当当前页面上有大量空间可用时,Longtable 将从下一页开始

当当前页面上有大量空间可用时,Longtable 将从下一页开始

我遇到了 longtables 的问题,它从下一页开始,而当前页面上有很多空间可以使用。我尝试了多种解决方案,但都无济于事。我不知道现在该怎么办。谢谢。

\usepackage[left=3.81cm, right=2.54cm, top=3.175cm]{geometry}


    \section{Proposed storage solutions}
    Based on the current packaging and storage issues the following solutions were proposed after brainstorming:

        % HEADER ROW
        \textbf{Solution} & \textbf{Specifications} & \textbf{Pros} & \textbf{Cons} & \textbf{Total   cost} \\ \hline

        % FIRST ROW
        \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm]{images/myLboro.png}}

        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
             \item[] Configuration: Vertical
             \item[] Stability: Tension clamp with pressure plate
             \item[] Dimensions: 48’’x 40 x 65’’
             \item[] Capacity: 661 pounds

        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
             \item[] Easy to assemble/ dismantle the rack.
             \item[] Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.
             \item[] Cheaper than other A-frame racks
        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
             \item[] Not stackable
             \item[] Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.
             \item[] Cheaper than other A-frame racks
        &  \\ \hline

        % SECOND ROW
        \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm]{images/myLboro.png}}

        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
            \item[] configuration: Vertical 
            \item[] Dimensions: At least one-third of the product height should rest against the divider. The V-Divider depth dimension= 4 ft
        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
            \item[] Bulk doors stored vertically within a bay.
            \item[] Facilitates one part picking.
            \item[] Cheaper than buying new racks.
        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
            \item[] Add door fixtures to secure doors at the bottom to timber decking or rack mesh.
            \item[] Dividers to divide 8 different P/N.
            \item[] Labeling locations per dividers.
        &  \\ \hline
        % THIRD ROW
        \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm]{images/myLboro.png}}

        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
            \item[] Configuration: Horizontally on the bars 
            \item[] Dimensions:16"W x 26"L x 24"H 
        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
            \item[] Capacity: 7,500 LBS
            \item[] Stackable up to five units high
            \item[] Unit cost: 115.96 \$
            \item[] Space needed per unit: 4.3 sq,ft
        \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
            \item[] NO CONS
        &  \\ \hline

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


  • 正如@Ulrike Fisher 的评论中所提到的,longtable并不是 的替代品table而是 的替代品tabular
  • 您的表格比规定的宽度更宽\texwidth,因此,它超出了右页面边框。
  • 简单的解决方案是longtable使用tabularray包及其longtblr环境来表示长表,并使用其X列类型来表示第二、第三和第四列。


  • 删除了表格标题,
  • 表格中的字体大小缩小为\small
  • 表格中添加了第四行,用于显示如何longtnblr分页。
\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, demo]{report}  % in real document remove "demo"
\usepackage[hmargin={3.81cm, 2.54cm}, top=3.175cm]{geometry}


\section{Proposed storage solutions}
Based on the current packaging and storage issues, the following solutions were proposed after brainstorming:

\DefTblrTemplate{firsthead, middlehead,lasthead}{default}{} % <---
\DefTblrTemplate{contfoot-text}{normal}{\scriptsize\textit{Continued on the next page}}
\setkeys{Gin}{width=20mm, height=60mm}
\begin{longtblr}{hlines, vlines,
                  colspec = {c *{3}{X[h, l]} c},
                  colsep  = {4pt},
                  column{1} = {colsep=3pt},
                  row{1}  = {font=\small\bfseries, c, m}, 
                  row{2-Z} = {belowsep+=-4pt},
                  rowhead = 1,
    & Specifications    
        & Pros  
            & Cons  
                & {Total\\ cost}    \\
% table body
    & {Configuration: Vertical\\
       Stability: Tension clamp with pressure plate\\
       Dimensions: \qtyproduct{48 x 40 x 65}{''}
       Capacity: \qty{661}{pounds}}
        & {Easy to assemble/ dismantle the rack.\\
           Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.\\
           Cheaper than other A-frame racks}
            & {Not stackable\\
               Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.\\
               Cheaper than other A-frame racks}
                &       \\
    & {configuration: Vertical\\
       Dimensions: At least one-third of the product height should rest against the divider.\\
       The V-Divider depth dimension: \qty{4}{ft}}
        & {Bulk doors stored vertically within a bay.\\
           Facilitates one part picking.\\
           Cheaper than buying new racks.}
            & {Add door fixtures to secure doors at the bottom to timber decking or rack mesh.\\
               Dividers to divide 8 different P/N.\\
               Labeling locations per dividers.}
                &       \\
    & {Configuration: Horizontally on the bars\\
       Dimensions: \qtyproduct{16 x 26 x 24}{''} }
        & {Capacity: \qty{7,500}{LBS}
           Stackable up to five units high
           Unit cost: \qty{115.96}{\$}
           Space needed per unit: \qty{4.3}{sq,ft}}
            & NO CONS
                &       \\
% FOURTH ROW  (repeated third), IF EXIST
    & {Configuration: Horizontally on the bars\\
       Dimensions: \qtyproduct{16 x 26 x 24}{''} }
        & {Capacity: \qty{7,500}{LBS}
           Stackable up to five units high
           Unit cost: \qty{115.96}{\$}
           Space needed per unit: \qty{4.3}{sq,ft}}
            & NO CONS
                &       \\


