,126.59) .. (658.62,129.79) .. controls (656.99,132.98) and (633.86,124.41) .. (606.97,110.64) .. controls (580.08,96.86) and (559.61,83.11) .. (561.25,79.92) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp3621974064796898] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (463.88,30.05) .. controls (465.51,26.85) and (488.64,35.42) .. (515.53,49.2) .. controls (542.42,62.97) and (562.89,76.72) .. (561.25,79.92) .. controls (559.61,83.11) and (536.49,74.54) .. (509.6,60.77) .. controls (482.71,46.99) and (462.24,33.24) .. (463.88,30.05) -- cycle ;

%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp2823271895583528] 
\draw   (53.58,308.48) -- (303.82,194.76) -- (309.67,202.56) -- (59.43,316.28) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp5273428375305598] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (54.25,308.92) .. controls (55.89,305.72) and (79.01,314.29) .. (105.9,328.07) .. controls (132.79,341.84) and (153.26,355.59) .. (151.62,358.79) .. controls (149.99,361.98) and (126.86,353.41) .. (99.97,339.64) .. controls (73.08,325.86) and (52.61,312.11) .. (54.25,308.92) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp0946700011393522] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (-43.12,259.05) .. controls (-41.49,255.85) and (-18.36,264.42) .. (8.53,278.2) .. controls (35.42,291.97) and (55.89,305.72) .. (54.25,308.92) .. controls (52.61,312.11) and (29.49,303.54) .. (2.6,289.77) .. controls (-24.29,275.99) and (-44.76,262.24) .. (-43.12,259.05) -- cycle ;

%Flowchart: Stored Data [id:dp0003201317501160261] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (47.32,319.9) -- (47.32,307.95) .. controls (47.32,309.21) and (49.98,310.23) .. (53.25,310.23) .. controls (56.52,310.23) and (59.18,309.21) .. (59.18,307.95) -- (59.18,319.9) .. controls (59.18,321.16) and (56.52,322.18) .. (53.25,322.18) .. controls (49.98,322.18) and (47.32,321.16) .. (47.32,319.9) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Circle [id:dp9144059414738381] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (46.1,307.92) .. controls (46.1,303.97) and (49.3,300.77) .. (53.25,300.77) .. controls (57.2,300.77) and (60.4,303.97) .. (60.4,307.92) .. controls (60.4,311.86) and (57.2,315.07) .. (53.25,315.07) .. controls (49.3,315.07) and (46.1,311.86) .. (46.1,307.92) -- cycle ;

%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp7728414987821433] 
\draw   (303.82,195.76) -- (554.06,82.04) -- (559.9,89.84) -- (309.67,203.56) -- cycle ;
%Flowchart: Stored Data [id:dp041652333899612426] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (555.32,91.9) -- (555.32,79.95) .. controls (555.32,81.21) and (557.98,82.23) .. (561.25,82.23) .. controls (564.52,82.23) and (567.18,81.21) .. (567.18,79.95) -- (567.18,91.9) .. controls (567.18,93.16) and (564.52,94.18) .. (561.25,94.18) .. controls (557.98,94.18) and (555.32,93.16) .. (555.32,91.9) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Circle [id:dp7818145303441153] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (554.1,79.92) .. controls (554.1,75.97) and (557.3,72.77) .. (561.25,72.77) .. controls (565.2,72.77) and (568.4,75.97) .. (568.4,79.92) .. controls (568.4,83.86) and (565.2,87.07) .. (561.25,87.07) .. controls (557.3,87.07) and (554.1,83.86) .. (554.1,79.92) -- cycle ;

%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp2290805651060528] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (84.66,43.62) -- (311.1,199.42) -- (307.43,208.46) -- (80.99,52.65) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp6942686958610877] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (82.1,47.72) .. controls (80.03,44.79) and (98.38,28.31) .. (123.08,10.91) .. controls (147.77,-6.49) and (169.47,-18.21) .. (171.54,-15.28) .. controls (173.61,-12.34) and (155.26,4.14) .. (130.56,21.54) .. controls (105.86,38.94) and (84.17,50.66) .. (82.1,47.72) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp3856373921297922] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (-7.34,110.72) .. controls (-9.41,107.79) and (8.94,91.31) .. (33.64,73.91) .. controls (58.33,56.51) and (80.03,44.79) .. (82.1,47.72) .. controls (84.17,50.66) and (65.82,67.14) .. (41.12,84.54) .. controls (16.42,101.93) and (-5.27,113.66) .. (-7.34,110.72) -- cycle ;
%Flowchart: Stored Data [id:dp135842864985791] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (73.36,56.54) -- (73.51,44.59) .. controls (73.5,45.85) and (76.14,46.9) .. (79.41,46.94) .. controls (82.68,46.98) and (85.35,46) .. (85.36,44.74) -- (85.21,56.69) .. controls (85.19,57.95) and (82.53,58.93) .. (79.26,58.89) .. controls (75.98,58.85) and (73.34,57.8) .. (73.36,56.54) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Circle [id:dp5184791926773] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (72.29,44.54) .. controls (72.34,40.59) and (75.58,37.43) .. (79.53,37.48) .. controls (83.48,37.53) and (86.64,40.77) .. (86.59,44.72) .. controls (86.54,48.67) and (83.3,51.83) .. (79.35,51.78) .. controls (75.4,51.73) and (72.24,48.49) .. (72.29,44.54) -- cycle ;

