




    \foreach \i in {1,...,#1}{%

 question one     
  \opadd[carryadd=false, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\color{white}]{\AddOnea}  {\AddTwoa} \\

 Answer two
      \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\color{black}]{\AddOnea}   {\AddTwoa} \\








在所有 latex 运行中,从 zref 标签中检索伪随机变量的值。
在第一次 latex 运行中,通过伪随机生成器为伪随机变量创建值。
在连续的 latex 运行中,从 zref 标签中获取伪随机变量的值。
在所有 latex 运行中,将伪随机变量的值存储在 zref 标签中。

为了确保一切正确,您需要至少编译两次,且在 latex 运行之间不删除辅助文件。


因此,在第一次运行 LaTeX 时,由于 zref 标签尚未定义,

  • style-macros \undefinedstyle/\undefinedcarrystyle用于传递问号。
  • \zref@extractdefault将所有内容默认为 0,以便操作数和计算/结果都产生 0,即由单个字符组成的数字序列,因此仅应用相应问号传递样式宏的一个实例。

在连续的 LaTeX 运行中,定义 zref 标签,并且应正确检索伪随机变量的值。

在连续的 LaTeX 运行中,答案是不需要的,resultstyle=\phantom而是使用 ,并且进位也通过resultstyle=\color{white}完成。 我不太确定这是否是个好主意。但这样,结果就不会出现在 pdf 文件中不应看到的地方,因此人们不能盲目地从这些地方复制粘贴结果/不能使用 GhostScript 技巧使结果在这些地方可见。\phantomcarrystyle=\phantomcarrystyle




\newcommand\undefinedstyle[1]{\nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}}%
\newcommand\undefinedcarrystyle[1]{{\nfss@text{\reset@font\scriptsize\bfseries ??}}}%
    \foreach \i in {1,...,#1}{%
         \par\ifnum\i=1 \else\medskip\fi\noindent\hbox{Question \i: }%
         \zref@labelbyprops{#2.\i}{AddOnea, AddTwoa}%
           % actually setting carrystyle is not needed as there are no carries with defaults 0, but ...
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\undefinedstyle, operandstyle=\undefinedstyle, carrystyle=\undefinedcarrystyle]%
           % Only operands shall be seen, so turn everything else into \phantom
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\phantom, carrystyle=\phantomcarrystyle]%
      {\normalfont\bfseries [Question-series ``#1'' undefined, probably re-run latex, see messages on console/in .log-file]}%
         }{ 1,...,}%
      }{\foreach \i in }{%
           \par\ifnum\i=1 \else\medskip\fi\noindent\hbox{\rlap{Answer \i: }\phantom{Question \i: }}%
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom]%


\noindent Here come the questions with answers:
\AddAnswers{This question-series label}%


\noindent Here come the questions without answers:
\AddQuestions{10}{This question-series label}%


\noindent Here come the questions with answers again:
\AddAnswers{This question-series label}%



例如,如果您希望有 20 张试卷,每张试卷包含另一组 15 个随机生成的练习,则可以将上述内容与循环结合起来,以将一组标记复制 k 次:

\DoKtimes{⟨TeX-number-quantity of value K⟩}{⟨tokens⟩}

LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right. ,即,根据需要进行编译,而不删除latex运行之间的辅助文件,因为该消息不再出现。