附录: 如果您喜欢在表格中添加标题,那么在上述解决方案中,您需要删除选项,这些选项会从表格中删除标题并添加您想要的标题。请参阅下面的 MWE:

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, demo]{report}  % in real document remove "demo"
\usepackage[hmargin={3.81cm, 2.54cm}, top=3.175cm]{geometry}


\section{Proposed storage solutions}
Based on the current packaging and storage issues, the following solutions were proposed after brainstorming:
\setkeys{Gin}{width=20mm, height=60mm}
caption = {Caption},     % <---
  label = {tab:long?}    % <---
                ]{hlines, vlines,
                  colspec = {c *{3}{X[h, l]} c},
                  colsep  = {4pt},
                  column{1} = {colsep=3pt},
                  row{1}  = {font=\small\bfseries, c, m},
                  row{2-Z} = {belowsep+=-4pt},
                  rowhead = 1,
    & Specifications
        & Pros
            & Cons
                & {Total\\ cost}    \\
% table body
    & {Configuration: Vertical\\
       Stability: Tension clamp with pressure plate\\
       Dimensions: \qtyproduct{48 x 40 x 65}{''}
       Capacity: \qty{661}{pounds}}
        & {Easy to assemble/ dismantle the rack.\\
           Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.\\
           Cheaper than other A-frame racks}
            & {Not stackable\\
               Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.\\
               Cheaper than other A-frame racks}
                &       \\
    & {configuration: Vertical\\
       Dimensions: At least one-third of the product height should rest against the divider.\\
       The V-Divider depth dimension: \qty{4}{ft}}
        & {Bulk doors stored vertically within a bay.\\
           Facilitates one part picking.\\
           Cheaper than buying new racks.}
            & {Add door fixtures to secure doors at the bottom to timber decking or rack mesh.\\
               Dividers to divide 8 different P/N.\\
               Labeling locations per dividers.}
                &       \\
    & {Configuration: Horizontally on the bars\\
       Dimensions: \qtyproduct{16 x 26 x 24}{''} }
        & {Capacity: \qty{7,500}{LBS}
           Stackable up to five units high
           Unit cost: \qty{115.96}{\$}
           Space needed per unit: \qty{4.3}{sq,ft}}
            & NO CONS
                &       \\
% FOURTH ROW  (repeated third), IF EXIST
    & {Configuration: Horizontally on the bars\\
       Dimensions: \qtyproduct{16 x 26 x 24}{''} }
        & {Capacity: \qty{7,500}{LBS}
           Stackable up to five units high
           Unit cost: \qty{115.96}{\$}
           Space needed per unit: \qty{4.3}{sq,ft}}
            & NO CONS
                &       \\


笔记:我想知道您是否真的需要这么高的图像。例如,将其高度降低 10% 可使第一页上的表格更合适。对于此\setkeys{Gin}{width=20mm, height=60mm}更改\setkeys{Gin}{width=20mm, height=55mm}


不需要 itemize 环境,我只得到一页:

\usepackage[left=3.81cm, right=2.54cm, top=3.175cm]{geometry}

\section{Proposed storage solutions}
Based on the current packaging and storage issues the following solutions were proposed after brainstorming:

