Res.cls 尝试改善间距时边距不正确

Res.cls 尝试改善间距时边距不正确

我知道 res 类现在被认为是过时的,但我控制不住自己。我不喜欢 ModernCV 的审美,也找不到任何可比的替代品。Michael DeCorte 的设计简单而传统。快速搜索后发现,仍有一些人同意。


这是我正在使用的 res.cls 文件:

这是 LaTeX:


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\name{Xxx x. Xxxxx \vspace*{.05in}}

\section{\sc {\bf Contact Information}}
Address xxxxxx             & {\it Voice:}  (xxx) xxx-xxxx \\
Xxxxxxx, XX  XXXXX US   & {\it E-mail:}  x@email $\vert$ [email protected]\\

\section{\sc {\bf Professional Aspirations}}
Obtain a Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics, develop specialized knowledge, contribute to ongoing research, and be well-regarded within the scientific community.
\section{\sc {\bf Education}}
\item[]{\bf A University}, State, Country USA
\item[]Associates of Science in Mathematics \hfill May Xxxx
\item[]G.P.A 4.0 $\vert$ Xxxxxx College $\vert$ Xxxxx Scholar
\item[]President's List: Xxxxx - Xxxxxx
\item[]Bachelors of Science in Mathematics \hfill May Xxxx

%\item[] Associate of Science in Mathematics
%\item[] Pending Fall 2023 applications of acceptance to Georgia Tech
%\item[] Enrolled in BA in mathematics at Georgia State University Graduation May 2025
\section{\sc {\bf Honors and Awards}}

\item[] {\it X.X.X.X. Award: Mathematics} \hfill  Spring 2022
\item[] {\it A wonderful Scholarship} \hfill Spring 2023
\item[] {\it A wonderful Scholarship} \hfill Spring 2023
\item[] {\it A very wonderful Scholarship Nominee} \hfill  Pending award Mar 2023
\section{\sc {\bf Research Experience}}

{\em {\bf Xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx (R.E.U.)}} \hfill  Aug 2022 - present\\
One of seven students selected to participate in a paid R.E.U. program over a two-semester period funded by a grant.
% When I entered the program, I came with a question in mind that I wanted to explore in game theory.
\item[] {\bf Presentations}
\item XXXXX, Xxx. 2023. ``XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'' Talk presented at the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX on Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics Research, II. XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX of XXXXXX, XXXXXXX, XXXX
\item[] {\bf Skills Acquired}: Zotero, Obsidian, Visio, data management \& visaulization, independent study, mathematical communication, manuscript writing.


{\em {\bf XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}} \hfill  Jun 2022 - Aug 2022\\ %italizize the header
One of 14 students participating in the Math Path program, a paid six-week summer research program funded by the XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
\item[] {\bf Presentations} %remove the first person pronouns
\item Xxxxx, Xxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxx. 2022. ``XXxxxXXXXXXXXXXX'' Poster xxxx Presentation presented at the most wonderful xxxx  symposium ever at sometime during xxxx the summer.
\item[] {\bf Skills Acquired}: Mathematica, Python, programming logic, graph \& game theory, induction, poster creation, team research \& communication, \LaTeX \, \& Beamer.

This program was a paid three-week program funded by a XXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXX. The focus of the program was to teach students the fundamentals of research.
\item[] {\bf Skills Acquired}: Research methodology, data analysis, literature review, presentation design.

\section{\sc {\bf Academic Experience \& Other Activies}}

{\em {\bf XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}} \hfill Jan 2022 - present\\
Hold weekly sessions to support students in Calculus 2 and Discrete Mathematics, develop lesson plans based on the professor's weekly material, and participate in classes to build relationships.

{\em {\bf XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}} \hfill Aug 2022 - Present\\
Xxxxx is a monthly undergrad math research seminar, led by students. Duties involve organizing presenters, reaching out to partner universities, and promoting community growth.

\section{\sc {\bf Professional Experience}}

\item[] {\em {\bf Project Manager}, {\it Xxxx Xxxxx Xxxx Xxx.}} \hfill  Xxxxx, XX – 2018 – 2020
\item[] {\em {\bf Operations Manager}, {\it Xxxxxxxx, Xxx}} \hfill  Xxxxx, XX – 2018 – 2020
\item[] {\em {\bf Project Manager}, {\it Xxx Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx}} \hfill Xxxxxx, XX – 2015 – 2018
\item[] {\em {\bf Project Manager}, {\it Xxxxx Xxxx. Xx. Xxx}} \hfill Xxxxxx, XX – 2010 – 2015



