

是否有可能将多种语言(但一次只能使用一种语言)包含在生成的首字母缩略词中,glossaries-extra如我的 MWE 所示:

% !TeX program = lualatex





\newacronym{ac:cad}{CAD}{Computer Aided Design}


\section{German as document language}

ngerman and british identical: \glsxtrfull{ac:cad}

First regular usage: \gls{ac:cad}

Second regular usage: \gls{ac:cad}

ngerman and british not identical: \glsxtrfull{ac:pv}

First regular usage: \gls{ac:pv}

Second regular usage: \gls{ac:pv}


\section{British as document language}

ngerman and british not identical: \glsxtrfull{ac:pv}

Should be: \enquote{Photovoltaic (PV)}

\section{German as document language again}


\printglossary[style=super, type=\acronymtype]

works as intended for glossary of acronyms, if last selectlanguage gets uncommented



\protect在脆弱的命令中使用宏时,您需要。或者您可以使用\protected\def该宏。我在注释中包含了另一种方法,可以仅定义一个宏而不是两个命令。这两种方法都应该可以正常工作。单击以下链接,了解有关“脆弱和强大的命令?我们何时以及为什么需要 \protect?”。希望我没有搞错不同语言的缩写表达,因为我不懂德语。如果我提到的任何内容有误,请纠正我。以下是代码:

% !TeX program = lualatex


% Another way to define the macro %
% for choosing different language %


\newacronym{ac:cad}{CAD}{Computer Aided Design}

% Another way to define the macro %
% for choosing different language %



\section{German as document language}

ngerman and british identical: \glsxtrfull{ac:cad}

First regular usage: \gls{ac:cad}

Second regular usage: \gls{ac:cad}

ngerman and british not identical: \glsxtrfull{ac:pv}

First regular usage: \gls{ac:pv}

Second regular usage: \gls{ac:pv}


\section{British as document language}

ngerman and british not identical: \glsxtrfull{ac:pv}

Should be: \enquote{Photovoltaic (PV)}

\section{German as document language again}


\printglossary[style=super, type=\acronymtype]

works as intended for glossary of acronyms, if last selectlanguage gets uncommented