            % HEADER ROW
\textbf{Solution} & \textbf{Specifications} & \textbf{Pros} & \textbf{Cons} & \textbf{Total   cost} \\ \hline           
            % FIRST ROW
\raisebox{\dimexpr-\totalheight+\normalbaselineskip}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm]{images/myLboro.png}}            
            & Configuration: Vertical\newline
              Stability: Tension clamp with pressure plate\newline
              Dimensions: 48’’x 40 x 65’’\newline
              Capacity: 661 pounds
            & Easy to assemble/ dismantle the rack.\newline
              Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.\newline
              Cheaper than other A-frame racks
            & Not stackable\newline
              Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.\newline
              Cheaper than other A-frame racks
            &  \\ \hline
            % SECOND ROW
            \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm]{images/myLboro.png}}
            \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
                \item[] configuration: Vertical 
                \item[] Dimensions: At least one-third of the product height should rest against the divider. The V-Divider depth dimension= 4 ft
            \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
                \item[] Bulk doors stored vertically within a bay.
                \item[] Facilitates one part picking.
                \item[] Cheaper than buying new racks.
            \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
                \item[] Add door fixtures to secure doors at the bottom to timber decking or rack mesh.
                \item[] Dividers to divide 8 different P/N.
                \item[] Labeling locations per dividers.
            &  \\ \hline
            % THIRD ROW
            \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm]{images/myLboro.png}}
            \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
                \item[] Configuration: Horizontally on the bars 
                \item[] Dimensions:16"W x 26"L x 24"H 
            \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
                \item[] Capacity: 7,500 LBS
                \item[] Stackable up to five units high
                \item[] Unit cost: 115.96 \$
                \item[] Space needed per unit: 4.3 sq,ft

            \begin{itemize}[nosep, leftmargin=0pt]
                \item[] NO CONS
            &  \\ \hline









\usepackage[left=3.81cm, right=2.54cm, top=3.175cm]{geometry}


\section{Proposed storage solutions}
Based on the current packaging and storage issues the following solutions 
were proposed after brainstorming:

\setlength{\LTleft}{0pt minus 300pt}
\setlength{\LTright}{0pt minus 300pt}
\textbf{Solution} &
\textbf{Specifications} &
\textbf{Pros} &
\textbf{Cons} &
\textbf{Total cost} \\
\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm,valign=T]{images/myLboro.png} &
  \item Configuration: Vertical
  \item Stability: Tension clamp with pressure plate
  \item Dimensions: 48’’x 40 x 65’’
  \item Capacity: 661 pounds
\end{itemize} & 
  \item Easy to assemble/ dismantle the rack.
  \item Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.
  \item Cheaper than other A-frame racks
\end{itemize} &
  \item Not stackable
  \item Space-saving compared to storing doors in crates.
  \item Cheaper than other A-frame racks
\end{itemize} &
\\ \hline
\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm,valign=T]{images/myLboro.png} &
  \item configuration: Vertical 
  \item Dimensions: At least one-third of the product height should rest against the divider. The V-Divider depth dimension= 4 ft
\end{itemize} &
  \item Bulk doors stored vertically within a bay.
  \item Facilitates one part picking.
  \item Cheaper than buying new racks.
\end{itemize} &
  \item Add door fixtures to secure doors at the bottom to timber decking or rack mesh.
  \item Dividers to divide 8 different P/N.
  \item Labeling locations per dividers.
\end{itemize} &
\\ \hline
\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm,valign=T]{images/myLboro.png} & 
  \item Configuration: Horizontally on the bars 
  \item Dimensions:16"W x 26"L x 24"H 
\end{itemize} &
  \item Capacity: 7,500 LBS
  \item Stackable up to five units high
  \item Unit cost: 115.96 \$
  \item Space needed per unit: 4.3 sq,ft
\end{itemize} &
  \item NO CONS
\end{itemize} &
\\ \hline
% THIRD ROW (repeated)
\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth, height=60mm,valign=T]{images/myLboro.png} & 
  \item Configuration: Horizontally on the bars 
  \item Dimensions:16"W x 26"L x 24"H 
\end{itemize} &
  \item Capacity: 7,500 LBS
  \item Stackable up to five units high
  \item Unit cost: 115.96 \$
  \item Space needed per unit: 4.3 sq,ft
\end{itemize} &
  \item NO CONS
\end{itemize} &


