如何在 LaTeX 中格式化没有垂直分隔线并且顶部带有标题的表格?

如何在 LaTeX 中格式化没有垂直分隔线并且顶部带有标题的表格?


我将我的 LaTeX 代码和所需模型作为图像附上。






& Transfer function approach & & State variable approach \\ \hline 
1. & The transfer function approach is also called the conventional approach or classical approach & 1. 
& The state variable approach is called the modern approach. \\ \hline
2. & It is based on the input-output relationship or transfer function. & 2. &
It is based on the description of a linear system of $n$ first-order differential equations which is
called as a state model.  \\ \hline
\caption{Transfer function approach versus the state variable approach}






  • 如果您希望标题位于表格内容之前而不是之后,只需将\caption指令而不是tabular环境之后。

  • 如果您不想要垂直线,请不要|在表格环境的参数中使用粒子。

  • 为了保证表格材料适合文本块,请勿使用p固定宽度的列类型。相反,加载表格型打包并使用tabularx环境而不是tabular环境并将其所需宽度设置为\textwidth。(附言:X-type 列只不过是p-type 列,LaTeX 已为您完成了宽度参数的计算工作。)

  • >{\RaggedRight}X可选:通过使用而不是仅仅 来暂停第 2 列和第 4 列的完全对齐X

  • 可选:对于间距适当的水平线,不要使用\hline。相反,请加载书签包装并使用\toprule\midrule\bottomrule\addlinespace



\usepackage{tabularx} % for 'tabularx' env. and 'X' col. type
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for '\RaggedRight' macro
\usepackage{booktabs} % for well-spaced horizontal lines
\usepackage[skip=0.333\baselineskip]{caption} % optional


\caption{Transfer function approach versus state variable approach}
%% '@{}' particles suppress whitespace padding at both edges
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} *{2}{ r @{\hspace{6pt}} L } @{}}
& \itshape Transfer function approach & & \itshape State variable approach \\ 
1. & The transfer function approach is also called the conventional approach or classical approach & 
1. & The state variable approach is called the modern approach. \\ 
2. & It is based on the input-output relationship or transfer function. & 
2. & It is based on the description of a linear system of $n$ first-order differential equations which is called as a state model.  \\

