有人知道为什么我会收到“缺失数字,视为零”和“非法计量单位(插入 pt)”吗?提前致谢。:)
\fancyhead[C]{\small \textit{\@title} \\}
\rhead{\includegraphics[width=2.25cm]{Figures/Axiom Logo.png}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Actual Content %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Set to IEEE style
% Get the references from references.bib
% Setup margins
% Use parskip to leave line between paragraphs as per style
% Use fancyhdr package to allow for header style
% Standard packages for coloured text, postscript figures (MATLAB figure export)
% and nice-looking maths
\usepackage[table,xcdraw]{xcolor} %% added by Theo, please don't get mad if wrong
\definecolor{intro}{rgb}{0.844, 0.902, 0.938}
\definecolor{conclusion}{rgb}{0.980, 0.86, 0.832}
\usepackage{textcomp, gensymb}
\RequirePackage{tikz} % for creating graphics and diagrams
\RequirePackage{tikz-3dplot} % for 3D graphics in TikZ
\RequirePackage{pgfplots} % for creating plots and diagrams
\RequirePackage[most]{tcolorbox} % for creating colored boxes and frames
\RequirePackage{microtype} % Improves typography
\RequirePackage{indentfirst} % Indent the first paragraph of a section
% Setup caption style
% Reduce the itemize item separation
% \usepackage[explicit]{titlesec}
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
decorations.pathreplacing, % Create decorative path elements that replace parts of the original path.
decorations.pathmorphing, % Create decorative path elements that morph the original path.
decorations.markings, % Place decorations along a path.
shapes.multipart, % Create nodes with multiple parts.
shapes.geometric, % Provide additional geometric shapes.
arrows.meta, % Define arrowheads for paths.
tikzmark, % Place markers on a path or in a TikZ picture.
fadings, % Create gradient and transparency effects.
arrows, % Provide additional arrowheads.
angles, % Measure and display angles between lines.
quotes, % Place quotes on a path.
calc, % Provide additional mathematical functions.
3d, % Create three-dimensional TikZ diagrams.
% Colours - (change the hexadecimal code to the colour which you want)
\definecolor{myDColor}{HTML}{98c1d9} % Blue
\definecolor{myLColor}{HTML}{ee6c4d} % Orange
\definecolor{myVDColor}{HTML}{293241} % Dark Blue
% This command create a polygon on the left side of the section title
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay,baseline=1.5ex]
regular polygon sides = 6,
rounded corners,
regular polygon,
minimum size = 1.58cm,
ultra thick,
inner sep = 0pt,
fill = myLColor!85,
anchor = south
] at (current page.north west |- 0,-0.075) (red polygon) {};
\foreach \i in {2.5,...,4.5}{%
regular polygon sides = 6,
regular polygon,
rounded corners,
minimum size = \i cm,
ultra thick,
] at (red polygon) {};
给出”- 所以设置一个标题:
\title{My Title}
- 所以设置一个标题:
- 更正
\titleformat{\section}[display] {\normalfont\bfseries\color{myVDColor}\LARGE}{\thesection}{1em} {\polygonSection\hspace{0.5em}}
- 更正