} 太多。Latex 错误:\begin{document} 以 \end{table} 结束。EXTRA \endgroup

} 太多。Latex 错误:\begin{document} 以 \end{table} 结束。EXTRA \endgroup

在 main.tex 中

%  $Description: Thesis
%  $Author: xxx $
%  $Date: xxx  $
%  $Revision: 0.0 $

\graphicspath{{Figures/}{./}} % To include images in other directories



在 chapter2.tex 中

\begin{tabular}{ |c|c|c| } 
\textbf{Ground WSN}& 
\textbf{Underwater WSN}\\ \hline
Communication Modality & Radio waves & Acoustic waves  \\ \hline
Channel Propagation Speed & 300,000,000 m/s & 1,500 m/s \\ \hline
Transmission Range & 10 to 100 m & Up to 10 Km \\ \hline
Energy consumption & Low comparatively & High comparatively \\ \hline
Memory capacity  & Small  & Large \\ \hline
Cost & Cheap & Expensive \\ \hline
Frequency & 908 to 928 MHz & 10 Hz to 100 KHz \\ \hline
Node Mobility & Application based & Mobile \\ \hline
Node Density & Dense & Sparse \\ \hline
Link Reliability & Application based & Low \\ \hline
Link Stability & Stable & Unstable \\ \hline
Path  Loss & Low & High\\ \hline
Noise Impact & Low & High \\ \hline
Data Flow Mode & Full Duplex & Half Duplex \\ \hline
Flow and Error Control Protocol & Selective Repeat ARQ or Go-Back-N ARQ & Stop-and-Wait ARQ \\
\caption{Difference between WSN and UWSN}


  • 从你的代码片段中不可能编写 MWE(最小工作示例),这将是你的问题的根源
  • 错误发生在文档中表格代码片段之外的某个地方


  • 表格宽度大于`\text 宽度,因此表格突出右文本区域边框
  • 为了防止这种情况,您需要规定列宽,例如p{\dimexpr\linewidth/3-2\tabcolsep}<width>}或更简单地使用xtabulartabularray允许自动计算列宽的包。
  • 通过使用tabularrray包表代码简短而清晰
  • 对于数量的书写,我建议使用siunitx

%---------------- Show page layout. Don't use in a real document!
\usepackage{lipsum}% For dummy text. Don't use in a real document


\usepackage{newtxtext, newtxmath}
\UseTblrLibrary{siunitx}    % it load siunitx package

\begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
             colspec = {X[l, m] X[l, m] X[l]},
              row{1} = {font=\bfseries}
        &   Ground WSN
                &   Underwater WSN      \\
Communication Modality 
        & Radio waves
                & Acoustic waves        \\
    Channel Propagation Speed
        & \qty{300 000 000}{\metre\per\second}
                & \qty{1 500}{\metre\per\second}    \\
Transmission Range 
        & \qtyrange{10}{100}{\metre}
                & Up to \qty{10}{\kilo\metre}       \\
Energy consumption 
        & Low comparatively
                & High comparatively    \\
Memory capacity  
        & Small & Large                 \\
Cost    & Cheap & Expensive             \\ 
        & \qtyrange{908}{928}{\mega\hertz}
                & \qty{10}{\hertz} to \qty{100}{\kilo\hertz}    \\
Node Mobility 
        & Application based 
                & Mobile                \\ 
Node Density 
        & Dense & Sparse                \\ 
Link Reliability 
        & Application based 
                & Low                   \\
Link Stability 
        & Stable & Unstable             \\ 
Path  Loss 
        & Low   & High                  \\ 
Noise Impact 
        & Low   & High                  \\
Data Flow Mode 
        & Full Duplex 
                & Half Duplex           \\ 
Flow and Error Control Protocol 
        & Selective Repeat ARQ or Go-Back-N ARQ 
                & Stop-and-Wait ARQ     \\
\caption{Difference between WSN and UWSN}



如果你出于某些原因坚持认为表格单元格中的文本居中,那么对于列规范使用colspec = {X[c, m] X[c, m] X[c]}。那么得到的表格是:



表格的主要问题是无法保证其宽度适合文本块。事实上,使用 LaTeX 默认边距设置,表格太宽了。为了解决这个问题,我建议您使用环境tabularx并允许在前两列自动换行。





%%%\usepackage{epsfig}   % superseded by 'graphicx' package
%%%\usepackage{latexsym} % superseded by 'amssymb' package
\graphicspath{{Figures/}{./}} % To include images in other directories
%%%\usepackage{graphicx} % don't load packages more than once
%%%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % that's the default nowadays
%%%\usepackage{times} % 'times' package is obsolete
\usepackage{newtxtext,newtxmath} % Times Roman-clone text and math fonts

%%%\usepackage{blindtext} % not needed here

%% Don't modify the low-level \baselinestretch parameter directly:

%% is the following really needed?

% New code:
\usepackage{booktabs} % for well-spaced horizontal rules
\usepackage{tabularx} % for 'tabularx' env. and 'X' column type
%% 'L' col. type allows both automatic line breaking and hanging indentation:

%%%\onecolumn % really??


%%%\begin{center} % not appropriate
%%%\centering     % not needed
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} LL l @{}}   %%%{ |c|c|c| } 
\toprule % Use fewer, but well-spaced horizontal rules
%% No need for vulgar bold-facing in header cells:
%\textbf{Parameters}&\textbf{Ground WSN}& \textbf{Underwater WSN}
Parameters & Ground WSN & Underwater WSN \\
%% I've commented out all 14 [!] remaining \hline directives:
Communication modality & Radio waves & Acoustic waves  \\ %\hline
Channel propagation speed & 300,000,000 m/s & 1,500 m/s \\ %\hline
Transmission range & 10 to 100 m & Up to 10 km \\ %\hline
Energy consumption & Low comparatively & High comparatively \\ \addlinespace %\hline
Memory capacity  & Small  & Large \\ %\hline
Cost & Cheap & Expensive \\ %\hline
Frequency & 908 to 928 MHz & 10 Hz to 100 KHz \\ %\hline
Node mobility & Application based & Mobile \\ \addlinespace %\hline
Node density & Dense & Sparse \\ %\hline
Link reliability & Application based & Low \\  %\hline
Link stability & Stable & Unstable \\ %\hline
Path loss & Low & High\\ \addlinespace %\hline
Noise impact & Low & High \\ %\hline
Data flow mode & Full duplex & Half duplex \\ %\hline
Flow and error control protocol & Selective Repeat ARQ or Go-Back-N ARQ & Stop-and-Wait ARQ \\

%%% ALWAYS place \label after, ot before, \caption:
\caption{Differences between WSN and UWSN} \label{tab:table:1}

