混合风格的 TikZ-Feynman 线

混合风格的 TikZ-Feynman 线


我不知道如何让这些边从直线变成波浪形。我想我可以将它们分成两条边,但这样看起来很丑: 在此处输入图片描述


\feynmandiagram [layered layout, horizontal=b to c] {
a -- b -- [boson] c
-- [boson, quarter left] d -- [quarter left] e
-- [half left] c,
e -- [boson] f -- g,



解决方案 1:错位来自此包使用的自动放置算法,该算法故意相当“愚昧”定位请求。详情请参阅此链接:https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/377291/245790以及截图右上部分的费曼图(已调整环形手册中的示例,使用中间点 bb)。

不幸的是,这个nail at选项对我不起作用,而 起作用nudge down了。为了协助进行手动调整,我设置了一个帮助网格来估计所需的微调。

解决方案 2:您始终可以使用 手动绘制此类图表tikz(搜索此网站时您会找到许多示例)。请参阅费曼图下方的一些示例,并参考 pgf 手册中的第 24.4 章。虽然这些路径是直线,但您也可以使用弧线,选择您喜欢的箭头,并将它们放置在应有的位置。



\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing, decorations.shapes}



    % help grid
    \draw[help lines] (0,0) grid (5,5);

    % see placement problems at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/377291/245790
    \feynmandiagram [layered layout, horizontal=b to c] {
        a -- [photon, momentum=\(p\)] b
        -- [fermion, quarter left] bb [nudge down=1cm]% as suggested
        -- [photon, quarter left, momentum=\(k\)] c
        -- [fermion, half left, momentum=\(k-p\)] b,
        c -- [photon, momentum=\(p\)] d,

    % ~~~ for reference: adjustedloops example from manual ~~~~
    \feynmandiagram [layered layout, horizontal=b to c] {
        a -- [photon, momentum=\(p\)] b
        -- [fermion, quarter left] bb% <<< intermediate coordinate
        -- [photon, quarter left, momentum=\(k\)] c
        -- [fermion, half left, momentum=\(k-p\)] b,
        c -- [photon, momentum=\(p\)] d,

% ~~~ an alternative, doing it all manually ~~~~~~~~~~
% ~~~ allows you to introduce and place arrow tip as needed ~~~
% ~~~ path can also be an arc etc.
    \draw                   (0, 2.5)    --  (3, 2.5);% line
    \draw [ decorate, 
            decoration={coil, aspect=0,
            pre length=2cm}]                    % see chp. 24.4 in pgf-manual
                            (0, 2)  --  (3, 2);% sin. w. pre length
    \draw [ decorate, 
            decoration={coil, aspect=0,
            pre length=1cm}]
                            (0, 1.5)    --  (3, 1.5);% sin. w. pre length
    \draw [ decorate, 
            decoration={coil, aspect=1}]
                            (0, 1)  --  (3, 1);% extended spring
    \draw [ decorate, 
            decoration={coil, aspect=0}]
                            (0, .5) --  (3, .5);% sinosoidal

