\caption{\\ This Tile is Too Long So I Would Like to Split it Automati- \\ cally in Two Equal Lines And Have a Justified Alignment}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lYYY} \hline \hline
& & & \\
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Outcome Variable A} \\ \cline{2-4}
& & & \\
& All & Group 1 & Group 2 \\
& & & \\
Treatment & BBBB & BBBB & BBBB \\
& (SSSS) & (SSSS) & (SSSS) \\
Observations & NNNN & NNNN & NNNN \\
Adjusted $ R^{2} $ & RRRR & RRRR & RRRR \\
Mean Y - Baseline & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
Mean Y - Overall & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
& & & \\
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Outcome Variable B} \\ \cline{2-4}
& & & \\
& All & White & Non-White \\
& & & \\
Treatment & BBBB & BBBB & BBBB \\
& (SSSS) & (SSSS) & (SSSS) \\
Observations & NNNN & NNNN & NNNN \\
Adjusted $ R^{2} $ & RRRR & RRRR & RRRR \\
Mean Y - Baseline & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
Mean Y - Overall & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
& & & \\
Mean Treatment & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
& & & \\ \hline \hline
\usepackage{caption}% added <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\newcommand{\SetTwoLinesCaption}[1]{% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
\setlength{\Mcaption}{\dimexpr\linewidth- 0.5\Lcaption-\Tcaption}%
\ifdim\tmpcaptioni>2\linewidth\setlength{\Mcaption}{\dimexpr\linewidth- 0.333\Lcaption-\Tcaption}\fi%
\SetTwoLinesCaption{This Tile is Too Long So I Would Like to Split it Automatically in Two Equal Lines And Have a Justified Alignment}
\SetTwoLinesCaption{This Tile is Too Long So I Would Like to Split it Automatically in Two}
\SetTwoLinesCaption{This Tile is Too Too Too Too Long So I Would Like to Split it Automatically in More Equal Lines And Have a Justified Alignment Too Too Too Long Too Too Too Long}
\SetTwoLinesCaption{This Tile is Too short to make two lines }
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{lYYY} \hline \hline
& & & \\
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Outcome Variable A} \\ \cline{2-4}
& & & \\
& All & Group 1 & Group 2 \\
& & & \\
Treatment & BBBB & BBBB & BBBB \\
& (SSSS) & (SSSS) & (SSSS) \\
Observations & NNNN & NNNN & NNNN \\
Adjusted $ R^{2} $ & RRRR & RRRR & RRRR \\
Mean Y - Baseline & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
Mean Y - Overall & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
& & & \\
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Outcome Variable B} \\ \cline{2-4}
& & & \\
& All & White & Non-White \\
& & & \\
Treatment & BBBB & BBBB & BBBB \\
& (SSSS) & (SSSS) & (SSSS) \\
Observations & NNNN & NNNN & NNNN \\
Adjusted $ R^{2} $ & RRRR & RRRR & RRRR \\
Mean Y - Baseline & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
Mean Y - Overall & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
& & & \\
Mean Treatment & MMMM & MMMM & MMMM \\
& & & \\ \hline \hline