参见以下示例,来自1804 年英语版的阿贝·雷纳尔两印度史。请告诉我是否在其他地方有人问过或回答过这个问题 --- 通过包裹或其他方式。我就是找不到。
\itshape Arrival of the Portuguefe in the Eaf Indies
Emanuel purfued the plan marked out by his predeceffors. On the 18th of July 1497, he fent out a fleet, confifting of four fhips, and gave the command of it to Vafco de Gama. This admiral, having weathered feveral ftorms in his cruife along the ealtern coafts of Africa, and attempted feas before unknown, landed at length in Indoftan, after a voyage of thirteen months.