我正在尝试使用 STATA 的 esttab 选项来处理表格内容。首先,表格太宽,行数不相加。根据之前的帖子,我解决了一些问题。但是,尽管使用了 \centering 和 \tiny 选项,表格仍不符合页面宽度。
LaTeX 代码:
\caption{Number of Pills Taken}
&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Pills Taken}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Pills Taken}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Pills Taken}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Took over 500 mg iron}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{Took over 500 mg iron}\\
Student in Treatment Group & 4.732\sym{***}& & 4.128\sym{***}& 0.177\sym{**} & 0.217\sym{**} \\
& (1.515) & & (1.463) & (0.0715) & (0.0931) \\
treatment\_soccer & & 3.949\sym{**} & & & \\
& & (1.760) & & & \\
treatment\_phy & & 5.484\sym{***}& & & \\
& & (1.742) & & & \\
Student is Male & & & -2.392\sym{*} & & \\
& & & (1.392) & & \\
Household Monthly Income (100 S/.)& & & -0.00732 & & \\
& & & (0.0805) & & \\
Time (hours) to School (recoded for missing values)& & & -3.821\sym{***}& & \\
& & & (1.013) & & \\
Age of Student (month) & & & -0.129\sym{**} & & \\
& & & (0.0589) & & \\
Anemic at Baseline x Treatment Indicator& & & & & -0.0960 \\
& & & & & (0.146) \\
Anemia Status at Follow-Up Survey (recoded for missing values)& & & & &-0.000553 \\
& & & & & (0.121) \\
N. of obs. & 215 & 215 & 215 & 215 & 215 \\
Control Mean & 5.944 & 5.944 & 5.944 & 0.417 & 0.417 \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize Standard errors in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize Full sample from cajamarca study.}\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.10\), \sym{**} \(p<0.05\), \sym{***} \(p<0.01\)}\\
我建议的两个主要更改是 (1) 强制在数据列 4 和 5 的标题中换行,以及 (2) 对第一列使用环境tabularx
列类型。实施这些更改后,就没有必要减小表格中的字体大小(假设主文档字体大小为 10pt)。
\documentclass{article} % or some other suitable document class
\usepackage[letterpaper,margin=1in]{geometry} % set page parameters as needed
\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro
\newlength\mylen % width of data columns 4 and 5
\begin{tabular}[t]{@{} >{\raggedright}p{\hsize} @{}}
#1 \end{tabular}}}
\settowidth\mylen{500\,mg iron}
\caption{Number of Pills Taken\strut}
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} X ccc *{2}{C{\mylen}} @{}}
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
& Pills Taken & Pills Taken & Pills Taken
& Took over 500\,mg iron & Took over 500\,mg iron \\
\mytab{Student in treatment group}
& 4.732\sym{***}& & 4.128\sym{***} & 0.177\sym{**} & 0.217\sym{**} \\
& (1.515) & & (1.463) & (0.0715) & (0.0931) \\
treatment\_soccer & & 3.949\sym{**} \\
& & (1.760) \\
treatment\_phy & & 5.484\sym{***}\\
& & (1.742) \\
Student is male & & & $-2.392$\sym{*} \\
& & & (1.392) \\
\mytab{Household monthly income (100 S/.)}
& & & $-0.00732$ \\
& & & (0.0805) \\
\mytab{Time (hours) to school (recoded for missing values)}
& & & $-3.821$\sym{***} \\
& & & (1.013) \\
Age of student (month)
& & & $-0.129$\sym{**} \\
& & & (0.0589) \\
\mytab{Anemic at baseline $\times$ Treatment Indicator}
& & & & & $-0.0960$ \\
& & & & & (0.146) \\
\mytab{Anemia status at follow-up survey (recoded for missing values)}
& & & & & $-0.000553$ \\
& & & & & (0.121) \\
No.\ of obs. & \mc{215} & \mc{215} & \mc{215} & \mc{215} & \mc{215} \\
Control Mean & \mc{5.944} & \mc{5.944} & \mc{5.944} & \mc{0.417} & \mc{0.417} \\
Standard errors in parentheses. Full sample from cajamarca study.
