

我想在每个公司后面添加新行。我尝试通过\ \或来实现\newline,但文本会缩进。使用彩色矩形显示。



\documentclass[12pt ]{res} % default is 10 pt
\usepackage[left=0.2in, right=0.8in, bottom=0.5in,top=0.2in, footskip=5pt]{geometry} % 

 \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}% must be the last package
 % ************************************************** added <<<<<<<<<<<<
 % ************************************************** 
    \name{\bfseries First Last\\[12pt]} % changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    %% remove top margin.  reduce gap
     \address{ Address \\line two \\  city, ST 99999 }
     \address{ mail[at]gmail[dot]com  \\ +91-70000-00000  \href{https://github.com/}{ \faGithub} \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in//}{ \faLinkedin} } 
%%     \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\rule{\linewidth}{1.2pt}}% changed <<<<<<<<<<<<
       \end{resume} % produce the header of the CV: name, address, etc
    \parindent0mm% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<      

    \hfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
        \parindent3mm% <<<<<<<<<<< indent inside the minipage
        \section{Experience}  % next line must be blank!! 
      %%   \begin{itemize}
  {\bf Get more company}         \hfill Nov 2021 - \\
        {\it Senior Data Analyst } \\

{ \bf  Herbert University Medical Center} \hfill Oct'17 - Oct'21\\ 
{\it Staff associate } \\
{  \bf  Mason Washington University} Feb'15 - Oct'17 \\
       {\it Research Associate} \\
{ \bf    Software Tele solution Services} \hfill Nov'21 - July'13 \\
       {\it Software Engineer}
%%         \end {itemize} 


我该怎么做呢? 右坳编辑







\documentclass[12pt ]{res} % default is 10 pt

\usepackage[left=0.2in, right=0.8in, bottom=0.5in,top=0.2in, footskip=5pt]{geometry} % 

\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}% must be the last package

% ************************************************** added <<<<<<<<<<<<
% ************************************************** 

    \name{\bfseries First Last\\[12pt]} % changed <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    %% remove top margin.  reduce gap
    \address{ Address \\line two \\  city, ST 99999 }
    \address{ mail[at]gmail[dot]com  \\ +91-70000-00000  \href{https://github.com/}{ \faGithub} \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in//}{ \faLinkedin} } 
        %%     \noindent\makebox[\linewidth]{\rule{\linewidth}{1.2pt}}% changed <<<<<<<<<<<<
    \end{resume} % produce the header of the CV: name, address, etc
    \parindent0mm% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<      
    \hfill % <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<,
        \section{Experience}  % next line must be blank!! 
        \footnotesize % added <<<<<<<<<<    
            {\bfseries Get more company}         & Nov 2021-- \\
            {\itshape Senior Data Analyst } & \\[1ex] % add vertical space      
            {\bfseries  Herbert University Medical Center} &  Oct'17--Oct'21\\ 
            {\itshape Staff associate } & \\[1ex]
            {\bfseries  Mason Washington University} &Feb'15--Oct'17 \\
            {\itshape Research Associate} &\\[1ex]
            {\bfseries    Software Tele solution Services} & Nov'21--July'13 \\
            {\itshape Software Engineer}    &
