

我只是想为课堂排版一份 10 分钟的文档,但我的连字符决定它不受边距规则的约束。我该如何解决这个问题?



\title{Slider Crank}



The slider crank is a simple mechanism that converts rotational motion into reciprocating translational motion or vice versa. It can be found most ubiquitously in internal combustion engines in the form of the piston-rod-crankshaft assembly. There are two singularities to note here: one at top dead center, and one at bottom dead center. In both cases, a finite torque at the rotational end will overcome any force at the translational end. Additionally, the rotational end can rotate either direction to escape the singularity, which means that additional constraints or inputs are required for predictable operation. In the case of the aforementioned internal combustion engine, the angular momentum of the piston-rod-crankshaft assembly reliably carries the mechanism through the singularity.



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\OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ubiquitously in internal combustion engines in the form of the 


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一般来说,如果 TeX 无法找到一种好的方法将段落分成几行,同时又不超出拉伸空白的限制,它可能会像您展示的那样产生一个过满的框,文本会粘在边距中。它总是在日志中警告这种情况。

如果发生这种情况,您可以使用\sloppy(这会增加空间可以伸展的量,并增加对稍微过度伸展空间的容忍度)或仅设置\emergcystretch(这比更不草率\sloppy)或使用microtype允许 pdftex 除了伸展空白之外还可以对字符宽度进行细微的调整。





然后标准 LaTeX 就会生成您所显示的输出。

我猜是您在 miktex 更新时出错,tex 在构建格式时无法找到默认的美式英语连字模式。由于连字模式只能以该格式加载,因此您需要强制 miktex 重建所有格式才能解决此问题。


[] \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ubiq-ui-tously


[] \OT1/cmr/m/n/10 ubiquitously



哎呀,这个问题重复了。使用\emergencystretch 3em来自这个问题工作完美。

