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author = {CMS Collaboration},
journal = {JHEP 03 (2021) 095},
title = {Search for new physics in top quark production with additional leptons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV using effective field theory},
year = {2020},
month = dec,
abstract = {Events containing one or more top quarks produced with additional prompt leptons are used to search for new physics within the framework of an effective field theory (EFT). The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 41.5 fb$^{-1}$ of proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the LHC, collected by the CMS experiment in 2017. The selected events are required to have either two leptons with the same charge or more than two leptons; jets, including identified bottom quark jets, are also required, and the selected events are divided into categories based on the multiplicities of these objects. Sixteen dimension-six operators that can affect processes involving top quarks produced with additional charged leptons are considered in this analysis. Constructed to target EFT effects directly, the analysis applies a novel approach in which the observed yields are parameterized in terms of the Wilson coefficients (WCs) of the EFT operators. A simultaneous fit of the 16 WCs to the data is performed and two standard deviation confidence intervals for the WCs are extracted; the standard model expectations for the WC values are within these intervals for all of the WCs probed.},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
doi = {10.1007/JHEP03(2021)095},
eprint = {2012.04120},
file = {:http\://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.04120v3:PDF},
keywords = {hep-ex},
primaryclass = {hep-ex},
author = {Christina Rei{\ss}el},
school = {Georg-August-Universität Göttingen},
title = {Monte Carlo simulation and analysis of the {$t\bar{t}H$} process with the ATLAS experiment at {$\sqrt{s}=13$} TeV},
year = {2016},
type = {BA thesis},
author = {Timo Dreyer},
school = {Georg-August-Universität Göttingen},
title = {{$t\bar{t}H$} Production at LHC},
year = {2014},
type = {BA thesis},
author = {Felix Wiebe},
school = {Georg-August-Universität Göttingen},
title = {Analysis of {$pp\rightarrow t\bar{t}H$} Events},
year = {2014},
type = {BA thesis},
author = {Luis Marcos López Casines},
school = {Universitat de Valencia},
title = {Probing the top quark Yukawa coupling and possible new physics effects in the {$t\bar{t}H$} and {$tH$} processes},
year = {2021},
author = {Johan Alwall and Michel Herquet and Fabio Maltoni and Olivier Mattelaer and Tim Stelzer},
title = {MadGraph 5 : Going Beyond},
year = {2011},
month = jun,
abstract = {MadGraph 5 is the new version of the MadGraph matrix element generator, written in the Python programming language. It implements a number of new, efficient algorithms that provide improved performance and functionality in all aspects of the program. It features a new user interface, several new output formats including C++ process libraries for Pythia 8, and full compatibility with FeynRules for new physics models implementation, allowing for event generation for any model that can be written in the form of a Lagrangian. MadGraph 5 builds on the same philosophy as the previous versions, and its design allows it to be used as a collaborative platform where theoretical, phenomenological and simulation projects can be developed and then distributed to the high-energy community. We describe the ideas and the most important developments of the code and illustrate its capabilities through a few simple phenomenological examples.},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
doi = {10.1007/JHEP06(2011)128},
eprint = {1106.0522},
file = {:Alwall2011 - MadGraph 5 _ Going beyond.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {hep-ph},
primaryclass = {hep-ph},
author = {J. Alwall and R. Frederix and S. Frixione and V. Hirschi and F. Maltoni and O. Mattelaer and H. -S. Shao and T. Stelzer and P. Torrielli and M. Zaro},
journal = {JHEP07(2014)079},
title = {The automated computation of tree-level and next-to-leading order differential cross sections, and their matching to parton shower simulations},
year = {2014},
month = may,