$\sym{*}\ p<0.10,\ \sym{**}\ p<0.05,\ \sym{***}\ p<0.01$}
- 假设文档使用 10pt 字体大小,表格使用
大小 - 在第一列中启用文本断行
- 重新设计了列标题
\usepackage{booktabs, siunitx}
\caption{Number of Pills Taken}
\begin{tabulary}{\hsize}{@{} L*{5}{c} @{}}
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Pills Taken}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{Took over \qty{500}{mg} iron} \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Student in Treatment Group}
& 4.732\sym{***}
& & 4.128\sym{***}
& 0.177\sym{**}
& 0.217\sym{**} \\
&(1.515)& &(1.463)&(0.0715)& (0.0931) \\
& & 3.949\sym{**}
& & & \\
& &(1.760)& & & \\
& & 5.484\sym{***}
& & & \\
& &(1.742)& & & \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Student is Male}
& & & -2.392\sym{*}
& & \\
& & &(1.392)& & \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Household Monthly Income (100 S/.)}
& & & -0.00732
& & \\
& & &(0.0805)
& & \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Time (hours) to School (recoded for missing values)}
& & & -3.821\sym{***}
& & \\
& & &(1.013)& & \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Age of Student (month)}
& & & -0.129\sym{**}
& & \\
& & & (0.0589)
& & \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Anemic at Baseline x Treatment Indicator}
& & & & & -0.0960 \\
& & & & & (0.146) \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Anemia Status at Follow-Up Survey (recoded for missing val.)}
& & & & &-0.000553 \\
& & & & & (0.121) \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{N. of obs.}
& 215 & 215 & 215 & 215 & 215 \\
\multirow[t]{2}{=}{Control Mean}
& 5.944 & 5.944 & 5.944 & 0.417 & 0.417 \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize Standard errors in parentheses}\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize Full sample from cajamarca study.}\\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\footnotesize \sym{*} \(p<0.10\), \sym{**} \(p<0.05\), \sym{***} \(p<0.01\)}\\
对带有数字的列使用列类型- 用于餐桌使用
包装 - 由于小数点处数字的水平对齐,如果表格中字体的 si 没有减少,则列宽会增加,因此使用
\UseTblrLibrary{booktabs, siunitx}
table-align-text-after = false, % <---
table-align-text-before= false, % <---
input-open-uncertainty =,
caption = {Number of Pills Taken},
label = {tab:statistic},
remark{Note} = {Standard errors in parentheses. Full sample from cajamarca study.\\
*: \(p<0.10\), **: \(p<0.05\), ***: \(p<0.01\)}
*{2}{Q[c, si={table-format=-1.3{**},
*{2}{Q[c, si={table-format=-1.3{**},
Q[c, si={table-format=-1.6{**},
round-precision=6}] @{}},
cell{odd[3]}{1} = {r=2}{}, % <--
row{1,2,Y} = {guard},
row{4-X} ={rowsep=0pt},
row{odd[4]} = {abovesep=1ex}
& \SetCell[c=3]{c} Pills Taken
& & & \SetCell[c=2]{c} Took over \qty[round-precision=0]{500}{mg} iron \\
& (1) & (2) & (3) & (4) & (5) \\
Student in Treatment Group
& 4.732\TblrNote{***}
& & 4.128\TblrNote{***}
& 0.177\TblrNote{**}
& 0.217\TblrNote{**} \\
&(1.515)& &(1.463)&(0.0715)& (0.0931) \\
& & 3.949\TblrNote{**}
& & & \\
& &(1.760)& & & \\
& & 5.484\TblrNote{***}
& & & \\
& &(1.742)& & & \\
Student is Male
& & & -2.392\TblrNote{*}
& & \\
& & &(1.392)& & \\
Household Monthly Income (100 S/.)
& & & -0.00732
& & \\
& & &(0.0805)
& & \\
Time (hours) to School (recoded for missing values
& & & -3.821\TblrNote{***}
& & \\
& & &(1.013)& & \\
Age of Student (month)
& & & -0.129\TblrNote{**}
& & \\
& & & (0.0589)
& & \\
Anemic at Baseline x Treatment Indicator
& & & & & -0.0960 \\
& & & & & (0.146) \\
Anemia Status at Follow-Up Survey (recoded for missing val.
& & & & &-0.000553 \\
& & & & & (0.121) \\
N. of obs.
& 215 & 215 & 215 & 215 & 215 \\
Control Mean
& 5.944 & 5.944 & 5.944 & 0.417 & 0.417 \\