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% see the list of further useful packages
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\title{Analysis in $\R^n$}

\subtitle{Theory and  Exercises}
\author{Rui Jorge de Almeida  Soares Gonçalves\\
Department of  Civil Engineering,\\
University  of Porto,\\
%\author{Lu\'{\i}s Ant\'onio de  Almeida Vieira \footnote{\hrule mailto:[email protected]}
%\footnote{Section of  Mathematics, Department  of  Cívil  Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal}}

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%\rhead{Calculus in $\R^n$}
%\lhead{Analysis in $\R^n$}



%\rhead{Índice Bibliográfico}
%\lhead{Índice Bibliográfico}
\bibitem{Agudo} Agudo, D., \textit{Differential and Integral Calculus in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$}, Scolar Editions, Lisbon, 1973.
\bibitem{Azenha} Azenha, A. and  Jer\'onimo, M., \textit{Eleme
nts of Differential and Integral Calculus in
 $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{n}$}, McGraw-Hill,  1995.
\bibitem {Breda} Breda, A. and Costa, J. \textit{Calculus with functions of several variables},
McGraw-Hill, 1996.
\bibitem{Edwards} Edwards, C. H. and Penney, D.E., \textit{Calculus with Analytic Geometry}. 5th
ed., Prentice-Hall,  1997.
\bibitem{ferreira} Ferreira, C. J. , \textit{Introduction to Mathematical Analysis}, Calouste Gulbenkian Fundation, Lisbon, 1987.
\bibitem{ Madureira}  Madureira, L., \textit{Problems  of Differential Equations and Laplace Transform }, 3.ª edition,  FEUP editions, 2010.
\bibitem{kreyzig} Kreyszig, E. , \textit{Advanced Engineering Mathematics}, John Wiley\&Sons, Inc, 1988.
\bibitem{marsden} Marsden, J. and Weinstein, A. \textit{Calculus, vol.I,II and III}, Springer-Verlag, 1985.
\bibitem{marsden} Marsden, J. E. and Tromba, A. J. , \textit{Vector Calculus}, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1999.

\bibitem{McCallum} McCallum, Hughes-Hallett and  Gleason et al., \textit{Calculus - multivariable}.
6th ed., International Edition, Wiley,  2013.
\bibitem{Oliveira} Oliveira, C, E. N., \textit{C\'alculo Diferencial e Integral, Vol.II-C\'alculo de Integrais Indefinidos}, Asa, Porto, 1973.
\bibitem{Oliveira1} Oliveira, C, E. N., \textit{C\'alculo Diferencial e Integral, Vol.III-C\'alculo de integrais indefinidos de fun\c c\~oes racionais, irracionais e transcendentes}, Asa, Porto, 1975.
\bibitem{Ostrowski} Ostrowski, A., \textit{Lessons   on Differential and Integral Calculus}. Vol. III,  Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, 1981.
\bibitem{Rade} Rade, L. ; Westergren, B. \textit{Mathematics Handbook for Science and Engineering},
5th ed.,  Springer Verlag, 2004.
\bibitem{Piskounov} Piskounov, N., \textit{Differential and Integral Calculus, Vol 1 and 2}, Lopes  da Silva Editions, 1993.
\bibitem{Swokowsky} Swokowsky, E., \textit{Calculus with Analitic Geometry}. Vol. 2, 2ª ed.,
 Makron Books, 1994.
\bibitem{vieira} Vieira, L.A.A. , \textit{Techniques  of Integration},  Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017.