abstract = {We discuss the theoretical bases that underpin the automation of the computations of tree-level and next-to-leading order cross sections, of their matching to parton shower simulations, and of the merging of matched samples that differ by light-parton multiplicities. We present a computer program, MadGraph5_aMC@NLO, capable of handling all these computations -- parton-level fixed order, shower-matched, merged -- in a unified framework whose defining features are flexibility, high level of parallelisation, and human intervention limited to input physics quantities. We demonstrate the potential of the program by presenting selected phenomenological applications relevant to the LHC and to a 1-TeV $e^+e^-$ collider. While next-to-leading order results are restricted to QCD corrections to SM processes in the first public version, we show that from the user viewpoint no changes have to be expected in the case of corrections due to any given renormalisable Lagrangian, and that the implementation of these are well under way.},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
doi = {10.1007/JHEP07(2014)079},
eprint = {1405.0301},
file = {:Alwall2014 - The Automated Computation of Tree Level and Next to Leading Order Differential Cross Sections, and Their Matching to Parton Shower Simulations.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {hep-ph},
primaryclass = {hep-ph},
author = {Brun, R. and Rademakers, F.},
journal = {Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A},
title = {{ROOT: An object oriented data analysis framework}},
year = {1997},
pages = {81--86},
volume = {389},
doi = {10.1016/S0168-9002(97)00048-X},
editor = {Werlen, M. and Perret-Gallix, D.},
howpublished = {\url{https://www.python.org/}},
note = {Accessed: 2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{Python}} documentation},
howpublished = {\url{https://root.cern/manual/python/}},
note = {Accessed: 2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{PyROOT}} documentation},
howpublished = {\url{https://trexfitter-docs.web.cern.ch/trexfitter-docs/}},
note = {Accessed: 2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{TRExFitter}} documentation},
howpublished = {\url{https://isocpp.org/}},
note = {Accessed: 2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{C++}} documentation},
author = {J. Alwall and A. Ballestrero and P. Bartalini and S. Belov and E. Boos and A. Buckley and J. M. Butterworth and L. Dudko and S. Frixione and L. Garren and S. Gieseke and A. Gusev and I. Hinchliffe and J. Huston and B. Kersevan and F. Krauss and N. Lavesson and L. Lönnblad and E. Maina and F. Maltoni and M. L. Mangano and F. Moortgat and S. Mrenna and C. G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau and P. Richardson and M. H. Seymour and A. Sherstnev and T. Sjöstrand and P. Skands and S. R. Slabospitsky and Z. Wcas and B. R. Webber and M. Worek and D. Zeppenfeld},
journal = {Comput.Phys.Commun.176:300-304,2007},
title = {A standard format for Les Houches Event Files},
year = {2006},
month = sep,
abstract = {A standard file format is proposed to store process and event information, primarily output from parton-level event generators for further use by general-purpose ones. The information content is identical with what was already defined by the Les Houches Accord five years ago, but then in terms of Fortran commonblocks. This information is embedded in a minimal XML-style structure, for clarity and to simplify parsing.},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2006.11.010},
eprint = {hep-ph/0609017},
file = {:Alwall2006 - A Standard Format for Les Houches Event Files.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {hep-ph},
primaryclass = {hep-ph},
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我在 Overleaf 上运行代码,有三个警告:
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我在参考书目中找到了一些有关 url 行太宽的解决方案,但这并不适用于此处。
参考书目中框过满或未满的原因有很多。一般来说,问题在于 LaTeX 很难找到好的换行或连字符方法的内容。
就你的情况而言,如果你改进输入数据,你已经可以获得更好的结果。首先,如果你告诉 JabRef 导出数据而不是传统的 BibTeX 数据,你可能会得到更好的结果。
author = {J. Alwall and A. Ballestrero and P. Bartalini and S. Belov and E. Boos and A. Buckley and J. M. Butterworth and L. Dudko and S. Frixione and L. Garren and S. Gieseke and A. Gusev and I. Hinchliffe and J. Huston and B. Kersevan and F. Krauss and N. Lavesson and L. Lönnblad and E. Maina and F. Maltoni and M. L. Mangano and F. Moortgat and S. Mrenna and C. G. Papadopoulos and R. Pittau and P. Richardson and M. H. Seymour and A. Sherstnev and T. Sjöstrand and P. Skands and S. R. Slabospitsky and Z. Wcas and B. R. Webber and M. Worek and D. Zeppenfeld},
journal = {Comput.Phys.Commun.176:300-304,2007},
title = {A standard format for Les Houches Event Files},
year = {2006},