%Shape: Rectangle [id:dp538607544170224] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (303.82,194.76) -- (530.26,350.56) -- (526.59,359.59) -- (300.15,203.79) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp21517649092307467] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (255.24,196.76) .. controls (255.24,185.29) and (276.99,176) .. (303.82,176) .. controls (330.65,176) and (352.4,185.29) .. (352.4,196.76) .. controls (352.4,208.23) and (330.65,217.52) .. (303.82,217.52) .. controls (276.99,217.52) and (255.24,208.23) .. (255.24,196.76) -- cycle ;
%Straight Lines [id:da2953316294980599] 
\draw    (305.4,199.52) -- (221.89,143.2) ;
\draw [shift={(219.4,141.52)}, rotate = 34] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da5906523993990767] 
\draw    (305.4,199.52) -- (384.65,164.73) ;
\draw [shift={(387.4,163.52)}, rotate = 156.3] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da8288900870206617] 
\draw  [dash pattern={on 0.84pt off 2.51pt}]  (305.4,199.52) -- (355.4,347.52) ;
%Straight Lines [id:da5524007472746157] 
\draw    (355.4,347.52) -- (355.4,434.52) ;
\draw [shift={(355.4,437.52)}, rotate = 270] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da6783455165748054] 
\draw    (355.4,347.52) -- (421.71,314.85) ;
\draw [shift={(424.4,313.52)}, rotate = 153.77] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle    ;
%Straight Lines [id:da1762006511105485] 
\draw    (355.4,347.52) -- (275.23,319.51) ;
\draw [shift={(272.4,318.52)}, rotate = 19.26] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle    ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp4677546900293663] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (531.18,353.72) .. controls (529.12,350.79) and (547.46,334.31) .. (572.16,316.91) .. controls (596.86,299.51) and (618.56,287.79) .. (620.62,290.72) .. controls (622.69,293.66) and (604.34,310.14) .. (579.65,327.54) .. controls (554.95,344.94) and (533.25,356.66) .. (531.18,353.72) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Ellipse [id:dp5123617593385752] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (441.74,416.72) .. controls (439.68,413.79) and (458.02,397.31) .. (482.72,379.91) .. controls (507.42,362.51) and (529.12,350.79) .. (531.18,353.72) .. controls (533.25,356.66) and (514.9,373.14) .. (490.21,390.54) .. controls (465.51,407.93) and (443.81,419.66) .. (441.74,416.72) -- cycle ;
%Flowchart: Stored Data [id:dp124865266494953] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (522.44,362.54) -- (522.59,350.59) .. controls (522.58,351.85) and (525.22,352.9) .. (528.49,352.94) .. controls (531.76,352.98) and (534.43,352) .. (534.45,350.74) -- (534.29,362.69) .. controls (534.28,363.95) and (531.61,364.93) .. (528.34,364.89) .. controls (525.07,364.85) and (522.43,363.8) .. (522.44,362.54) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Circle [id:dp25852994708512766] 
\draw  [fill={rgb, 255:red, 255; green, 255; blue, 255 }  ,fill opacity=1 ] (521.37,350.54) .. controls (521.42,346.59) and (524.66,343.43) .. (528.61,343.48) .. controls (532.56,343.53) and (535.72,346.77) .. (535.67,350.72) .. controls (535.62,354.67) and (532.38,357.83) .. (528.43,357.78) .. controls (524.48,357.73) and (521.32,354.49) .. (521.37,350.54) -- cycle ;

