具有可配置轴限值的 Bode 网格模板

具有可配置轴限值的 Bode 网格模板

我正在使用来自的 bodegraph 包https://ctan.org/pkg/bodegraph目的是制作一张漂亮的 A4 纸,提供具有幅度和相位特定限制的波特网格。

通过该网站上另一个问题的提示(在 MWE 中引用),我得到了一个让我基本满意的页面。


在提供的 MWE 中,我使用从 -80dB 到 +20dB 的 y 轴来绘制幅度图。我认为制作另一页 y 轴范围从 -60dB 到 +40dB 的页面很容易(分区数相同,纸张大小相同,只是轴的端点不同)。


% needs -shell-escape
% needs gnuplot installed for this to work.
% uses https://ctan.org/pkg/bodegraph
% alternatively use of https://github.com/rlkamalapurkar/bodegraph for asymptotic lines


\pagestyle{empty} %no page numbering in footer


% the scaling was taken from
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/410128/how-does-xscale-yscale-work-in-tikz
% The default unit vectors in TikZ are 1cm long, so 7 units is 7cm.
% bodegraph has as default 1 unit between the major gridlines on the x-axis (each order of magnitude).
% if diagram covers 5 orders of magnitude, ->1/5

\vspace*{0.5cm} %keep some space for the label

    gnuplot def/.append style={prefix={}},

\coordinate[label=center:\bf{Angular Frequency $\omega$}] (A) at (3,-88);
\coordinate[label=left:\bf{Magnitude in $\mathbf{\left[dB\right]}$}] (B) at (0,25);

\OrdBode{10} % y axis step
\semilog{-1}{7}{-80}{20} % {décade mini}{décade maxi}{ymini}{ymaxi}

\begin{scope}[yshift = -15.5cm, yscale=12/270]
\coordinate[label=left:\bf{Angular Frequency $\omega$}] (C) at (3.7,-88-110);
\coordinate[label=left:\bf{Phase in $\mathbf{\left[^{\circ}\right]}$}] (D) at (-0.5,105);