month = sep,
abstract = {A standard file format is proposed to store process and event information, primarily output from parton-level event generators for further use by general-purpose ones. The information content is identical with what was already defined by the Les Houches Accord five years ago, but then in terms of Fortran commonblocks. This information is embedded in a minimal XML-style structure, for clarity and to simplify parsing.},
archiveprefix = {arXiv},
doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2006.11.010},
eprint = {hep-ph/0609017},
file = {:Alwall2006 - A Standard Format for Les Houches Event Files.pdf:PDF},
keywords = {hep-ph},
primaryclass = {hep-ph},
school = {Georg-August-Universität Göttingen},
原因如下:首先,在英文文档中,LaTeX 可能很难找到德语名称的正确连字符点。其次,包含连字符的单词只能在连字符处断开,而大部分内容无法断开(您可以使用命令\hyphen
author = {CMS Collaboration},
journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
title = {Search for New Physics in Top Quark Production
With Additional Leptons in Proton-Proton Collisions
at {$\sqrt{s} = 13$~TeV} Using Effective Field Theory},
volume = {2021},
year = {2021},
eid = {95},
doi = {10.1007/JHEP03(2021)095},
eprinttype = {arxiv},
eprint = {2012.04120},
eprintclass = {hep-ex},
author = {Christina Reißel},
school = {Georg\hyphen August\hyphen Universität Göttingen},
title = {{Monte Carlo} Simulation and Analysis
of the {$t\bar{t}H$} Process With the {ATLAS} experiment
at {$\sqrt{s}=13$~TeV}},
year = {2016},
type = {BA thesis},
author = {Timo Dreyer},
school = {Georg\hyphen August\hyphen Universität Göttingen},
title = {{$t\bar{t}H$} Production at {LHC}},
year = {2014},
type = {BA thesis},
author = {Felix Wiebe},
school = {Georg\hyphen August\hyphen Universität Göttingen},
title = {Analysis of {$pp\rightarrow t\bar{t}H$} Events},
year = {2014},
type = {BA thesis},
author = {Luis Marcos López Casines},
school = {Universitat de Valencia},
title = {Probing the Top Quark {Yukawa} Coupling
and Possible New Physics Effects
in the {$t\bar{t}H$} and {$tH$} Processes},
year = {2021},
author = {Johan Alwall and Michel Herquet and Fabio Maltoni
and Olivier Mattelaer and Tim Stelzer},
title = {MadGraph 5: Going Beyond},
journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
year = {2011},
volume = {2011},
eid = {128},
month = jun,
doi = {10.1007/JHEP06(2011)128},
eprinttype = {arxiv},
eprint = {1106.0522},
eprintclass = {hep-ph},
author = {J. Alwall and R. Frederix and S. Frixione and V. Hirschi
and F. Maltoni and O. Mattelaer and H.-S. Shao
and T. Stelzer and P. Torrielli and M. Zaro},
journal = {Journal of High Energy Physics},
title = {The Automated Computation of Tree-level
and Next-to-leading Order Differential Cross Sections,
and Their Matching to Parton Shower Simulations},
year = {2014},
month = may,
doi = {10.1007/JHEP07(2014)079},
eprinttype = {arxiv},
eprint = {1405.0301},
eprintclass = {hep-ph},
author = {Brun, R. and Rademakers, F.},
journal = {Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A},
title = {{ROOT}: An Object Oriented Data Analysis Framework},
year = {1997},
pages = {81-86},
volume = {389},
doi = {10.1016/S0168-9002(97)00048-X},
url = {https://www.python.org/},
urldate = {2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{Python}} documentation},
url = {https://root.cern/manual/python/},
urldate = {2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{PyROOT}} documentation},
url = {https://trexfitter-docs.web.cern.ch/trexfitter-docs/},
urldate = {2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{TRExFitter}} documentation},
url = {https://isocpp.org/},
urldate = {2022-04-20},
title = {{\texttt{C++}} documentation},
author = {J. Alwall and A. Ballestrero and P. Bartalini
and S. Belov and E. Boos and A. Buckley
and J. M. Butterworth and L. Dudko and S. Frixione
and L. Garren and S. Gieseke and A. Gusev and I. Hinchliffe
and J. Huston and B. Kersevan and F. Krauss and N. Lavesson
and L. Lönnblad and E. Maina and F. Maltoni and M. L. Mangano
and F. Moortgat and S. Mrenna and C. G. Papadopoulos
and R. Pittau and P. Richardson and M. H. Seymour
and A. Sherstnev and T. Sjöstrand and P. Skands
and S. R. Slabospitsky and Z. Wcas and B. R. Webber
and M. Worek and D. Zeppenfeld},
journal = {Computer Physics Communications},
title = {A Standard Format for {Les Houches Event Files}},
year = {2006},
month = sep,
volume = {176},
pages = {300-304},
doi = {10.1016/j.cpc.2006.11.010},
eprinttype = {arxiv},
eprint = {hep-ph/0609017},
eprintclass = {hep-ph},
Lorem \nocite{*}