%Straight Lines [id:da9451385653971158] 
\draw    (305.4,199.52) -- (305.4,286.52) ;
\draw [shift={(305.4,289.52)}, rotate = 270] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (8.93,-4.29) -- (0,0) -- (8.93,4.29) -- cycle    ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp6425093267399156] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0] (82.5,91.15) .. controls (81.67,91.16) and (80.83,91.17) .. (79.99,91.17) .. controls (65.9,91.17) and (54.49,88.82) .. (54.49,85.91) .. controls (54.49,83.01) and (65.9,80.65) .. (79.99,80.65) .. controls (94.07,80.65) and (105.49,83.01) .. (105.49,85.91) .. controls (105.49,88.25) and (98.11,90.23) .. (87.9,90.91) -- (79.99,85.91) -- cycle ; \draw    (82.5,91.15) .. controls (81.67,91.16) and (80.83,91.17) .. (79.99,91.17) .. controls (65.9,91.17) and (54.49,88.82) .. (54.49,85.91) .. controls (54.49,83.01) and (65.9,80.65) .. (79.99,80.65) .. controls (94.07,80.65) and (105.49,83.01) .. (105.49,85.91) .. controls (105.49,88.01) and (99.51,89.83) .. (90.88,90.67) ; \draw [shift={(87.9,90.91)}, rotate = 344.56] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (10.72,-5.15) -- (0,0) -- (10.72,5.15) -- (7.12,0) -- cycle    ; 
%Right Arrow [id:dp14983472860010894] 
\draw   (78.1,32.26) -- (78.1,-14.48) -- (68.74,-14.48) -- (80.07,-37.74) -- (91.4,-14.48) -- (82.04,-14.48) -- (82.04,32.26) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp12262071830624155] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0] (567.36,106.02) .. controls (576.81,106.79) and (583.49,108.69) .. (583.49,110.91) .. controls (583.49,113.82) and (572.07,116.17) .. (557.99,116.17) .. controls (543.9,116.17) and (532.49,113.82) .. (532.49,110.91) .. controls (532.49,108.01) and (543.9,105.65) .. (557.99,105.65) .. controls (558.23,105.65) and (558.46,105.65) .. (558.7,105.65) -- (557.99,110.91) -- cycle ; \draw    (570.37,106.31) .. controls (578.19,107.21) and (583.49,108.93) .. (583.49,110.91) .. controls (583.49,113.82) and (572.07,116.17) .. (557.99,116.17) .. controls (543.9,116.17) and (532.49,113.82) .. (532.49,110.91) .. controls (532.49,108.01) and (543.9,105.65) .. (557.99,105.65) .. controls (558.23,105.65) and (558.46,105.65) .. (558.7,105.65) ;  \draw [shift={(567.36,106.02)}, rotate = 8.9] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (10.72,-5.15) -- (0,0) -- (10.72,5.15) -- (7.12,0) -- cycle    ;
%Right Arrow [id:dp3824400827244223] 
\draw   (558.31,65.83) -- (558.31,19.09) -- (548.95,19.09) -- (560.28,-4.17) -- (571.61,19.09) -- (562.25,19.09) -- (562.25,65.83) -- cycle ;
%Right Arrow [id:dp871569581353923] 
\draw   (51.31,292.83) -- (51.31,246.09) -- (41.95,246.09) -- (53.28,222.83) -- (64.61,246.09) -- (55.25,246.09) -- (55.25,292.83) -- cycle ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp7690331234290071] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0] (61.36,339.02) .. controls (70.81,339.79) and (77.49,341.69) .. (77.49,343.91) .. controls (77.49,346.82) and (66.07,349.17) .. (51.99,349.17) .. controls (37.9,349.17) and (26.49,346.82) .. (26.49,343.91) .. controls (26.49,341.01) and (37.9,338.65) .. (51.99,338.65) .. controls (52.23,338.65) and (52.46,338.65) .. (52.7,338.65) -- (51.99,343.91) -- cycle ; \draw    (64.37,339.31) .. controls (72.19,340.21) and (77.49,341.93) .. (77.49,343.91) .. controls (77.49,346.82) and (66.07,349.17) .. (51.99,349.17) .. controls (37.9,349.17) and (26.49,346.82) .. (26.49,343.91) .. controls (26.49,341.01) and (37.9,338.65) .. (51.99,338.65) .. controls (52.23,338.65) and (52.46,338.65) .. (52.7,338.65) ;  \draw [shift={(61.36,339.02)}, rotate = 8.9] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (10.72,-5.15) -- (0,0) -- (10.72,5.15) -- (7.12,0) -- cycle    ;
%Shape: Arc [id:dp6673925984894136] 
\draw  [draw opacity=0] (529.5,395.15) .. controls (528.67,395.16) and (527.83,395.17) .. (526.99,395.17) .. controls (512.9,395.17) and (501.49,392.82) .. (501.49,389.91) .. controls (501.49,387.01) and (512.9,384.65) .. (526.99,384.65) .. controls (541.07,384.65) and (552.49,387.01) .. (552.49,389.91) .. controls (552.49,392.25) and (545.11,394.23) .. (534.9,394.91) -- (526.99,389.91) -- cycle ; \draw    (529.5,395.15) .. controls (528.67,395.16) and (527.83,395.17) .. (526.99,395.17) .. controls (512.9,395.17) and (501.49,392.82) .. (501.49,389.91) .. controls (501.49,387.01) and (512.9,384.65) .. (526.99,384.65) .. controls (541.07,384.65) and (552.49,387.01) .. (552.49,389.91) .. controls (552.49,392.01) and (546.51,393.83) .. (537.88,394.67) ; \draw [shift={(534.9,394.91)}, rotate = 344.56] [fill={rgb, 255:red, 0; green, 0; blue, 0 }  ][line width=0.08]  [draw opacity=0] (10.72,-5.15) -- (0,0) -- (10.72,5.15) -- (7.12,0) -- cycle    ; 
%Straight Lines [id:da18313597256456715] 
\draw  [dash pattern={on 0.84pt off 2.51pt}]  (528.52,293.8) -- (528.52,407.45) ;
%Right Arrow [id:dp9523483907355541] 
\draw   (526.52,340.54) -- (526.52,293.8) -- (517.16,293.8) -- (528.49,270.54) -- (539.82,293.8) -- (530.46,293.8) -- (530.46,340.54) -- cycle ;

% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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% Text Node
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