使用 expl3 解析不可扩展命令(如 \small)

使用 expl3 解析不可扩展命令(如 \small)

使用expl3语法,我希望在我的\coolgloss命令中使用一个或多个格式化命令(例如\small和 )作为​​可选参数\itshape





但是当我输入它时,该\small命令(不是\itshape那个)会触发TeX capacity exceeded错误。





    \renewcommand{\eachwordtwo}{\rule[-#1pt]{0pt}{0pt}#2}% !! #2 is the one !!
    \getwords(\lineone,\eachwordone)#3 \\%
    \getwords(\linetwo,\eachwordtwo)#4 \\%
    {\hskip -\glossglue}\unhbox\gline


    \my_xcoolgloss:nnnn #1 {#2} {#3}
\cs_new_protected:Nn \my_xcoolgloss:nnnn
    { \tl_if_novalue:nTF { #1 } { 10 } { #1 } }
    { \tl_if_novalue:nTF { #2 } {} { #2 } }
    { #3 }
    { #4 }

\cs_set_eq:NN \__my_xcoolgloss:nnnn \coolglossaux
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__my_xcoolgloss:nnnn {ee}


    \coolgloss[5,\itshape]{I like \LaTeX}{I like \LaTeX}
    %\coolgloss[5,\small\itshape]{I like \LaTeX}{I like \LaTeX} => TeX capacity exceeded


正如 MaxChernoff 所说,您无法扩展\small。因此,以下使用\exp_not:n两个可选子参数,以便\tl_if_novalue:nTF完全处理测试,但其结果不会进一步扩展。

编辑:我将辅助函数改为通过和\coolglossaux来定义。这可能也不是理想的,但不幸的是,LaTeX2e 没有很好的接口来处理和路由之外的内容。此外,我还修复了参数拆分器中的一个错误,如果根本不使用可选参数的话。\protected\@ifdefinable\protected\def\protectedexpl3\NewDocumentCommand



% not perfect as well, but LaTeX2e itself has no good interface to `\protected`.
% The `\@ifdefinable` makes this behave like `\newcommand` even though we use
% a primitive `\def` for the definition.
            \renewcommand{\eachwordtwo}{\rule[-#1pt]{0pt}{0pt}#2}% !! #2 is the one !!
            \getwords(\lineone,\eachwordone)#3 \\%
            \getwords(\linetwo,\eachwordtwo)#4 \\%
            {\hskip -\glossglue}\unhbox\gline


    \tl_if_novalue:nTF {#1}
        { \my_xcoolgloss:nnnn {#1} {#1} {#2} {#3} }
        { \my_xcoolgloss:nnnn #1 {#2} {#3} }
\cs_new_protected:Nn \my_xcoolgloss:nnnn
    { \tl_if_novalue:nTF { #1 } { 10 } { \exp_not:n {#1} } }
    { \tl_if_novalue:nTF { #2 } {} { \exp_not:n {#2} } }
    { #3 }
    { #4 }

\cs_set_eq:NN \__my_xcoolgloss:nnnn \coolglossaux
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__my_xcoolgloss:nnnn {ee}


    \coolgloss[5,\itshape]{I like \LaTeX}{I like \LaTeX}
    \coolgloss[5,\small\itshape]{I like \LaTeX}{I like \LaTeX} => TeX capacity exceeded


由于提到了 key=value 解决方案,因此必须进行自我宣传:expkv

使用 key=value 解决方案和巧妙的未知键处理的实现(文字数字输入将被假定为space,否则将被假定为style——如果不需要,请删除中的块\makeatletter...\makeatother)使用expkv以下系列:



% has to be loaded before `gb4e` as the latter changes the category code of ^

% defining the key=value interface
    space = 10,
    style = \small

% defining a special rule how to handle unknown keys without a value
    \coolglKV@ifnumber{#1}% will be true only for literal numerical input
% defining a smartish parser
\cs_new_eq:NN \coolglKV@ifempty \tl_if_empty:nTF

    \renewcommand{\eachwordtwo}{\rule[-#1pt]{0pt}{0pt}#2}% !! #2 is the one !!
    \getwords(\lineone,\eachwordone)#3 \\%
    \getwords(\linetwo,\eachwordtwo)#4 \\%
    {\hskip -\glossglue}\unhbox\gline

% evil package changing catcodes in the preamble... :P

i try something very long in order to get two lines this is so wonderful and now you see the vertical space optional argument is perfectly working}{%
i try something very long in order to get two lines this is so wonderful and now you see the vertical space optional argument is perfectly working}

i try something very long in order to get two lines this is so wonderful and now you see the vertical space optional argument is perfectly working}{%
i try something very long in order to get two lines this is so wonderful and now you see the vertical space optional argument is perfectly working}







    \renewcommand{\eachwordtwo}{\rule[-#1pt]{0pt}{0pt}#2}% !! #2 is the one !!
    \getwords(\lineone,\eachwordone)#3 \\%
    \getwords(\linetwo,\eachwordtwo)#4 \\%
    {\hskip -\glossglue}\unhbox\gline


    \keys_set:nn { coolgl } { #1 }
    { #2 }
    { #3 }
\keys_define:nn { coolgl }
    space.tl_set:N = \coolgl_space,
    style.tl_set:N = \coolgl_style,
    space.initial:n = 10,
    style.initial:n = \small,

\cs_set_eq:NN \coolgl:nnnn \coolglossaux

\cs_generate_variant:Nn \coolgl:nnnn { VV }


i try something very long in order to get two lines this is so wonderful and now you see the vertical space optional argument is perfectly working}{%
i try something very long in order to get two lines this is so wonderful and now you see the vertical space optional argument is perfectly working}

