如何使用 TikZ 绘制阴影边界

如何使用 TikZ 绘制阴影边界

如何使用 TikZ 绘制如下所示的简单阴影区域?



r1r2r3 - r1 - r2 - r3 + 2cos(theta)

且为r1=r2=r3=4。对于 的不同值,边界会略有变化theta。为此,我们可以假设theta=0

这里的想法是使用 TikZ 和某些函数和fillbetween命令,但这对于 3D 绘图来说会变得很棘手。此示例可用于绘制更复杂的边界



我理想的解决方案是只使用 TiKZ 而不使用 pstricks。



我认为隐式曲面可以在 Ti 中绘制当可以绘制水平曲线(或其他超平面截面)时,Z。对于表面xyz-x-y-z + 2 = 0(实际上对于任何值西塔(在问题中),水平曲线是双曲线,绘制起来并不困难。


  1. 我改变了坐标,使奇点位于原点,即我考虑了由以下定义的表面xyz + xy + yz + zx = 0。这只是前一个的翻译。

  2. 看看给出的例子,我只表示了表面的“一片”;明确地,我考虑了立方体中表面的部分[-1, 5]^3并且只被每条树枝的一个分支扫过z=h双曲线。

  3. 为了z=0双曲线退化为两条线的并集。对于z=-1它又退化为两条线,但其中一条在无穷远处。出于这些原因,水平曲线的绘制取决于. 在附近-1事情变得更加微妙,因为 Ti 的限制Z 很容易达到。例如,如果对或\foreach执行第一个操作,则获得的曲线不是“真实的”(或至少不是预期的)。\i=1\i=2

  4. 代码可能看起来很长,但重要的是\foreach绘制z=h水平曲线。之后,只需复制和修改即可获得x=hy=h等高曲线。

  5. 双曲线的每个分支都绘制为参数化曲线;计算参数的界限以仅获取立方体内部的部分。





\xdefinecolor{Cy}{RGB}{17, 170, 187}
\xdefinecolor{VB}{RGB}{102, 25, 240}

  integer \N-, \N+;
  \N- = 12;
  \N+ = 50;
  real \a;
  \a = 5;
  pics/level curve+/.style args={height=#1, varbound=#2, color=#3}{%
      \draw[#3, variable=\t, domain=-#2:#2, samples=40]
      plot ({#1/(#1 +1)*(exp(\t) -1)}, {#1/(#1 +1)*(exp(-\t) -1)});
  pics/level curve-/.style args={height=#1, varbound=#2, color=#3}{%
      \draw[#3, variable=\t, domain=-#2:#2, samples=40]
      plot ({-#1/(#1 +1)*(exp(\t) +1)}, {-#1/(#1 +1)*(exp(-\t) +1)});
    % axes first part
    \draw (-1, 0, 0) -- (\a +.2, 0, 0);
    \draw (0, -1, 0) -- (0, \a +.2, 0);
    \draw (0, 0, -1) -- (0, 0, \a +.2);
    %%% $z=h$ level curves
    % close to $0^-$
    \foreach \i
    [evaluate=\i as \h using {-(\N- +1 -\i)/(\N- +1))*\a/(\a +1)},
    evaluate=\i as \b using {ln(-(\h +1)*\a/\h -1)}]
    in {1, 2, 3, 4, ..., \N-}{
      \path[canvas is xy plane at z=\h, transform shape] (0, 0)
      pic {level curve-={height=\h, varbound=\b, color=Cy}};

    % $h=0$
    \draw[Cy, canvas is xy plane at z=0] (0, \a) |- (\a, 0);

    % $h>0$
    \foreach \i
    [evaluate=\i as \h using {(\i/\N+)*\a},
    evaluate=\i as \b using {ln((\h +1)*\a/\h +1)}]
    in {1, 2, ..., \N+}{
      \path[canvas is xy plane at z=\h, transform shape] (0, 0)
      pic {level curve+={height=\h, varbound=\b, color=Cy}};

    %%% $y=h$ level curves
    % close to $0^-$
    \foreach \i
    [evaluate=\i as \h using {-(\N- +1 -\i)/(\N- +1))*\a/(\a +1)},
    evaluate=\i as \b using {ln(-(\h +1)*\a/\h -1)}]
    in {3, 4, ..., \N-}{
      \path[canvas is xz plane at y=\h, transform shape] (0, 0)
      pic {level curve-={height=\h, varbound=\b, color=Cy}};

    % $h=0$
    \draw[Cy, thin, canvas is xz plane at y=0] (0, \a) |- (\a, 0);
    % $h>0$
    \foreach \i
    [evaluate=\i as \h using {(\i/\N+)*\a},
    evaluate=\i as \b using {ln((\h +1)*\a/\h +1)}]
    in {1, 2, ..., \N+}{
      \path[canvas is xz plane at y=\h, transform shape] (0, 0)
      pic {level curve+={height=\h, varbound=\b, color=Cy}};

    %%% $x=h$ level curves
    % close to $0^-$
    \foreach \i
    [evaluate=\i as \h using {-(\N- +1 -\i)/(\N- +1))*\a/(\a +1)},
    evaluate=\i as \b using {ln(-(\h +1)*\a/\h -1)}]
    in {3, 4, ..., \N-}{
      \path[canvas is yz plane at x=\h, transform shape] (0, 0)
      pic {level curve-={height=\h, varbound=\b, color=Cy}};

    % $h=0$
    \draw[VB, canvas is yz plane at x=0] (0, \a) |- (\a, 0);
    % $h>0$
    \foreach \i
    [evaluate=\i as \h using {(\i/\N+)*\a},
    evaluate=\i as \b using {ln((\h +1)*\a/\h +1)}]
    in {1, 2, ..., \N+}{
      \path[canvas is yz plane at x=\h, transform shape] (0, 0)
      pic {level curve+={height=\h, varbound=\b, color=VB}};

    %%% axes second part
    \begin{scope}[arrows={->[length=1ex, width=1.5ex]}]
      \draw (\a, 0, 0) -- (\a +2, 0, 0)  node[pos=1.2] {$x$};
      \draw (0, \a, 0) -- (0, \a +2, 0)  node[pos=1.2] {$y$};
      \draw (0, 0, \a) -- (0, 0, \a +2)  node[pos=1.2] {$z$};          

