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'Classes &
  Guidelines \\
Political Hate-speech &

  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}A   tweet or phrase belongs to the 

‘‘Political Hate-speech’’ class assuming it   holds anyone or more of the following condition: \hline Abuse:   If a tweet contains any hate word about a political individual, political party, government or if   it targets the followers of a specific political party. For example, “Ap ka baap nawaz bhagora chor   h” translated in English as {[}Your father Nawaz is a truant and thief{]}.Some other offensive terms can be “youthia”   and “patwari” targeting the supporters of specific political parties.\end{tabular} \\    
Neutral &
  A tweet or phrase belongs to the ‘‘Neutral” class if   it does not hold any of the characteristics described for the Political   Hate-speech class, for example, ‘‘Wsa hi acha lgta ha mujha nawaz sharef”   translated in English as {[}I just like nawaz sharef{]}. \\
Offensive &  
  A tweet or phrase that belongs to the ‘‘Political   Hate-speech’’ class will further be classified as “Offensive”. If the tweet contains abusive words or   symbols promotes hostility, ignites anger, or incites harm to an   individual Political entity or a group of people that belong to a political   party or that support a political profile. For example, “Bhounktey rahhooooo   nawaz chor” translated in English as {[}Keep on barking nawaz thief{]}. \\
Sarcasm/ low-offensive &  
  \begin{tabular}[c]{@{}l@{}}A tweet or phrase that belongs to the ‘‘Political   Hate-speech’’ class will further be classified as “Sarcasm/ low-offensive”. If the tweet mocks and   convery contempt against a political individual, political party and   supporter of a specific political profile yet doesn’t contain explicit hate words.\\    \\ For example,” Bilkul   thek kaha ap nay nawaz Shareef nay boht investment ki h hmare adliya pay”   translated in English as {[} You are right, Nawaz shareef has invested a lot on   our judiciary system{]}.\end{tabular}  






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Classes & Guidelines \\
Political hate-speech
    & A tweet or phrase belongs to the ``political hate-speech'' class if it satisfies one or more of the following conditions. \\
    & Abuse: If a tweet contains any hate word about a political individual, political party, government or if it targets the followers of a specific political party. For example, ``Ap ka baap nawaz bhagora chor h'' translated in English as [Your father Nawaz is a truant and thief]. Some other offensive terms can be ``youthia'' and ``patwari'' targeting the supporters of specific political parties. \\
    & A tweet or phrase belongs to the ``neutral'' class if it does not hold any of the characteristics described for the political hate-speech class, for example, ``Wsa hi acha lgta ha mujha nawaz sharef'' translated in English as [I just like nawaz sharef]. \\
    & A tweet or phrase that belongs to the ``political hate-speech'' class will further be classified as ``offensive'' if the tweet contains abusive words or symbols promotes hostility, ignites anger, or incites harm to an individual Political entity or a group of people that belong to a political party or that support a political profile. For example, ``Bhounktey rahhooooo nawaz chor'' translated in English as [Keep on barking nawaz thief]. \\
Sarcasm\slash low-offensive
    & A tweet or phrase that belongs to the ``political hate-speech'' class will further be classified as ``sarcasm\slash low-offensive''. If the tweet mocks and conveys contempt against a political individual, political party and supporter of a specific political profile yet doesn't contain explicit hate words. \\
    & For example, ``Bilkul thek kaha ap nay nawaz Shareef nay boht investment ki h hmare adliya pay'' translated in English as [You are right, Nawaz shareef has invested a lot in our judiciary system].




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Classes & Guidelines \\
Political hate-speech 
& A tweet or phrase belongs to the ``political hate-speech'' class if it satisfies one or more of the following conditions. \\
& Abuse: If a tweet contains any hate word about a political individual, political party, government or if it targets the followers of a specific political party. For example, ``Ap ka baap nawaz bhagora chor h'' translated in English as [Your father Nawaz is a truant and thief]. Some other offensive terms can be ``youthia'' and ``patwari'' targeting the supporters of specific political parties. \\ 
& A tweet or phrase belongs to the ``neutral'' class if it does not hold any of the characteristics described for the political hate-speech class, for example, ``Wsa hi acha lgta ha mujha nawaz sharef'' translated in English as [I just like nawaz sharef]. \\
& A tweet or phrase that belongs to the ``political hate-speech'' class will further be classified as ``offensive'' if the tweet contains abusive words or symbols promotes hostility, ignites anger, or incites harm to an individual Political entity or a group of people that belong to a political party or that support a political profile. For example, ``Bhounktey rahhooooo nawaz chor'' translated in English as [Keep on barking nawaz thief]. \\
Sarcasm\slash low-offensive 
& A tweet or phrase that belongs to the ``political hate-speech'' class will further be classified as ``sarcasm\slash low-offensive''. If the tweet mocks and conveys contempt against a political individual, political party and supporter of a specific political profile yet doesn't contain explicit hate words. \\ 
& For example, ``Bilkul thek kaha ap nay nawaz Shareef nay boht investment ki h hmare adliya pay'' translated in English as [You are right, Nawaz shareef has invested a lot in our judiciary system]. 
