author = {{{\foreignlanguage{arabic}{محمد بن الحسن بن الكريم الكاتب البغدادي}} [al-Baghdadi, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan Ibn al-Karīm]}},
sortname = {al-Baghdadi, M.},
shortauthor = {al-Baghdadi},
editor = {Perry, C.},
translator = {Perry, C.},
title = {{{{\foreignlanguage{arabic}{كتاب الطبيخ}}} Kitāb al-ṭabīkh [The book of dishes]}},
sorttitle = {The book of dishes},
indextitle = {The book of dishes},
langid = {arabic},
publisher = {Prospect Books},
location = {London (UK)},
year = {2005},
isbn = {9781903018422},
library = {Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul (Turkey), MS Ayasofya 3710},
original = {Aleppo (Syria) 1226},
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Test the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\parencite{Bag-26}.
- 尽管阿拉伯语作者姓名的排版符合预期,但阿拉伯语标题却没有。为什么?
- 大多数人会很乐意使用该作品的现代英文译本,但有些人可能想看原稿。我已在“图书馆”字段中临时添加了其位置和目录号。我如何在参考书目中输出此信息?
- 对于那些想要追溯一个想法的历史的人来说,了解原始文献的出版时间和地点是很有用的(暂定为“原始”)。
我意识到对于后两点可以使用“注释”字段,但我通常使用它来描述为什么我可能想要引用这项工作,例如“x 的首次描述”、“对 y 的反驳”等。
author = {{{\foreignlanguage{arabic}{محمد بن الحسن بن الكريم الكاتب البغدادي}} [al-Baghdadi, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan Ibn al-Karīm]}},
sortname = {al-Baghdadi, M.},
shortauthor = {al-Baghdadi},
title = {{{{\textnormal{\foreignlanguage{arabic}{كتاب الطبيخ}}}} Kitāb al-ṭabīkh}},
sorttitle = {The book of dishes},
indextitle = {The book of dishes},
langid = {arabic},
library = {Süleymaniye Library, Istanbul (TR), MS Ayasofya 3710},
location = {Aleppo (SY)},
year = {1226},
related = {Bag-05},
relatedtype = {translatedbyas},
author = {{{\foreignlanguage{arabic}{محمد بن الحسن بن الكريم الكاتب البغدادي}} [al-Baghdadi, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan Ibn al-Karīm]}},
editor = {Perry, C.},
translator = {Perry, C.},
title = {The book of dishes},
publisher = {Prospect Books},
location = {London (UK)},
year = {2005},
isbn = {9781903018422},
AUTHOR = {{{\foreignlanguage{russian}{Смирнов, Н.}} [Smirnov, N.]}},
sortname = {Smirnov, N.},
shortauthor = {Smirnov},
TITLE = {{{\foreignlanguage{russian}{Об уклонениях эмпирической кривой распределения}}} [On deviation of the empirical distribution curve]},
sorttitle = {On deviation of the empirical distribution curve},
YEAR = {1939},
JOURNAL = {{\foreignlanguage{russian}{Мат. Сборник}} [Math. Collect.]},
volume = {6(48)},
number = {1},
pages = {3-26},
langid = {russian},
url = {http://www.mathnet.ru/links/9c480a97757553ea3504fc444cde8430/sm5810.pdf},
AUTHOR = {{{\foreignlanguage{greek}{Θουκυδίδης}} [Thoukydídēs]}},
TITLE = {{{\foreignlanguage{greek}{Ιστορία του Πελοποννησιακού Πολέμου}}}},
address = {Athens (GR)},
year = {411 BC},
related = {Thu-10},
relatedtype = {translatedbyas},
AUTHOR = {{{\foreignlanguage{greek}{Θουκυδίδης}} [Thoukydídēs]}},
title = {History of the Peloponnesian War},
translator = {Crawley, R.},
publisher = {J. M. Dent \& E. P. Dutton},
address = {London (UK), Toronto (CA) \& New York (NY, USA)},
year = {1910},
url = {https://archive.org/details/pelocrawleyr00thucuoft/page/n7/mode/2up},
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Test the quick\parencite{Smi-39} brown fox jumps\parencite{Thu-11} over the lazy dog\parencite{Bag-26}.
Biber 抱怨 Thoukydídēs 年份中的“BC”,但这不会影响结果。我仍然需要处理图书馆字段,最好使用新的文档类型“手稿”,它实际上与“书籍”不同。