%%  \DoKtimes{<TeX-number-quantity of value K>}{<tokens>}
%% Check whether argument is empty:
%% \UD@CheckWhetherNull{<Argument which is to be checked>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is empty>}%
%%                     {<Tokens to be delivered in case that argument
%%                       which is to be checked is not empty>}%
%% The gist of this macro comes from Robert R. Schneck's \ifempty-macro:
%% <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!original/comp.text.tex/kuOEIQIrElc/lUg37FmhA74J>
  \expandafter\DoKtimesloop\expandafter{\romannumeral\number\number#1 000}{#2}{}%
\newcommand\undefinedstyle[1]{\nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}}%
\newcommand\undefinedcarrystyle[1]{{\nfss@text{\reset@font\scriptsize\bfseries ??}}}%
    \foreach \i in {1,...,#1}{%
         \par\ifnum\i=1 \else\medskip\fi\noindent\hbox{Question \i: }%
         \zref@labelbyprops{#2.\i}{AddOnea, AddTwoa}%
           % actually setting carrystyle is not needed as there are no carries with defaults 0, but ...
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\undefinedstyle, operandstyle=\undefinedstyle, carrystyle=\undefinedcarrystyle]%
           % Only operands shall be seen, so turn everything else into \phantom
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\phantom, carrystyle=\phantomcarrystyle]%
      {\normalfont\bfseries [Question-series ``#1'' undefined, probably re-run latex, see messages on console/in .log-file]}%
         }{\UD@stopromannumeral 1,...,}%
      }{\foreach \i in }{%
           \par\ifnum\i=1 \else\medskip\fi\noindent\hbox{\rlap{Answer \i: }\phantom{Question \i: }}%
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom]%
%% A dirty hack for resetting page-numbers with each sheet




%% Create 20 sheets of paper, each holding 15 randomly generated exercises without answers:
% Initialize the macro for counting sheets to 0:
  % Increment \sheetNumber
  \section*{Question sheet \sheetNumber (without answers)}
  \AddQuestions{15}{This question-series-sheet-\sheetNumber-label}%
%% Re-create the 20 sheets of paper from above, this time with answers:
% Initialize the macro for counting sheets to 0:
  % Increment \sheetNumber
  \section*{Question sheet \sheetNumber (with answers)}
  \AddAnswers{This question-series-sheet-\sheetNumber-label}%




\DefineVariableWithEachAndDo{⟨(already defined) macro holding list of undelimited arguments⟩}%
                            {⟨macro (to be (re)defined in each iteration) holding current element of list⟩}%

LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right. ,即,根据需要进行编译,而不删除latex运行之间的辅助文件,因为该消息不再出现。


%%  \DefineVariableWithEachAndDo{<macro holding list of undelimited arguments>}%
%%                              {<macro holding current element of list>}%
%%                              {<tokens>}
\newcommand\undefinedstyle[1]{\nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}}%
\newcommand\undefinedcarrystyle[1]{{\nfss@text{\reset@font\scriptsize\bfseries ??}}}%
    \foreach \i in {1,...,#1}{%
         \par\ifnum\i=1 \else\medskip\fi\noindent\hbox{Question \i: }%
         \zref@labelbyprops{#2.\i}{AddOnea, AddTwoa}%
           % actually setting carrystyle is not needed as there are no carries with defaults 0, but ...
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\undefinedstyle, operandstyle=\undefinedstyle, carrystyle=\undefinedcarrystyle]%
           % Only operands shall be seen, so turn everything else into \phantom
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom, resultstyle=\phantom, carrystyle=\phantomcarrystyle]%
      {\normalfont\bfseries [Question-series ``#1'' undefined, probably re-run latex, see messages on console/in .log-file]}%
         }{\UD@stopromannumeral 1,...,}%
      }{\foreach \i in }{%
           \par\ifnum\i=1 \else\medskip\fi\noindent\hbox{\rlap{Answer \i: }\phantom{Question \i: }}%
           \opadd[carryadd=true, voperator=bottom]%
%% A dirty hack for resetting page-numbers with each sheet



\newcommand\ThisExamimeesName{}% <- This raises an error if the macro is already in use by some package/by some other code.


%% Create a sheet of 15 ramdom questions for each examinee:
  \section*{Question sheet without answers for \ThisExamimeesName}%
  \AddQuestions{15}{This question-series-sheet-\ThisExamimeesName-label}%
%% Re-create the sheets from above, this time with answers:
  \section*{Question sheet with answers for \ThisExamimeesName}%
  \AddAnswers{This question-series-sheet-\ThisExamimeesName-label}%


